Classroom Resources

Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday 04/30 Math - MathCAP Assessment

Purpose: I can answer questions about math to show my progress towards end-of-the-year learning goals.
  1. Math Skills Practice:
  2. Prepare your space by clearing your area, setting up your office, and having headphones ready.
  3. Go to the testing site: FastBridge Assessments
    • Enter your Name+Number as the login. 
    • Enter the given password. 
    • Wait for further instructions.
  4. EDM Lesson 7-12

Monday 04/30 Reading - Practice Analyzing Characters

Purpose: I can analyze characters by describing their appearance, actions, thoughts/feelings, and traits to help me form an opinion of them.
  1. AELP:  Ms. Roode is indisposed this morning, please wait for her to come get you.
  2. Small Group: Be ready to practice analyzing characters in a small group meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Analyze Characters" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • Appearance
    • Actions of the character
    • Thoughts/feelings the character has
    • What character trait best describes them?
    • Your opinion of the character (like/dislike, connections, etc)
  4. Free Reading Time

Monday 04/30 Social Studies - The Bill of Rights

Purpose: I can describe why a bill of rights was important to Americans.
  1. Engagement: The Bill of Rights Preview
    • Textbook page 201
    • Interactive Student Notebook page 85
  2. Link: Define the following words on your Bill of Rights Vocabulary Document:
    • amendment
    • Bill of Rights
    • jury
    • ratify
    • due process
    • prejudice
    • civil
    • appeal
  3. Extension: Liberty's Kids - We the People

Monday 04/30 Writing - Using Sensory Details and Images to Describe a Month

Purpose: I can use sensory details and images to describe a month.
  1. Connection:  "September" ReadWorksDigital Article
  2. Teaching: Today I want to teach you that poets use sensory details to help their audience see, hear, smell, taste, and feel what's happening.  This can be done as you write about concrete or abstract things.
  3. Engagement: "September"
  4. Link: Independent Writing Time
    • Add to the list you started in the quick-write.
    • Write words and images for a different month.
    • Use sensory details to describe any other topics.

Monday 04/30 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Padlock Video and Practice Schedule
  2. Have your Writing materials ready
  3. Read and comprehend "September" @ ReadWorks Digital
***State Capitol Building Field Trip on THURSDAY:
Wear your 5th Grade Class t-shirt***

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday 04/27 Math - King Clutch

Purpose: I can use my problem solving skills to solve a difficult math task involving comparing fractions and ratios.
  1. Warm-Up: Converting Fractions to Decimals
  2. Practice: Converting Fractions to Decimals Practice
  3. Application: King Clutch 3-Act Math
  4. Link: Sum of School Math Packet

Friday 04/27 Social Studies - The Constitutional Convention

Purpose: I can describe the issues delegates debated at the Constitutional Convention.
  1. Teaching:: The Constitutional Convention (Textbook page 196 - 199)
  2. Engagement: Interactive Student Notebook page 82
  3. Link: Finish your U.S. Constitution Vocabulary Document.
  4. Extension: Branches of Power Interactive

Friday 04/27 - aReading FastBridge Assessment

Purpose: I can answer questions about reading to show my progress towards end-of-the-year learning goals.
  1. Reading Skills Practice: Choose from these Cloze Reading Activities
  2. Prepare your space by clearing your area, setting up your office, and having headphones ready.
  3. Go to the testing site: FastBridge Assessments
    • Enter your Name+Number as the login. 
    • Enter the given password. 
    • Wait for further instructions.
  4. Thinking and Writing About Your Reading: "Analyze Characters" Response is due Tuesday:
    • Appearance
    • Actions of the character
    • Thoughts/feelings the character has
    • What character trait best describes them?
    • Your opinion of the character (like/dislike, connections, etc)

