Classroom Resources

Friday, April 28, 2017

Thursday 04/27 Math - Converting Building Areas to Acres Activity

Purpose:  I can convert building footprints from square feet to acres.

Friday 04/28 Reading - Discuss Plot Rollercoaster

Purpose:  I can discuss the plot of our story to understand how the characters and events interact.
  1. Read & Write: "The Holocaust" at ReadWorks Digital (GOAL: Everyone achieve a score of atleast 66%)
  2. Have your "Plot" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting.
  3. Independent Reading Time
  4. "Theme" Response is due Monday:
    • What did the characters learn?
    • How did the characters grow or change?
    • Why did the characters act this way?
    • I know the theme is...  I know this because in the text...

Friday 04/28 Social Studies - The Bill of Rights

Purpose: I can summarize freedoms that are protected by the Bill of Rights.
  1. Whole Group: The Bill of Rights
    • Textbook pages 202 - 209
    • Interactive Student Notebook pages 86 - 87
  2. Define and visualize the following words on your Bill of Rights Vocabulary Document:
    • amendment
    • Bill of Rights
    • jury
    • ratify
    • due process
    • prejudice
    • civil
    • appeal
  3. Extension: Do I Have a Right? Interactive

Friday 04/28 Morning Warm-Up

***Be respectful, responsible, and safe for Ms. Miller while I am announcing the Jaguar Jungle***
  1. Display your Plot Rollercoaster for the Homework Checker
  2. Have your Spelling materials ready
  3. Practice your March-April Words @
  4. Padlock Video and Practice Schedule

***5th Grade Ceremony Practice @ 8:40 - Have your partner ready to stand next to in the gym.***

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thursday 04/27 Reading - Practice Elements of Plot

Purpose:  I can identify the elements of plot to better understand and appreciate stories.
  1. Minilesson: "The Beginning" of a story includes the introduction of the characters AND the setting.
  2. Whole Group/Partner Practice:  Describing the Setting of Passages
  3. Small Group:  Be ready to practice identifying elements of plot with Mr. Erickson
  4. Independent Reading Time
  5. "Describing the Plot" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • The Beginning
    • The Exciting Incident
    • The Rising Action
    • The Climax
    • The Falling Action
    • The Ending

Thursday 04/27 Social Studies - The Bill of Rights Preview

Purpose: I can describe why a bill of rights was important to Americans.
  1. Whole Group: The Bill of Rights Preview
    • Textbook page 201
    • Interactive Student Notebook page 85
  2. Define the following words on your Bill of Rights Vocabulary Document:
    • amendment
    • Bill of Rights
    • jury
    • ratify
    • due process
    • prejudice
    • civil
    • appeal

Thursday 04/27 Writing - Child Frightened by a Thunderstorm

Purpose:  I can use onomatopoeia as I write about weather.
  1. Whole Group: "Child Frightened by a Thunderstorm"
  2. Poets use sensory details to help their audience see, hear, smell, taste, and feel what's happening.
  3. Quick Write:  If you were going to write a poem like "Child Frightened by a Thunderstorm," only about another kind of weather, what kind of weather might you write about?
  4. Independent Writing Time:
    • Use sensory words to describe weather.
    • Continue personifying objects.
    • Continue to write words and images for months of the year.
    • Use sensory details to describe any other topic.

Thursday 04/27 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Interactive Notebook page 82 for the Homework Checker
  2. Have your Writing materials ready
  3. Read & Write: "The Wind" at ReadWorks Digital (GOAL: Everyone achieve a score of atleast 70%)
  4. Padlock Video and Practice Schedule
***Mrs. Rullestad from Ankeny Living Magazine will be here at 1:00 to take pictures of our awesome classroom: we will be respectful, responsible, and safe***

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wednesday 04/26 Reading - Elements of Plot Practice

Purpose:  I can identify the elements of plot to better understand and appreciate stories.
  1. Whole Group:  Story Mountain Review
  2. Partner Practice:  Elements of Plot (CODE: 425205)
  3. Small Group:  Be ready to practice identifying elements of plot with Mr. Erickson
  4. Independent Reading Time
  5. "Describing the Plot" Response is due Friday:
    • The Beginning
    • The Exciting Incident
    • The Rising Action
    • The Climax
    • The Falling Action
    • The Ending

