Classroom Resources

Monday, April 2, 2018

Monday 04/02 Writing - Supporting Author's Purpose

Purpose: As a writer, I can evaluate my purpose to help REdraft my research report.
  1. Connection:  Author's Purpose
  2. Teaching:   Today I want to teach you that an author will continually reinforce their purpose throughout a piece of information writing.  Support of a purpose should be present in every section of a research report.
  3. Evaluation:  Look over your research report; can you easily determine your purpose in every section?  What statements or information can you add to better support your purpose?
  4. Application: REdraft your report using our Information Writing Checklist
    • Avoid contractions--instead of didn't or weren't, try did not or were not.
    • Use expert language from your research.
    • Use fancy transition words like thereforeadditionallyin other words, and on the other hand.
    • Use your checklist to identify and complete your "Not Yet" and "Starting To" elements.

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