Classroom Resources

Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday 09/29 Reading - Discuss Inferences from Quoting Accurately

Purpose: I can discuss inferences with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read. 
  1. Have your Quoting Accurately to Infer Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  2. Independent Reading Time

Friday 09/29 Science - How much water is in the world?

Purpose: I can use estimation and graphing to discover the surprising difference in the amounts of fresh and salt water on Earth.
  1. Whole Group: How much water is in the world?
  2. Application: Map the World's Water
  3. Non-Fiction Reading at Newsela:
  4. Extension: Videos on icebergs and oceans
    • “What’s Below the Tip of the Iceberg?” (4:51) — Learn how icebergs form and move and create floating islands of fresh water where unexpected life can flourish.
    • “How Big Is the Ocean?” (5:25) How much water is in the ocean? A lot. Hiding under all that water are the world’s longest mountain chain, largest waterfall (yes, it’s underwater), tallest mountain, and deepest canyon.

Friday 09/29 Writing - Weather Flash Draft

Purpose:  I can flash draft about weather using a "question & answer" format.
  1. Application:  Flash Draft!
    • Use your information from your brain dump and research (you have a ton of info to use for material) to write about weather in a "Question & Answer" format.
    • Each category or question should be a paragraph.
    • Use your best writing: complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation.
    • Gather Information: Once you have used all of your recorded information, research more about any categories you need to "beef up" and find answers to any other of your thick questions.  Use these approved resources:
    • Next Step: We will add non-fiction text features (introduction, headings, pictures, etc.) as we continue publishing our work.

    Friday 09/29 Morning Warm-Up

    1. Display your "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response for the Homework Checker.
    2. Leadership Opportunity: Students who are interested in being a Westwood Leader need to complete the application and return it TODAY.
    3. Have your Science materials and sticky notes ready. 
    4. Gather information for your categories and answers to your THICK  questions relating to Weather. Use these approved resources: Flash Draft Research Resources.
    ***Reading Relays meeting TODAY during lunch***
    ***Westwood Warrior Challenge Assembly 
    TODAY @ 2: 15***

    Thursday, September 28, 2017

    Thursday 09/28 Reading - Quoting Accurately While Inferring

    Purpose: I can quote accurately while making inferences to show evidence of my thinking.
    1. Review: Quoting Accurately Must Do's
      • Use the author's exact words.
      • Use quotation marks and correct punctuation.
      • Tell where the quote came from.
    2. Independent Reading Time
      • Make a copy of the "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response.
      • Identify FIVE inferences you have while reading.
      • Quote accurately using the author's exact words.
      • Explain your inference.
      • "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response is due TOMORROW.

    Thursday 09/28 Science - How much water is in the world?

    Purpose: I can use estimation and graphing to discover the surprising difference in the amounts of fresh and salt water on Earth.
    1. Whole Group: How much water is in the world?
    2. Application: Map the World's Water

    Thursday 09/28 Writing - Can It Rain Cats and Dogs?

    Purpose:  I can flash draft about weather using a "question & answer" format.
    1. Minilesson: Can It Rain Cats and Dogs?
    2. Application:  Flash Draft!
      • Use your information from your brain dump and research (you have a ton of info to use for material) to write about weather in a "Question & Answer" format.
      • Each category or question should be a paragraph.
      • Use your best writing: complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation.
    3. Next Step: We will add non-fiction text features (introduction, headings, pictures, etc.) as we continue publishing our work.

    Thursday 09/28 Morning Warm-Up

    1. Display your Math Packet page 45 for the Homework Checker.
    2. Leadership Opportunity: Students who are interested in being a Westwood Leader need to complete the application and return it by TOMORROW.
    3. Have your Science materials and sticky notes ready. 
    4. Gather Information about any categories you need to "beef up" and find answers to your THICK  questions relating to Weather. Use these approved resources: Flash Draft Research Resources.

    ***Fall Party Planning Meeting TODAY
    @ 2:10 with Mrs. Gerbes***
    Samantha, Charlie, Josie, Griffin, Henry S., Emily, Allen, and Alyssa

    Wednesday, September 27, 2017

    Wednesday 09/27 Reading - Practice Quoting Accurately to Infer

    Purpose: I can quote accurately while making inferences.
    1. Partner Practice: Quoting Accurately to Infer from Maniac Magee
    2. Independent Reading Time
      • Make a copy of the "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response.
      • Identify FIVE inferences you have while reading.
      • Quote accurately using the author's exact words.
      • Explain your inference.
      • "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response is due Friday.