Wednesday 04/26 Social Studies - The Constitutional Convention

Purpose: I can describe the issues delegates debated at the Constitutional Convention.
  1. Read & Write: "The Branches of Government" at ReadWorks Digital (GOAL: Everyone achieve a score of atleast 66%)
  2. Whole Group: The Constitutional Convention
    • Textbook page 196 - 199
    • Interactive Student Notebook page 82
  3. Continue working on your U.S. Constitution Vocabulary Document.
  4. Extension: Branches of Power Interactive

Wednesday 04/26 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Turn in your 5th Grade Track Meet Lunch Choice to Mr. Erickson
  2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log
  3. Display your HomeLink 7.12 for the Homework Checker
  4. Have your Library Check-Out materials ready
  5. Padlock Video and Practice Schedule
  6. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tuesday 04/25 Reading - Discuss Characters

Purpose: I can discuss characters with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read. 
  1. Have your Analyze Characters Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Describing the Plot" Response is due Friday:
    • The Beginning
    • The Exciting Incident
    • The Rising Action
    • The Climax
    • The Falling Action
    • The Ending

Tuesday 04/25 Social Studies - Checks & Balances

Purpose: I can describe how the Checks & Balances System works for our branches of government.
  1. School House Rock: Three Ring Government- It's Our Political Circus!!
  2. Whole Group: Limiting Power - Checks and Balances
    • Textbook page 194 - 195
  3. Continue working on your U.S. Constitution Vocabulary Document.
  4. Extension: Branches of Power Interactive

Tuesday 04/25 Writing - umbrella and safetypin

Purpose:  I can use sensory details and images to personify an object.
  1. Poetry Writing Partners
  2. Whole Group: "umbrella" and "safety pin"
  3. Poets use sensory details to help their audience see, hear, smell, taste, and feel what's happening.
  4. Independent Writing Time:
    • Continue personifying objects.
    • Continue to write words and images for months of the year.
    • Use sensory details to describe any other topic.

Tuesday 04/25 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Analyzing Characters Response for the Homework Checker
  2. Have your Writing materials ready and be ready to start our lesson @ 8:00
  3. Padlock Video and Practice Schedule
***Lockdown Drill @ 8:15***

***5th Grade Ceremony Practice @ 8:40 - Have a partner ready to stand next to in the gym.***

Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday 04/24 Reading - Practice Character Traits

Purpose: I can analyze characters by describing their appearance, actions, thoughts/feelings, and traits to help me form an opinion of them.
  1. Be ready to practice analyzing characters in a small group meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Analyze Characters" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • Appearance
    • Actions of the character
    • Thoughts/feelings the character has
    • What character trait best describes them?
    • Your opinion of the character (like/dislike, connections, etc)

Monday 04/24 Social Studies - Constitutional Power Game

Purpose: I can use my knowledge of the powers held by each branch of government.
  1. Whole Group: Constitutional Power Game
    • Interactive Student Notebook page 80 - 81
    • Textbook page 188 - 193
  2. Continue working on your U.S. Constitution Vocabulary Document.
  3. Extension: Branches of Power Interactive

Monday 04/24 Writing - September

Purpose:  I can use sensory details and images to describe a month.
  1. Poetry Writing Partners
  2. Whole Group: "September"
  3. Poets use sensory details to help their audience see, hear, smell, taste, and feel what's happening.
  4. Independent Writing Time:
    • Add to the list you started in the quick-write.
    • Write words and images for a different month.
    • Use sensory details to describe any other topic.