Friday 04/27 Writing - Argument Writing Celebration

Purpose: I can share my argument writing and reflect on my knowledge of argument.
  1. Connection:   Remember, that as research-based argument writers, you have made remarkable strides.  But you aren't done growing!  By sharing your writing and reflecting on your knowledge of argument, you will be able to maintain an attitude of continuous striving and empowerment.  YOU can make the world a better place through your writing.
  2. Engagement:  Argument Essay Celebration
    • Share your argument writing with your group as if you were giving a speech: make eye contact, emphasize your points, and engage your audience.
    • As an audience member, respectfully evaluate each of your peer's research-based argument essay.
  3. Application:  Argument Flash Draft

Friday 04/27 Morning Warm-Up

  1. OPTIONAL: Westwood 5th Grade Honors Assembly Leader Application (DUE TODAY)
  2. What is Westwood's 2nd Annual Summer Book Drive?
  3. Scenes from The Great Debaters
***Padlock Video and Practice Schedule***

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday 04/26 Social Studies - Checks & Balances System

Purpose: I can describe how the Checks & Balances System works for our branches of government.
  1. Connection: Constitutional Power Game
  2. Teaching: Limiting Power - Checks and Balances (Textbook page 194 - 195)
  3. Engagement: U.S. Government Exploration @ TrueFlix
    • Choose an element of our government you want to learn more about.
    • Record THREE things you learned from reading.
    • Identify TWO things you already knew.
    • Ask ONE question you are wondering about.
  4. Link: Finish your U.S. Constitution Vocabulary Document.
  5. Extension: Branches of Power Interactive

Thursday 04/26 Reading - Figurative Language

Purpose: I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes.
  1. S.T., S.N.E., and A.R.P.H.: Have your "Connections" Response ready to share
  2. Review: Finding Metaphors in Hit Songs and Poems
  3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading:  "Figurative Language" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • Identify examples of figurative from your reading.
    • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes.
    • Free Reading Time

    Thursday 04/26 Writing - Argument Essay Celebrations

    Purpose: I can share my argument writing and reflect on my knowledge of argument.
    1. Connection:  The Great Debaters Final Debate
    2. Teaching:   Today I want to teach you that as research-based argument writers, you have made remarkable strides.  But you aren't done growing!  By sharing your writing and reflecting on your knowledge of argument, you will be able to maintain an attitude of continuous striving and empowerment.  YOU can make the world a better place through your writing.
    3. Engagement:  Argument Essay Celebration
      • Finish your argument essay OR practice reading your writing aloud using Vocaroo
      • Share your argument writing with your group as if you were giving a speech: make eye contact, emphasize your points, and engage your audience.
      • As an audience member, respectfully evaluate each of your peer's research-based argument essay.

    Thursday 04/26 Morning Warm-Up

    1. Thursday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time
    2. OPTIONAL: Westwood 5th Grade Honors Assembly Leader Application (DUE TOMORROW)
    3. Have your Writing materials ready then reread your argument writing.
    ***Padlock Video and Practice Schedule***

    Wednesday, April 25, 2018

    Wednesday 04/25 Social Studies - Constitutional Power Game

    Purpose: I can use my knowledge of the powers held by each branch of government.
    1. Connection:  Three Ring Government- It's Our Political Circus!!
    2. Engagement: Constitutional Power Game
      • Interactive Student Notebook page 80 - 81
      • Textbook page 188 - 193
    3. Link: FINISH your U.S. Constitution Vocabulary Document.
    4. Extension: Branches of Power Interactive

    Wednesday 04/25 Reading - Figurative Language

    Purpose: I can discuss my connections with my book club to deepen my understanding of the characters in my text.
    1. Engagement: Figuratively Twittering Room 24
    2. Application: Read and comprehend "A Juicy Problem" @ ReadWorks Digital
    3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading:  "Figurative Language" Response is due Friday:
      • Identify examples of figurative from your reading.
      • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes.
      • Free Reading Time

      Wednesday 04/25 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Have your Library Check-Out materials ready
      2. OPTIONAL: Westwood 5th Grade Honors Assembly Leader Application (DUE FRIDAY)
      3. Complete this Hamster Survey and this Twitch Survey
      4. Free Read Quietly

