Classroom Resources

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Wednesday 04/05 Reading - Nathan Hale

Purpose: I can use context clues to figure out the meaning of unknown words and phrases.
  1. Read and comprehend "Nathan Hale" in the American Revolution War Heroes Packet:
    • Record the FIVE most important pieces of information.
    • Identify sentences (context clues) that help to determine the meaning of confiscate, espionage, and betrayed.
    • Answer three of the comprehension questions.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Unknown Words" Response is due Friday:
    • Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
    • Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
    • Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
    • Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.

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