Classroom Resources

Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday 04/09 Writing - Using Evidence to Build Arguments

Purpose: As an argument writer, I can conduct research and provide evidence that supports my claim.
  1. Connection:  Prove It.
  2. Teaching:   Today I want to teach you that argument writers don't just say what they think personally.  They give compelling evidence to prove their point.  To do this, they pore over research materials, analyzing which evidence will really support their claim--perhaps the exact evidence that convinced them in the first place--and they often start by putting that evidence into their letters in their own words.
  3. Engagement:  Evaluating the use of Text Evidence
  4. Application: Reread your draft and add evidence to strengthen your argument.
    • Paraphrase!  Rewrite evidence in your own words.
    • Explicitly connect your reasons to your evidence: don't make your readers infer!
    • Continually ask yourself, "What are you trying to teach/show/make your reader believe?"

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