Classroom Resources

Monday, March 19, 2018

Monday 03/19 Social Studies - Causes of the American Revolution Vocabulary

Purpose: I can define, understand, and use words/phrases related to the study of the American Revolutionary.
  1. Connection: Direction/Order Dialogue (Interactive Notebook page 55)
  2. Teaching: Today I want to teach you that the growing tension between Great Britain and the colonies can be understood as metaphors involving a child being given directions/orders.
  3. Engagement:  Causes of the American Revolution Vocabulary document
  4. Extension: “For Crown or Colony” interactive at
    • Go to
    • Click “Register” at the top right of the screen.
    • Enter your Google username and password
    • Choose a reminder question and provide an answer
    • Enter Ankeny and Iowa
    • Choose “Student”
    • Enter “Teacher” for how you learned about Mission US.
    • Click “Submit”
    • Click “Play” near the top
    • Choose “Mission 1: For Crown or Colony?"

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