Classroom Resources

Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday 04/16 Reading - Quoting Accurately to Infer Practice

Purpose: I can make meaningful inferences about characters as I quote accurately.
  1. Connection:  Inferences
  2. Teaching:  Today I want to teach you that when we think about characters, we can make meaningful inferences.  When we study characters, we can make inferences about...
    • Their feelings and traits
    • How they change
    • What they want
    • How they respond to difficulty
    • The ways they are complicated
    • The ways they act with different people
    • The ways they act in different contexts or situations
    • How they are on the inside versus the outside
  3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response is due Tuesday
    • Identify FIVE inferences you have while reading.
    • Quote accurately using the author's exact words.
    • Explain your inference.
    • Free Reading Time

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