Classroom Resources

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Wednesday 03/21 Social Studies - Analyze Metaphors for The Proclamation of 1763 and The Quartering Act

Purpose: I can analyze metaphors for The Proclamation of 1763The Quartering Act, and The Stamp Act as reasons for the American Revolution.
  1. Connection: Colonists' Perspective
  2. Teaching: Today I want to teach you that the French and Indian War serves as the starting point for causes of the American Revolution; Great Britain took actions to protect the colonists and pay its debts.
  3. Engagement:  Analyzing Metaphors
    • Read pages 134 - 137 in the textbook and determine which illustrated metaphor goes with each section.
    • Paste the illustration in the appropriate section of the Reading Notes on Interactive Student Notebooks page 56.
    • Complete the “In History” section by recording notes comparing the illustration with the matching historical event.
  4. Extension: “For Crown or Colony” interactive at

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