Classroom Resources

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thursday 04/19 Writing - Evaluating Evidence

Purpose: As an argument writer, I can evaluate evidence by asking "How do you know?" to ensure that my arguments are solid.
  1. Connection:  A House of Cards
  2. Teaching:   Today I want to teach you that some reasons and evidence are better than others.  Some reasons and evidence are stronger and lead to valid arguments, and some are weaker and can create invalid arguments.  To be sure you provide the strongest possible reasons and evidence, it helps to keep asking the question, "How do you know?" and be sure that you can give precise exact answers.
  3. Engagement:  Evaluating Evidence
  4. Next Steps: Continue reworking your argument draft by adding in evaluated evidence.
    • Add powerful quotes to strengthen your argument.
    • Gather and rewrite evidence in your own words.
    • Explicitly connect your reasons to your evidence: don't make your readers infer!
    • Continually ask yourself, "What are you trying to teach/show/make your reader believe?"

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