Monday 04/24 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Check your band lesson day/time for this week.
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Read & Write: "September" at ReadWorks Digital (GOAL: Everyone achieve a score of atleast 70%)
  5. Padlock Video and Practice Schedule
***5th Grade Track Meet Relay Race Sign-Up @ 9:50***

Friday, April 21, 2017

Friday 04/21 Reading - Discuss Figurative Language

Purpose: I can discuss figurative language with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read. 
  1. Have your Figurative Language Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Analyze Characters" Response is due Tuesday:
    • Appearance
    • Actions of the character
    • Thoughts/feelings the character has
    • What character trait best describes them?
    • Your opinion of the character (like/dislike, connections, etc)

Friday 04/21 Social Studies - The Branches of Government

Purpose: I can identify the main responsibility, members, and key powers of the branches of government.
  1. Whole Group: The U.S. Constitution
    • Interactive Student Notebook page 80 - 81
    • Textbook page 188 - 193
  2. Continue working on your U.S. Constitution Vocabulary Document.
  3. Extension: Branches of Power Interactive

Friday 04/21 Writing - Evaluate Persuasive Essay

Purpose: I can read my classmates’ persuasive essays to critique them on persuading readers to think or do something using facts, evidence, and reasons.
  2. Critique other published drafts using your Peer Evaluation document.
  3. After recording your thinking on your peer evaluation, write a comment to each author that begins with "After reading your persuasive essay, I agree/disagree with your opinion because..."
  4. Practice your March-April Words @

Friday 04/21 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Turn in the following to Mr. Erickson
    • Spring Picture packet or payment
    • 5th Grade Track Meet Lunch Choice
  2. Display your Figurative Language Response for the Homework Checker.
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Read & Write at ReadWorks Digital:
    1. "News Debate: Snowed Out"
    2. "News Debate: Cashing In" (GOAL: 8/10)
  5. Padlock Video and Practice Schedule

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Thursday 04/20 Reading - Figurative Language Practice

Purpose: I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes.
  1. Read and comprehend "George Washington" in the American Revolution War Heroes Packet:
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Figurative Language" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • Identify examples of figurative from your reading.
    • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes.

Thursday 04/20 Social Studies - The Constitution Figurative Language

Purpose: I can use figurative language to describe the key features of the U.S. Constitution.
  1. Whole Group: The U.S. Constitution
    • Interactive Student Notebook page 80 - 81
    • Textbook page 188 - 193
  2. Write a sentence for each of the following words on your U.S. Constitution Vocabulary Document:
    • Articles of Confederation
    • Constitutional Convention
    • constitution
    • checks and balances
    • legislative branch
    • executive branch
    • judicial branch
    • compromise

Thursday 04/20 Writing - Evaluate Persuasive Essays

Purpose: I can read my classmates’ persuasive essays to critique them on persuading readers to think or do something using facts, evidence, and reasons.
  2. Critique other published drafts using your Peer Evaluation document.
  3. After recording your thinking on your peer evaluation, write a comment to each author that begins with "After reading your persuasive essay, I agree/disagree with your opinion because..."

Thursday 04/20 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Turn in the following to Mr. Erickson
    • Spring Picture packet or payment
    • 5th Grade Track Meet Lunch Choice
  2. Students that did not complete 10 minutes of Prodigy practice at home need to fill-out a Behavior Log point (Yes, Mr. Erickson can see your work...)
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Read & Write:  "News Debate: Snowed Out" at ReadWorks Digital
  5. Padlock Video and Practice Schedule
***Mrs. Gibbon's class invited us to play dodgeball at 8:10***

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wednesday 04/19 Math - Prodigy Sign-Up

Your class code is: B7BA99

Students, visit, select new student, and enter your class code.

Wednesday 04/19 Reading - Figurative Language Practice

Purpose: I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes.
  1. Whole Group:  Figurative Language Review
  2. Read & Write:  "A Juicy Problem" at ReadWorks Digital
  3. Independent Reading Time
  4. "Figurative Language" Response is due Friday:
    • Identify examples of figurative from your reading.
    • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes.

Wednesday 04/19 Social Studies - Introduction to the U.S. Constitution

Purpose: I can identify the key features of the U.S. Constitution.
  1. Whole Group: Introduction to the U.S. Constitution
    • Interactive Student Notebook page 79
    • Textbook page 187
  2. The U.S. Constitution is like a three-legged stool because...
  3. Define the following words on your U.S. Constitution Vocabulary Document:
    • Articles of Confederation
    • Constitutional Convention
    • constitution
    • checks and balances
    • legislative branch
    • executive branch
    • judicial branch
    • compromise

Wednesday 04/19 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Turn in the following to Mr. Erickson
  2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log
  3. Display your HomeLink 7.9 for the Homework Checker
  4. Have your Library Check-Out materials ready
  5. Padlock Video and Practice Schedule
  6. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice
  7. The following students to bring their lunch to the library today for our ICCA celebration:
    • Avery Gavin-11
    • Kambria Leazer -13
    • Lexus Naber-15
    • Mayci Rasmus -17
    • Colin Littlefield -20
    • Corinne Swalve-20
    • Eliana Baca-20
    • Brooklyn conger-20

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Tuesday 04/18 Math - Class Measurements

Purpose: I can organize and represent fractional data on line plots then solve problems from the data.

