Classroom Resources

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thursday 05/31 Morning Warm-Up and Schedule

Clap & Jive during our entrance
Be quiet during the instrumental section
There are speakers near the stage: be very careful as you walk up and down the steps
  1. Last call for library books and classroom materials.
  2. Place your report card and other awards/certificates in your Take Home Folder.
  3. Dylan, Allen, Griffin, and Matthew: Please go to the gym to help Mr. Drake set up chairs.
7:45 - 8:05 Arrival
8:05 - 8:30 LAST Rehearsal
8:30 - 9:10 "One Word" Activity
9:10 - 9:25 Sign Yearbooks
9:30 - 10:30 5th Grade End-of-Year Celebration

10:30 - 11:30 End-of-Year Writing Stations
11:30 - 12:05 To Be Determined
12:05 - 12:55 Lunch and Recess
12:55 - 2:45 To Be Determined

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wednesday 05/30 Morning Warm-Up

***Be on the look-out for classroom books & materials you may have stashed away***
  1. Place all the flyers in your Take Home Folder
  2. FINISH your end-of-year projects
  3. Review our Selfie Slide Presentation: Let Mr. E know if any changes need to be made.
***5th Grade Celebration Practice @ 11:30 for 4th Grade***
Clap & Jive during our entrance
Be quiet during instrumental section

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Tuesday 05/29 Math - The Game of Life

Purpose: I can accurately add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimal numbers.

Tuesday 05/29 Writing - Poetry Collection Celebration

Purpose: I can read, enjoy, analyze, and discuss my peers' poetry.
  1. Read your classmates' Poetry Collections: WE WILL START WITH PARTNER #1 AND WORK THROUGH THEM IN ORDER, ONE BY ONE.
  2. Analyze their use of different poetry styles and concepts:
    • I like your use of ______ in...
    • The way you _____ reminds me of...
    • I think you could add more _____ in...
    • Your _____ poem made me feel...
    • Maybe you could try...
    • I like the part of ____ where...
    • I was wondering...
    • _____ stuck with me because...
  3. Share and discuss with your partner: CELEBRATE AND PROVIDE FEEDBACK

Tuesday 05/29 Reading -

  1. Book Club: Have your "Characters" Response ready to share
  2. Thinking and Writing About Your Reading: "Describing the Plot" Response AS A GROUP:
    • The Beginning
    • The Exciting Incident
    • The Rising Action
    • The Climax
    • The Falling Action
    • The Ending
  3. Show to Mr. E, then turn in your Book Club book.
  4. FINALIZE your poetry collection and be ready to share @ 11:20

Tuesday 05/29 Leadership - Advice For a 2nd Grader

As nearly-done 5th graders, you each have important knowledge--and it must be passed on!

As a leader, write a letter to a 2nd grader in Mrs. Rohlf's classroom:

  • Give positive advice and guidance to help a younger student succeed in elementary school.
  • Detail the upcoming activities (both in the classroom and out) they will participate in.
  • Be sure to thank them for being our buddy, especially the May Day baskets.
  • Use your best writing skills, your letter should be around 1/2 a page long.
Have your letter ready to deliver at 10:00.

Tuesday 05/29 Morning Warm-Up

***Upcoming Events***
Summer Book Giveaway then
Game Time with Buddy Class TODAY @ 10:00
  1. Review your place in our 5th Grade Celebration Arrangement:
    • Practice from 8:05 - 8:30
    • Dress Rehearsal for 2nd Graders
  2. FINISH your end-of-year projects
  3. Search for an inspirational quote to help a younger student then free read or write quietly
***Be on the look-out for classroom books & materials you may have stashed away***

Friday, May 25, 2018

Friday 05/25 Math - Essential Standards Check #8

Purpose: I can show my understanding and skills with our math essential standards.
  1. Warm-Up: Correctly complete at least FIVE questions in a row of each type of Operations with Fractions Practice
  2. Assessment: Math Essential Skills Check #8
  3. Lesson 8-9 Agenda
    1. Math Journal page 305 (PARTNER) 
    2. Unit 8 Math Packet page 323 (IND.) 
    3. Math Journal pages 306 - 307 (IND.)
    4. Play Doggone Decimal @ EDM Online 
    5. Math Skills Practice: Free Choice
    6. H.W.: HomeLink 8-9

Friday 05/25 Reading - Discuss Conflict

  1. Book Club: Have your "Conflict" Response ready to share
  2. Thinking and Writing About Your Reading: "Analyze Characters" Response is due Tuesday:
    • Appearance
    • Actions of the character
    • Thoughts/feelings the character has
    • What character trait best describes them?
    • Your opinion of the character (like/dislike, connections, etc)
  3. Free Reading Time

Friday 05/25 Writing - Publish Poetry

Purpose: I can edit, revise, improve, and publish my poetry to show different styles and concepts.
  1. Connection: What do you have left to do to finish publishing your poetry collection?
  2. Application: Be sure to have atleast one poem that represents each concept/tool.
    • Metaphor and/or Simile 
    • Personification 
    • Alliteration and/or Onomatopoeia 
    • Repetition 
    • Concrete/Shape
    • Acrostic 
    • Haiku 
    • Ode
    • BioPoem
    • CHALLENGE! Limerick: How-To and Examples
  3. Create your front cover, back cover, and illustrate your poems.

Friday 05/25 Morning Warm-Up

***Upcoming Events***
Summer Book Giveaway and
Game Time with Buddy Class: Tuesday 05/29
  1. Review your place in our 5th Grade Celebration Arrangement:
    • Practice from 8:05 - 8:30
    • Travel in our line order, and as we enter sit in two rows.
  2. FINISH your end-of-year projects
  3. Free Read or Write Quietly

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thursday 05/24 Reading - Describe Conflict

  1. Review: Types of Conflict
  2. Application: Identify Conflict
  3. Thinking and Writing About Your Reading: "Describing Conflict" Response is due Friday:  
    • Identify at least two conflicts that are driving your plot.
    • Describe the conflicts you identified by writing about who the struggles are between, why, and how they might be solved.
    • Compose a paragraph using your outline.
  4. Free Reading Time

Character Award Vote

Thursday 05/24 Science - The Nervous System

Purpose: I can explain how the nervous system works with other body systems.
  1. Review: OUR Understanding of the Digestive & Excretory Systems
  2. Connection:  Nervous System Challenge
  3. Engagement & Learning: "The Nervous System" (textbook pages 202 - 205)
  4. Extension: Bill Nye The Brain

Thursday 05/24 Writing - Finish Publishing Poetry

Purpose: I can edit, revise, improve, and publish my poetry to show different styles and concepts.
  1. Connection: Poets and authors often imitate others as they develop their own skills; how can you borrow metaphors as you create your own poems?
  2. Application: Publish your poetry into a collection that includes a variety of styles and concepts.  Be sure to have atleast one poem that represents each concept/tool.
    • Metaphor and/or Simile 
    • Personification 
    • Alliteration and/or Onomatopoeia 
    • Repetition 
    • Concrete/Shape
    • Acrostic 
    • Haiku 
    • Ode
    • BioPoem
    • CHALLENGE! Limerick: How-To and Examples
  3. Create your front cover, back cover, and illustrate your poems.

Thursday 05/24 Morning Warm-Up

***Upcoming Events***
Kirkendall Summer Reading Presentation @ 8:45
5th Grade Celebration Practice @ 11:30
Safety Patrol Picnic @ 12:00
  1. Watch this advertisement for Westwood's 2nd Annual Summer Book Drive: BRING IN BOOKS!!!
  2. Review The Art of the Metaphor and Examples
  3. FINISH your BioPoem, Self Portrait, and/or Selfie Slide
  4. Free Read or Write Quietly

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Wednesday 05/23 Reading - Describing Conflict

  1. Book Club: Have your "Summarizing" Response ready to share
  2. Thinking and Writing About Your Reading: "Describing Conflict" Response is due Friday:  
    • Identify at least two conflicts that are driving your plot.
    • Describe the conflicts you identified by writing about who the struggles are between, why, and how they might be solved.
    • Compose a paragraph using your outline.
  3. Free Reading Time

