Classroom Resources

Monday, May 7, 2018

Conditions for Learning Survey

The survey consists of 36 questions that cover safety, school expectations, student relationships with other students, and adult relationships with students. There are also some questions about your characteristics, such as age and grade. It should take less than 15 minutes to complete the survey. 

Read the instructions for each section and read each question carefully. Don’t spend too much time on any question. If you have difficulty answering a question in a section, go on to the next questions. Come back to the ones you didn’t answer when you have completed the other questions.

There are no right or wrong answers. It is important that you provide an honest answer to each question. Your answer should be based on what you really think and not what you think is the way it should be or the answer that would please someone. Select the answer to each question that best fits your experience. If you prefer not to answer a question, don’t understand a question or cannot answer a question truthfully, leave it blank.

Your teacher will not be able to answer questions you have about the survey once it begins. You can skip any questions that are uncomfortable for you to answer. All of your answers are anonymous (no one will see your answers). Your answers to these questions will not be linked to you specifically and will not be reported in a way that will make your answers available to anyone else to see. The answers will be combined with the answers from other students in your school district and reported as group scores rather than as individual answers

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