      ***Padlock Video and Practice Schedule***

      Tuesday, April 24, 2018

      Tuesday 04/24 Social Studies - Constitutional Powers Game

      Purpose: I can use my knowledge of the powers held by each branch of government.
      1. Connection:  Main Responsibility, Members, and Key Powers of each branch
      2. Engagement: Constitutional Power Game
        • Interactive Student Notebook page 80 - 81
        • Textbook page 188 - 193
      3. Link: FINISH your U.S. Constitution Vocabulary Document.
      4. Extension: Branches of Power Interactive

      Tuesday 04/24 Reading - Discuss Connections

      Purpose: I can discuss my connections with my book club to deepen my understanding of the characters in my text.
      1. Book Club Meeting: Have your "Connections" Response ready to share
      2. Review: Figurative Language @ Quizizz
      3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading:  "Figurative Language" Response is due Friday:
        • Identify examples of figurative from your reading.
        • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes.
      4. Complete these "Everyday Research" Surveys
      5. Free Reading Time

      Tuesday 04/24 Writing - Writers Add Detailed Explanations to Defend Their Position

      Purpose: As an argument writer, I can add detailed explanations to defend my position.
      1. Connection:  Altering Language and Tone
      2. Teaching:   Today I want to teach you that writers sometimes have to reconsider a part of their argument where a generalized, blanket statement was made.  Developing a detailed explanation to sharpen their position and explain their thinking is a way increase the validity of the argument.
      3. Engagement:  Writers Add Detailed Explanations to Defend Their Position
      4. Next Steps: Finish reworking your argument draft.
        • Increase the validity of your argument by altering your language and tone OR by adding detailed explanations.
        • Add powerful quotes to strengthen your argument.
        • Gather and rewrite evidence in your own words.
        • Explicitly connect your reasons to your evidence: don't make your readers infer!
        • Continually ask yourself, "What are you trying to teach/show/make your reader believe?"

      Tuesday 04/24 Morning Warm-Up

      1. OPTIONAL: Westwood 5th Grade Honors Assembly Leader Application (DUE FRIDAY)
      2. If you have had a Westwood Leadership Role this year, complete this survey.
      3. Complete these "Everyday Research" Surveys
      4. Have your Writing materials ready then take stock of your draft:
        • Have I added in my quotes?
        • Have I added my thinking to my evidence?
        • Have I tried out an introduction or conclusion?
        • What do I still need to accomplish to make my research-based argument essay strong?
      ***Padlock Video and Practice Schedule***

      Monday, April 23, 2018

      Monday 04/23 Math - Collecting and Using Fractional Data

      Purpose: I can organize and represent fractional data on line plots then solve problems from the data.

      Monday 04/23 Reading - Making Connections

      Purpose: I can make connections while I read to better understand the characters thoughts, feelings, and choices.
      1. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Making Connections" Response is due Tuesday:
        • Quote what you read.
        • Describe how you connected.
        • Identify the connection type.
      2. Free Reading Time

      Monday 04/23 Social Studies - The Branches of Government

      Purpose: I can identify the main responsibility, members, and key powers of the branches of government.
      1. Connection:  The U.S. Constitution Workshop
      2. Engagement: The Branches of Government
        • Interactive Student Notebook page 81
        • Textbook page 188 - 193
      3. Link: Continue working on your U.S. Constitution Vocabulary Document.
      4. Extension: Branches of Power Interactive

      Monday 04/23 Writing - Evaluating the Validity of Your Argument

      Purpose: As an argument writer, I can strengthen my claim by making sure my evidence doesn't depend on flawed reasoning.
      1. Connection:  I Believe You
      2. Teaching:   Today I want to teach you that truly persuasive writers word and present their evidence in a way that is incontestable, there are no flaws in their reasons.  One way they do this work is to make sure that they are not presenting specific evidence as being true for all times and occasions--unless it is.
      3. Engagement:  Evaluating the Validity of Your Argument
      4. Next Steps: Continue reworking your argument draft.
        • Increase the validity of your argument by altering your language and tone.
        • Add powerful quotes to strengthen your argument.
        • Gather and rewrite evidence in your own words.
        • Explicitly connect your reasons to your evidence: don't make your readers infer!
        • Continually ask yourself, "What are you trying to teach/show/make your reader believe?"