Tuesday 04/18 Reading - Discuss Connections

Purpose: I can discuss connections with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read. 
  1. Have your Connections Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Figurative Language" Response is due Friday:
    • Identify examples of figurative from your reading.
    • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes.

Tuesday 04/18 Social Studies - The Revolution's Home Front

Purpose: I can describe how the American Revolution affected women, American Indians, and African Americans.
  1. Review Assessment Results
    1. Go to
    2. Click on the "Student Sign In" button (upper right corner)
    3. Enter the required fields
      • Teacher Email:
      • Username & Password: Google Account information
    4. Click on "Scores"
  2. Whole Group: The Revolution's Home Front
    • Textbook pages 182 - 185
    • Interactive Student Notebook pages 76 - 77
  3. Extension:  Complete the Game for Lesson 13 - The American Revolution at

Tuesday 04/18 Writing - Evaluate Persuasive Essays

Purpose: I can read my classmates’ persuasive essays to critique them on persuading readers to think or do something using facts, evidence, and reasons.
  1. Link your FINISHED persuasive essay on our Community Document.
  2. Read your classmates' essays: START WITH PARTNER #1 AND WORK THROUGH THEM IN ORDER.
  3. Critique other published drafts using your Peer Evaluation document.

Tuesday 04/18 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Connections Reading Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Read & Write:  "News Debate: Tough Cell" at ReadWorks Digital
  4. Padlock Video and Practice Schedule
  5. Westwood 5th Grade Honors Assembly Leader Application (DUE WEDNESDAY A.M.)
***Be ready to cheer on our Westwood friends as they leave for the Special Olympics @ 8:25***

Monday, April 17, 2017

Monday 04/17 Reading - Francis Marion

Purpose:  I can make connections while I read to deepen my understanding.
  1. Read and comprehend "Francis Marion" in the American Revolution War Heroes Packet:
    • Record the topic of each paragraph.
    • Identify text structure and provide evidence.
    • Answer three of the comprehension questions.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Making Connections" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • Quote what you read.
    • Describe how you connected.
    • Identify the connection type.

Monday 04/17 Social Studies - American Revolution Assessment

Purpose: I can describe how the colonists win the American Revolution.
  1. Review: American Revolution Reading Notes
    • Interactive Student Notebook pages 74 - 75
    • Textbook pages 174 - 181
  2. Assessment
    1. Go to
    2. Click on the "Student Sign In" button (upper right corner)
    3. Click on the green "Create Account" button
    4. Enter the required fields
      • Teacher Email:
      • Username & Password: Google Account information
    5. Click the "Sign up" button

Monday 04/17 Writing

Purpose: I can proofread, polish, and perfect my persuasive essay draft to make it as clear and convincing as possible.
  1. Independent Writing Time:
    • Use a "hook" in your opening sentences to get your reader interested.
    • Make sure to state your opinion clearly and then preview your reasons in your first paragraph.
    • Make sure further explain the reasons that support your opinion in the body of your essay.
    • Repeat your opinion in your conclusion.
  2. Extension: Debate Game for Kids

Monday 04/17 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Check your band lesson day/time for this week.
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Read & Write:  "News Debate: Out of Touch?" at ReadWorks Digital
  5. Padlock Video and Practice Schedule
  6. Westwood 5th Grade Honors Assembly Leader Application:
    • Though we still have a lot of learning to do in fifth grade, we are starting to plan for our end of year celebration assembly.
    • We will need three students from each class to write and give a short speech introducing awards and presenters to the audience during the assembly.
    • You have until Wednesday morning at 7:30 to apply.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Thursday 04/13 Math - Geometry Challenges

Hey, students!
and type in:

Hey, students!
and type in: