Classroom Resources

Monday, May 21, 2018

Monday 05/21 Science - Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

Purpose: I can explain how the circulatory system and respiratory system work together to deliver oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.
  1. Connection: Heart Facts
  2. Teaching Point: Today I want to teach you that your circulatory system can be thought of as a road network within a city.  Like a road system, it carries food to individual homes and carries waste away.  There are major highways (arteries and veins), and side alleyways (capillaries).  In our bodies, blood is a specialized bodily fluid that flows down the roads which carry nutrients and oxygen to cells and carries wastes like carbon dioxide and urea away.  The only way to get the oxygen in (and the carbon dioxide out) is through the lungs, flown in through the "city's" airport.
  3. Engagement & Learning: "Circulatory and Respiratory Systems"
  4. Link: Show Your Understanding

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