Wednesday 05/23 Science - Digestive and Excretory Systems

Purpose: I can explain how the skeletal & muscular systems help the digestive & excretory systems do their jobs.
  1. Connection: YOUR Understanding of the Transport Systems
  2. Engagement & Learning: Digestive and Excretory Systems (textbook pages 198 - 201)
  3. Extension: Bill Nye Digestion

Wednesday 05/23 Morning Warm-Up

***Upcoming Events***
Kirkendall Summer Reading Presentation: TOMORROW
Safety Patrol Picnic: TOMORROW
  1. Have any remaining Westwood Media Center books ready to return
  2. Read and comprehend "Pumping Up the Heart" @ ReadWorks Digital
  3. FINISH your BioPoem, Self Portrait, and/or Selfie Slide
  4. Free Read or Write Quietly

***Drum AND Ukulele Practice @ 9:55***

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

5th Grade End-of-Year Celebration: Selfie & Memory Slide

5th Grade End-of-Year Celebration: Selfie & Memory Slide
  1. Make a copy of the Template
  2. Only you may be in your “selfie” and you must smile so it is easy for the audience to tell who you are.
  3. Do not change the font type, size, or color; we want the audience to easily read each name and memory.
  4. Change the background color/design so it is personalized for you!
  5. Submit a VIEW ONLY link to the community doc by Thursday morning.

Tuesday 05/22 Reading - Discuss Setting

Purpose: I can share and discuss the setting of my story to help myself and others understand how the time, place, and environment impact the plot.

  1. Book Club: Have your "Setting" Response ready to share @ 10:30
  2. Thinking and Writing About Your Reading: "Determine Importance by Summarizing" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • You should summarize at least two selections of your reading assignment.
    • First, identify the text as specifically as you can.
    • Then, state the verb that describes what the author does with their writing.
    • Next, identify the topic of the text selection--what the text is mostly about.
    • Last, record at least three big ideas that support the topic of the selection.
    • Finally, use your outline to write a summary paragraph.
  3. Free Reading Time

Tuesday 05/22 Writing - Publish Poetry

Purpose: I can edit, revise, improve, and publish my poetry to show different styles and concepts.
  1. Connection: Visual Elements of Poetry
  2. Application: Publish your poetry into a collection that includes a variety of styles and concepts.  Be sure to have atleast one poem that represents each concept/tool.
    • Metaphor and/or Simile 
    • Personification 
    • Alliteration and/or Onomatopoeia 
    • Repetition 
    • Concrete/Shape
    • Acrostic 
    • Haiku 
    • Ode
    • BioPoem
    • CHALLENGE! Limerick: How-To and Examples
  3. Create your front cover, back cover, and illustrate your poems.

Tuesday 05/22 Morning Warm-Up

***Upcoming Events***
Frog Park Trip during PE
Lunch on the Lawn: TODAY
Safety Patrol Picnic: Thursday 05/24
  1. Review your place in our 5th Grade Celebration Arrangement:
    • Practice from 8:05 - 8:30
    • Travel in our line order, and as we enter sit in two rows.
    • Listen to and follow Ms. Miller's directions
  2. FINISH your BioPoem and/or Self Portrait
  3. Review Visual Poetry
  4. Free Read or Write Quietly
***Drum AND Ukulele Practice @ 8:30***

Monday, May 21, 2018

Monday 05/21 Science - Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

Purpose: I can explain how the circulatory system and respiratory system work together to deliver oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.
  1. Connection: Heart Facts
  2. Teaching Point: Today I want to teach you that your circulatory system can be thought of as a road network within a city.  Like a road system, it carries food to individual homes and carries waste away.  There are major highways (arteries and veins), and side alleyways (capillaries).  In our bodies, blood is a specialized bodily fluid that flows down the roads which carry nutrients and oxygen to cells and carries wastes like carbon dioxide and urea away.  The only way to get the oxygen in (and the carbon dioxide out) is through the lungs, flown in through the "city's" airport.
  3. Engagement & Learning: "Circulatory and Respiratory Systems"
  4. Link: Show Your Understanding