    Wednesday 09/27 Science - Flash Draft Information Gathering

    Purpose:  I can gather information and find answers to "thick questions" about Weather.
    1. Minilesson: Thin Questions vs Thick Questions
    2. Application:  Change your thin questions to THICK.
    3. Gather Information: research more about any categories you need to "beef up" and find answers to your thick questions.  Use these approved resources:
    4. Next Step: Use all your knowledge and information to draft your Weather Non-Fiction Essay.

    Wednesday 09/27 Morning Warm-Up

    1. Display your HomeLink 2-2 for the Homework Checker.
    2. Congratulations to our WW Leader Interviewers: Henry L., Annabelle, and Ashley!
    3. Leadership Opportunity: Students who are interested in being a Westwood Leader need to complete the application and return it by Friday, September 29th.
    4. Record your FINISHED free reading on your Reading Log.
    5. Have your Library Check-Out materials ready
    6. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice

    Tuesday, September 26, 2017

    Tuesday 09/26 Reading - Discuss Connections

    Purpose: I can discuss connections to the text with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read. 
    1. Have your Connections Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
    2. Independent Reading Time
      • Make a copy of the "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response.
      • Identify FIVE inferences you have while reading.
      • Quote accurately using the author's exact words.
      • Explain your inference.
      • "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response is due Friday.

      Tuesday 09/26 Science - Why are some places always hot?

      Purpose: I can investigate the concept of “climate” and explore the world’s five major climates.
      1. Whole Group: Why are some places always hot?
      2. Application: Climate Decoder
      3. Reading: "Climates - An Introduction to Climates" at ReadWorksDigital
      4. Extension: Find out what the weather is like in different climates right now with weather web cams from around the world.

      Tuesday 09/26 Writing - Flash Draft Information Gathering

      Purpose:  I can gather information and find answers as I flash draft about Weather.
      1. Review: Yesterday we "brain dumped" words, ideas, and questions into categories related to Weather.
      2. Gather Information: research more about any categories you need to "beef up" and find answers to any questions you wrote down.  Use these approved resources:
      3. Tomorrow's Next Step: Use all your knowledge and information to draft your Weather Non-Fiction Essay.

      Tuesday 09/26 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Display your "Connections" Response for the Homework Checker.
      2. Have your Science materials and sticky notes ready. 
      3. Leadership Opportunities: 
        • Students who are interested in being a Westwood Leader need to complete the application and return it by Friday, September 29th.
        • Students who are interested in helping Mrs. Gibbons help interview for the Westwood Leaders need to write on an index card why they should be selected; we need three students from our class.  Turn in by noon today.
      4. Explore and read weather articles at Newsela.
      5. Free read or write silently.
      ***Remind Mr. Erickson to distribute WW Warrior T-Shirts AFTER LUNCH.***

      Monday, September 25, 2017

      Monday 09/25 Reading - Making Connections

      Purpose:  I can make connections while I read to deepen my understanding.
      1. Review: Making Connections
      2. Independent Reading Time
        • Make a copy of the Making Connections Document
        • Quote what you read (APPLY YOUR SKILLS!!!)
        • Describe how you connected.
        • Identify the connection type.
        • "Connections" Response is due TOMORROW.

      Monday 09/25 Science - Why are some places always hot?

      Purpose: I can investigate the concept of “climate” and explore the world’s five major climates.
      1. Whole Group: Why are some places always hot?
      2. Application: Climate Decoder
      3. Reading: "Climates - An Introduction to Climates" at ReadWorksDigital
      4. Extension: Find out what the weather is like in different climates right now with weather web cams from around the world.

      Monday 09/25 Writing - Flash Draft Brain Dump and Gather Information

      Purpose:  I can identify my background knowledge and questions as I flash draft about Weather.

      1. Brain Dump: write down as many words that you can think of that are related to Weather.
      2. Categorize & Name: sort all of your words into groups and give each category a label.
      3. Question: add questions to each category that you are curious and wonder about.
      4. Gather Information: research more about any categories you need to "beef up" and find answers to any questions you wrote down.  Use these approved resources:

      Monday 09/25 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Find your new seat. 
      2. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week. 
      3. Check your band lesson day/time for this week. 
      4. Have your Science materials and sticky notes ready. 
      5. "Walk to School Team" Leadership Opportunity: students who won’t be afraid to talk/sing over the loud speaker and also help out on the actual day. 
      6. Explore and read weather articles at Newsela
      7. Free read or write silently.