      Monday 04/23 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Monday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time
      2. OPTIONAL: Westwood 5th Grade Honors Assembly Leader Application (DUE FRIDAY)
        • Math Olympiads
        • Safety Patrol
        • Reading Relays
      3. Complete these "Everyday Research" Surveys
      4. Have your Writing materials ready then reread your evidence and argument writing.
      ***Padlock Video and Practice Schedule***

      Friday, April 20, 2018

      Friday 04/20 Social Studies - The Branches of Government

      Purpose: I can identify the main responsibility, members, and key powers of the branches of government.

      1. Connection:  The U.S. Constitution Workshop
      2. Engagement: The Branches of Government
        • Interactive Student Notebook page 81
        • Textbook page 188 - 193
      3. Link: Continue working on your U.S. Constitution Vocabulary Document.
      4. Extension: Branches of Power Interactive

      Friday 04/20 Reading - Discuss Summaries

      Purpose: I can discuss my summaries with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read.
      1. Book Club Meeting: Have your "Summarizing" Response ready to share
      2. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Making Connections" Response is due Tuesday:
        • Quote what you read.
        • Describe how you connected.
        • Identify the connection type.
      3. Complete these "Everyday Research" Surveys
      4. Free Reading Time

      Friday 04/20 Writing - Taking Stock and Setting Writing Goals

      Purpose: As an argument writer, I can take stock of my research-based argument essay and set goals for myself.
      1. Connection:  Deadlines
      2. Teaching:   Today I want to teach you that as any writer moves toward a deadline, the writer evaluates their draft often, making sure the draft is coming along and making sure to leave time for significant revision as needed.
      3. Engagement:  Taking Stock
        • Have I added in my quotes?
        • Have I added my thinking to my evidence?
        • Have I tried out an introduction or conclusion?
        • Have I been writing?
        • What do I still need to accomplish to make my research-based argument essay strong?
      4. Next Steps: Continue reworking your argument draft.
        • Add powerful quotes to strengthen your argument.
        • Gather and rewrite evidence in your own words.
        • Explicitly connect your reasons to your evidence: don't make your readers infer!
        • Continually ask yourself, "What are you trying to teach/show/make your reader believe?"

      Friday 04/20 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Display your "Summarizing" Book Club Response
      2. Have your Argument and Writing materials ready to use
      3. Read and comprehend "Recycling & Conservation: Why Recycle?" @ ReadWorks Digital
      4. Complete Samantha's Survey about Hampsters
      ***Padlock Video and Practice Schedule***

      Thursday, April 19, 2018

      Thursday 04/19 Reading - Practice Summarizing

      Purpose: I can determine the important elements of my reading by identifying the text, verb, topic, and big ideas.
      1. Connection: What is a summary again?
      2. Practice: A Pirate's Life
      3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Determine Importance by Summarizing" Response is due TOMORROW
        • Identify the text as specifically as you can.
        • State the verb that describes what the author is doing.
        • Identify the main idea of the text.
        • Record at least three supporting details.
        • Summarize at least two selections of your reading assignment.
      4. Free Reading Time

      Thursday 04/19 Social Studies - The Constitution Figurative Language

      Purpose: I can use figurative language to describe the key features of the U.S. Constitution.
      1. Connection:  The U.S. Constitution is like a three-legged stool...
      2. Engagement: The U.S. Constitution
        • Interactive Student Notebook page 80 - 81
        • Textbook page 188 - 193
      3. Link: Write a sentence for each of the following words on your U.S. Constitution Vocabulary Document:
        • Articles of Confederation
        • Constitutional Convention
        • constitution
        • checks and balances
        • legislative branch
        • executive branch
        • judicial branch
        • compromise
      4. Extension: Debate Game for Kids

      Thursday 04/19 Writing - Evaluating Evidence

      Purpose: As an argument writer, I can evaluate evidence by asking "How do you know?" to ensure that my arguments are solid.
      1. Connection:  A House of Cards
      2. Teaching:   Today I want to teach you that some reasons and evidence are better than others.  Some reasons and evidence are stronger and lead to valid arguments, and some are weaker and can create invalid arguments.  To be sure you provide the strongest possible reasons and evidence, it helps to keep asking the question, "How do you know?" and be sure that you can give precise exact answers.
      3. Engagement:  Evaluating Evidence
      4. Next Steps: Continue reworking your argument draft by adding in evaluated evidence.
        • Add powerful quotes to strengthen your argument.
        • Gather and rewrite evidence in your own words.
        • Explicitly connect your reasons to your evidence: don't make your readers infer!
        • Continually ask yourself, "What are you trying to teach/show/make your reader believe?"

      Thursday 04/19 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Thursday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time 
      2. Have your Argument and Writing materials ready to use
      3. Read and comprehend "News Debate: Cashing In" @ ReadWorks Digital
      4. Complete this survey for Charles' Research-Based Argument Writing

      Padlock Video and Practice Schedule

      Wednesday, April 18, 2018

      Wednesday 04/18 Writing - Everyday Research

      Purpose: As an argument writer, I can find some of my most persuasive evidence in everyday life.
      1. Connection:  The Interview
      2. Teaching:   Today I want to teach you that writers turn the world upside down to collect the information they need to clarify their writing and strengthen their arguments.  As writers discover and collect information from their environment, they are thoughtful and deliberate as they decide what to include and how to include it.
      3. Engagement:  Everyday Research
      4. Next Steps: Begin reworking your new argument draft by adding in precise, specific, and dense information.
        • Add powerful quotes to strengthen your argument.
        • Gather and rewrite evidence in your own words.
        • Explicitly connect your reasons to your evidence: don't make your readers infer!
        • Continually ask yourself, "What are you trying to teach/show/make your reader believe?"

      Wednesday 04/18 Reading - Practice Summarizing

      Purpose: I can determine the important elements of my reading by identifying the text, verb, topic, and big ideas.
      1. Engagement: Determine the topic of each text.
      2. Practice: Monsters to the Rescue
      3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Determine Importance by Summarizing" Response is due Friday
        • Identify the text as specifically as you can.
        • State the verb that describes what the author is doing.
        • Identify the main idea of the text.
        • Record at least three supporting details.
        • Summarize at least two selections of your reading assignment.
      4. Free Reading Time

      Wednesday 04/18 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Have your Library Check-Out materials ready
      2. Complete this Chocolate Milk Survey
      3. Free Read Quietly

      ***Padlock Video and Practice Schedule***

      Tuesday, April 17, 2018

      Tuesday 04/17 Math - Classifying Quadrilaterals

      Purpose: I can classify quadrilaterals in a hierarchy based on properties.

      Link:  Independently classify quadrilaterals based on their properties by completing these interactive:

      Tuesday 04/17 Reading - Discuss Inferences

      Purpose: I can share my inferences so I can better understand characters.
      1. Book Club Meeting: Have your "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response ready to share
      2. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading:"Determine Importance by Summarizing" Response is due Friday
        • Identify the text as specifically as you can.
        • State the verb that describes what the author is doing.
        • Identify the main idea of the text.
        • Record at least three supporting details.
        • Summarize at least two selections of your reading assignment.
      3. Free Reading Time

      Tuesday 04/17 Social Studies - Introduction to the U.S. Constitution

      Purpose: I can identify the key features of the U.S. Constitution.
      1. Connection: The American Revolution
      2. Learning: Introduction to the U.S. Constitution
        • Interactive Student Notebook page 79
        • Textbook page 187
      3. Engagement:  The U.S. Constitution is like a three-legged stool because...
      4. Link: Define the following words on your U.S. Constitution Vocabulary Document:
        • Articles of Confederation
        • Constitutional Convention
        • constitution
        • checks and balances
        • legislative branch
        • executive branch
        • judicial branch
        • compromise
      5. Extension:  Liberty's Kids - The Man Who Wouldn't Be King