Monday 05/21 Writing - Publish Poetry

Purpose: I can edit, revise, improve, and publish my poetry to show different styles and concepts.
  1. Connection: What Makes a Poem a Poem?
  2. Application: Publish your poetry into a collection that includes a variety of styles and concepts.  Be sure to have atleast one poem that represents each concept/tool.
    • Metaphor and/or Simile 
    • Personification 
    • Alliteration and/or Onomatopoeia 
    • Repetition 
    • Concrete/Shape
    • Acrostic 
    • Haiku 
    • Ode
    • BioPoem
    • CHALLENGE: Limerick! How-To and Examples
  3. Create your front cover, back cover, and illustrate your poems.

Monday 05/21 Morning Warm-Up

***Upcoming Events***
Lunchtime Band Performance: TODAY @ 10:40
Lunch on the Lawn: TOMORROW
Safety Patrol Picnic: Thursday 05/24
  1. Review your place in our 5th Grade Celebration Arrangement:
    • Practice from 8:05 - 8:30
    • Travel in our line order, and as we enter sit in two rows.
    • Listen to and follow Ms. Miller's directions
  2. Review What Makes a Poem a Poem
  3. FINISH your BioPoem and/or Self Portrait
  4. Free Read or Write Quietly
***Ukulele-ers Practice @ 8:30***

Friday, May 18, 2018

Friday 05/18 Reading - Describing the Setting

  1. Thinking and Writing About Your Reading: "Describe the Setting" Response is due Monday:
    • Describe the time, place, and environment of your book in a written paragraph
    • Draw a map of the main setting.
    • Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.
  2. Free Reading Time

Friday 05/18 Science - Skeletal & Muscular Systems

Purpose: I can explain how the skeletal system and muscular system work together to perform movements.
  1. Connection: Concrete and Granite
  2. Teaching Point: Today I want to teach you that your movement is made possible because of your body's systems--the skeletal and muscular systems--working together.
  3. Engagement & Learning: "Skeletal and Muscular Systems"
  4. Link: Show Your Understanding

Friday 05/18 Writing - Poetry Publishing

Purpose: I can edit, revise, improve, and publish my poetry to show different styles and concepts.
  1. Connection: Review Literary Concepts and Poetry Tools
  2. Application: Publish your poetry into a collection that includes a variety of styles and concepts.  Be sure to have atleast one poem that represents each concept/tool.
    • Metaphor and/or Simile 
    • Personification 
    • Alliteration and/or Onomatopoeia 
    • Repetition 
    • Shape/Stanzas 
    • Acrostic 
    • Haiku 
    • Ode

Friday 05/18 Morning Warm-Up

***Upcoming Events***
Westwood Field Day: TODAY @ 12:30
Lunchtime Band Performance: Monday 05/21
Lunch on the Lawn: Tuesday 05/22
  1. Review your place in our 5th Grade Celebration Arrangement:
    • Practice from 8:05 - 8:20
    • Listen to and follow Ms. Miller's directions
  2. FINISH your BioPoem and/or Self Portrait
  3. Free Read or Write Quietly
***Special Olympics Athlete Send-Off @ 8:25***

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Thursday 05/17 Reading - Share Inferences

Purpose: I can share and discuss questions from my story to help myself and others understand the responses we made to the text.
  1. Book Club: Have your "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response ready to share
  2. Thinking and Writing About Your Reading: "Describe the Setting" Response is due Monday:
    • Describe the time, place, and environment of your book in a written paragraph
    • Draw a map of the main setting.
    • Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.
  3. Free Reading Time

Thursday 05/17 Science - Systems of the Human Body Vocabulary

Purpose: I can define, understand, and use words/phrases related to the study of Systems of the Human Body.
  1. Connection: Organ/System Brainstorm
  2. Teaching & Learning: "Introduction" and "Science Vocabulary" on textbook pages 182 - 185.
  3. Engagement: Systems of the Human Body Vocabulary Chart
  4. Link: Read "Organ Systems" on textbook pages 186 - 187 and show your understanding.