      Friday, September 22, 2017

      Friday 09/22 Reading - Read-In and Discuss Quotes

      Purpose: I can discuss quotes from my book with my club to deepen my understanding of what we read. 
      1. Read-In: Enjoy reading in your space with your "comfy" item.
      2. Have your "Quoting Accurately" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
      3. Independent Reading Time
        • Make a copy of the Making Connections Document
        • Quote what you read (APPLY YOUR SKILLS!!!)
        • Describe how you connected.
        • Identify the connection type.
        • "Connections" Response is due Tuesday.

      Friday 09/22 The Leader in Me - Be Responsible

      Purpose: I can become a better leader by learning to be responsible—for my actions, moods, attitudes, and behavior.
      1. Whole Group:  Be Responsible
      2. Partner Practice: brainstorm responsible responses to your assigned scenario, then be ready to share with the class.
        1. Before school you are playing a sport with your friends. The other team cheated and ended up winning the game just as the bell rang to line up.
        2. Your teacher asks you to stay in for recess because you were talking in class but it was really someone else who was talking.
        3. Two of your best friends went to see a movie over the weekend and you were not invited. You feel left out.
        4. You found out that your little sister got new shoes. Your mom promised you would get new shoes over a month ago.
        5. Your mom was late picking you up, which made you late for practice. Your coach made you run extra laps around the field.
        6. Your mom made you empty the dishwasher while your brother was allowed to watch television.
      3. Individual Application: think of a goal you want to accomplish in the next year and write three responsible choices you could make now to help reach the goal.

      Friday 09/22 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Place your "comfy" item under the cubbyhole space of your desk to use after Specials.
      2. Have your Leadership Binder ready.
      3. Read and comprehend "Do You Bully?" at ReadWorksDigital.
      4. Free read or write silently.

      Thursday, September 21, 2017

      Thursday 09/21 Reading - Quoting Accurately

      Purpose: I can quote accurately from my book to show I understand important parts of the story.

      ***Read-In TOMORROW: You may bring ONE "comfy" item to enjoy while reading.***
      1. Review: Quoting Accurately Must Do's
        1. Use the author's exact words.
        2. Use quotation marks and correct punctuation.
        3. Tell where the quote came from.
      2. Independent Reading Time:
        • Make a copy of the "Quoting Accurately" Response.
        • Identify FIVE quotes that you think are important to your book.
        • Explain your thinking for each quote.
        • You may reuse sentence frames.
      3. Be on-task, quiet, and productive for Mrs. Porter.

      Thursday 09/21 Science - How can we predict when it's going to storm?

      Purpose: I can make predictions about the weather by observing clouds and their changes.
      1. Whole Group: How can we predict when it's going to storm?
      2. Application: Will It Storm?
      3. Reading: "Summer Vacation" at ReadWorksDigital
      4. Extension: Now that you are watching the sky with your Storm Spotter’s Guide, you may notice these sky sights:
        • Cirrus clouds — These wispy clouds usually signal fair weather. Learn more about them here.
        • Contrails — These white lines that stretch across the sky are clouds that form around small particles that exist in airplane exhaust. Learn more about them here and view a gallery of contrail photos here.

      Thursday 09/21 Writing - Point of View

      Purpose:  I can use adjectives as I write from a different point point of view.
      1. Minilesson:  Point of View
      2. Whole Group:  Water Dance
      3. Independent Writing:  Write stories in which "I" is a thing rather than a person.  Use adjectives to describe what the "I" senses (see, hear, smell, touch, taste).

      Thursday 09/21 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Turn in any FINISHED Westwood Warrior Challenge Fundraiser envelopes (DUE TODAY)
      2. Have your Writing materials ready and review adjectives:
        • They describe nouns: what kind, which one, how many.
        • Play any of these adjective games to practice identifying different adjectives.
      3. Be ready to use adjectives in your writing today.
      ***Westwood Warrior Obstacle Course @ 2:15:
      Be respectful, responsible, and safe for Mrs. Porter***

      Wednesday, September 20, 2017

      Wednesday 09/20 Reading - Practice Quoting Accurately

      Purpose: I can quote accurately from my book to show I understand important parts of the story.
      1. Partner Practice: Quoting Accurately from Maniac Magee
        1. Reread chapters 2 and 3
        2. Identify TWO important quotes 
        3. Explain why each is important.
      2. Independent Reading Time:
        • Make a copy of the "Quoting Accurately" Response.
        • Identify FIVE quotes that you think are important to your book.
        • Explain your thinking for each quote.
        • You may reuse sentence frames.

      Wednesday 09/20 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Turn in any FINISHED Westwood Warrior Challenge Fundraiser envelopes (DUE BY TOMORROW)
      2. Record your FINISHED free reading on your Reading Log.
      3. Have your Library Check-Out materials ready
      4. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice (FOLLOW THE LINK)

      Tuesday, September 19, 2017

      Tuesday 09/19 Reading - Discuss Inferences

      Purpose: I can discuss inferences with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read. 
      1. Have your "Inferences" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
      2. Independent Reading Time
        • Make a copy of the "Quoting Accurately" Response.
        • Identify FIVE quotes that you think are important to your book.
        • Explain your thinking for each quote.
        • You may reuse sentence frames.

      Tuesday 09/19 Writing - Ordinary Moments

      Purpose:  I can use adjectives to describe ordinary moments.
      1. Minilesson:  Comparatives & Superlatives
      2. Whole Group:  "Lemonade" and "Backyard Bubbles"
      3. Independent Writing:  Describe ordinary moments in life using sensory details and adjectives that appeal to the fives senses - sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste.

      Tuesday 09/19 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Fire Drill @ 8:15 - Have your jacket/coat ready!
      2. Turn in any FINISHED Westwood Warrior Challenge Fundraiser envelopes (DUE BY THURSDAY)
      3. Have your Writing materials ready and review adjectives; they describe nouns: what kind, which one, how many.
      4. Be ready to use adjectives in your writing today.
      aReading - Tuesday AM
      aMath - Wednesday PM

      Monday, September 18, 2017

      Monday 09/18 Reading - Practice Inferring

      Purpose:  I can quote accurately to help me make inferences while I read.
      1. Whole Group: Inference Introduction
      2. Practice Making Inferences by using this online interactive.
      3. Independent Reading Time
        • Make a copy of the Making Inferences Document
        • Read your Realistic Fiction Book Club assignment.
        • Record your inferences as you read:
          • Quote what you read.
          • Describe what you know.
          • Compose your inference.
      4. "Inferences" Response is due TOMORROW.

      Monday 09/18 Science - How can we predict when it's going to storm?

      Purpose: I can make predictions about the weather by observing clouds and their changes.

      Monday 09/18 Writing - Scranimals

      Purpose:  I can use comparatives and superlatives to describe scranimals.
      1. Minilesson:  Comparatives & Superlatives
      2. Whole Group:  Scranimals
      3. Independent Writing:  Have fun writing by playing with words!  Create scranimals by combining names of animals with names of fruits or vegetables.  Describe the trait of each of your scranimals by using comparatives/superlative adjectives.
      4. Revise then Share:  Check to make sure you used a comparative or superlative for each scranimal description.

      Monday 09/18 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
      2. Check your band lesson day/time for this week.
      3. Turn in any FINISHED Westwood Warrior Challenge Fundraiser envelopes (DUE BY THURSDAY 09/21)
      4. Have your Writing materials ready.
      5. Read and comprehend "A Liger's Tale" at ReadWorksDigital.
      6. Free read or write silently.
      CBMmath CAP - Monday PM
      aReading - Tuesday AM
      aMath - Wednesday PM

      Friday, September 15, 2017

      Friday 09/15 Reading - Discuss Conflict

      Purpose: I can discuss conflicts with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read. 
      1. Have your "Conflicts" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
      2. Independent Reading Time
        • Make a copy of the Making Inferences Document
        • Read your Realistic Fiction Book Club assignment.
        • Record your inferences as you read:
          • Quote what you read.
          • Describe what you know.
          • Compose your inference.
      3. "Inferences" Response is due Tuesday.

      Friday 09/15 Science - Where Do Clouds Come From?