Thursday 05/17 Writing - Odes

Purpose: I can write poetry that celebrates ordinary things as quite extraordinary.
  1. Connection: The BEST gift
  2. Teaching Point: Today I want to teach you that an ode is a type of poem that celebrates something ordinary as quite extraordinary.
  3. Engagement: Use this procedure when working on your odes
    1. Pick an ordinary place or thing.
    2. Give your subject praise or thanks. (Oh, _____________!)
    3. Speak directly to the object.
    4. Use adjectives to describe it.
    5. Use verbs to bring that object to life. (Personification)
    6. Use repeated lines.
  4. Link: Independent Writing Time
    • Write haiku following the traditional structure
    • Write acrostic poems about people, places, things, and ideas you know well (Acrostic Poem Interactive)
    • Write poems about things that move or make noise.
    • Continue using structure to communicate your content.
    • Continue using sensory words to describe weather.
    • Continue personifying objects.
    • Continue to write words and images for times of the year.
    • Use sensory details to describe any other topic.

Thursday 05/17 Morning Warm-Up

***Upcoming Events***
Westwood Field Day: TOMORROW @ 12:35
Lunchtime Band Performance: Monday 05/21
Lunch on the Lawn: Tuesday 05/22
  1. Thursday Band Lessons: Check your lesson times
  2. Have your Writing materials ready
  3. Padlock Video and Practice Schedule
  4. Preview our next poetry focus for today.
  5. Free Read or Write Quietly

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wednesday 05/16 Science - Classifying Vertebrates

Purpose: I can classify living organisms by describing, providing examples of, and visualizing vertebrates.
  1. Connection: Vertebrates
  2. Engagement: FINISH Classifying Vertebrates
    • Textbook pages 28-37
    • Describe the group
    • Identify examples
    • Provide an image for each example
  3. Link: Read and comprehend "Plants and Animals" at ReadWorks Digital
  4. Extension: Bill Nye Videos

Wednesday 05/16 Reading - Quoting Accurately to Infer

  1. Word Work: Vocabulary Surge Lesson 11 Day 7
  2. Thinking and Writing About Your Reading: "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response is due TOMORROW
    • Identify FIVE inferences you have while reading.
    • Quote accurately using the author's exact words.
    • Explain your inference.

Wednesday 05/16 Leader in Me Survey

Wednesday 05/16 Morning Warm-Up

***Upcoming Events***
Go the Distance Day: TODAY @ 1:45
Westwood Field Day: Friday @ 12:35
Lunchtime Band Performance: Monday 05/21
  1. Padlock Video and Practice Schedule
  2. Josie and Madalynn: Check your eMail
  3. Have your Library Checkout Materials ready
  4. Free Read Quietly
***5th Grade Ceremony Musicians Practice TODAY:
  • Drummers @ 9:55 Isaiah and Millie
  • Ukulele-ers @ 10:15 Alyssa, Ashley, and Emily

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tuesday 05/15 Morning Warm-Up

***5th Grade Track Meet TODAY***
Bring your cold lunch in and place it in one of the bins, then stow any of your extra stuff under your desk.  The bus should be here about 8:40-8:45. The track meet starts at 9:00.  Remember our expectations for behavior: RespectfulResponsible, and Safe.
  1. Review your place in our 5th Grade Celebration Arrangement:
    • Listen to and follow Ms. Miller's directions
  2. Work on your BioPoem and/or Self Portrait
  3. Free Read or Write Quietly
***Upcoming Events***
Go the Distance Day: TOMORROW
Westwood Field Day: Friday

Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday 05/14 Science - Classifying Vertebrates

Purpose: I can classify living organisms by describing, providing examples of, and visualizing vertebrates.
  1. Connection: Invertebrates
  2. Teaching: Today I want to teach you that scientists classify all animals into two phyla--groups--by a single characteristic: having a backbone or not.  But each family of vertebrates also has its own key structural and functional characteristics.
  3. Engagement: Classifying Vertebrates
    • Textbook pages 28-37
    • Describe the group
    • Identify examples
    • Provide an image for each example
  4. Link: Read and comprehend "Plants and Animals" at ReadWorks Digital
  5. Extension: Bill Nye Videos