      Purpose: I can examine clues about how clouds look and feel to discover what they’re made of and how they form.
      1. Whole Group: Where Do Clouds Come From?
      2. Practice: Gas Trap Experiment
      3. Independent Learning: "Weather - The Water Cycle" at ReadWorksDigital
      4. Extension: Making Clouds Video

      Friday 09/15 Announcement - Homecoming Week

      Monday – Team Day – Wear your favorite team shirt

      Tuesday – Tacky Tourist Day

      Wednesday – Hawaiian/Beach Day

      Thursday – Comfy clothes day (Warrior Challenge Ready)

      Friday – Jaguar Spirit Day​

      Friday 09/15 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Turn in any FINISHED Westwood Warrior Challenge Fundraiser envelopes (DUE BY THURSDAY 09/21)
      2. Display your "Conflict" Reading Response for the Homework Checker.
      3. Have your Spelling Notebook ready.
      4. Practice Spelling at
      1. Log in at  2. Click "Choose Subject"  3. Select "Spelling"

      Thursday, September 14, 2017

      Thursday 09/14 Math - Finding Volume of Rectangular Prisms

      Purpose: I can find the volume of rectangular prisms.
      1. Volume QR Code Task Cards (IND.)
        • You must record EVERY answer in your Math Notebook
        • Check every answer after you complete it BEFORE you move to the next
      2. Math Skills Practice: EDM Online
      3. H.W.: Finding Volume of Rectangular Prisms #2

      Thursday 09/14 Reading - Identifying Conflict

      Purpose:  I can identify the conflicts within my reading to understand what drives the story.
      1. Review Conflicts:
        • Character vs Self:  A struggle between a character and their feelings, conscience, or fear.
        • Character vs Character:  A mental or physical struggle between two characters.
        • Character vs Nature:  A struggle between a character and Mother Nature.
        • Character vs Society:  A struggle between a character and the laws or beliefs of a group.
      2. Practice:
        and enter the code
      3. Independent Reading Time: "Identifying Conflict" Response is due TOMORROW

      Thursday 09/14 Science - Climate and the Effects of Climate Change

      Purpose:  I can explain the factors that affect climate and the effects of climate change.
      1. Minilesson:  Use main idea search terms when researching and gathering information.
      2. Whole Group: Climate (textbook pages 206 - 211)
      3. Independent Practice Integrating Information from Multiple Resources: Big Questions about Climate
      4. Extension:  Young Meteorologist Game

      Thursday 09/14 Writing - A to Z Pattern Books

      Purpose:  I can use action, helping, and linking verbs to write a pattern story.
      1. Minilesson:  Verb Types
      2. Whole Group:  Vegetable Soup A to Z
      3. Independent Writing:  Continue writing a "_______ from A to Z" pattern story using verbs

      Thursday 09/14 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Have your Writing materials ready.
      2. Join Mr. Erickson's Newsela class:
        • Visit, click "Join"
        • Click on "I'm a Student"
        • Click "Sign in with Google," click "Allow," and enter Class Code USWJ2E
        • Click "Join"
        • Click "Start Reading"
      3. Explore and read at our new nonfiction text resource.

      Wednesday, September 13, 2017

      Wednesday 09/13 Reading - Identifying Conflict

      Purpose:  I can identify the conflicts within my reading to understand what drives the story.
      1. Identify the conflicts of your story as you read:
        • Character vs Self:  A struggle between a character and their feelings, conscience, or fear.
        • Character vs Character:  A mental or physical struggle between two characters.
        • Character vs Nature:  A struggle between a character and Mother Nature.
        • Character vs Society:  A struggle between a character and the laws or beliefs of a group.
      2. Independent Reading Time: "Identifying Conflict" Response is due Friday 

      Wednesday 09/13 The Leader in Me - Personal Mission Statement

      Purpose: I can provide a sense of purpose, direction, and control over the future for myself by creating a personal mission statement.
      1. Review and Self-Monitor: Class Mission Statement
      2. Self-Reflection & Writing: "I admire people who/that..."
      3. Individual Practice: Personal Mission Statement
        • Final Draft Form
        • Correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
        • Best, neatest handwriting.

      Wednesday 09/13 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Display your HomeLink 1-11 for the Homework Checker
      2. Record your FINISHED free reading on your Reading Log.
      3. Have your Library Check-Out materials ready
      4. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice (FOLLOW THE LINK)

      Tuesday, September 12, 2017

      Tuesday 09/12 Reading - Discuss Connections

      Purpose: I can discuss connections to the text with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read. 
      1. Have your Connections Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
      2. Independent Reading Time
      3. "Identifying Conflict" Response is due Friday (MORE INFORMATION TO COME ON WEDNESDAY)

      Tuesday 09/12 Science - Meteorologists and Their Tools

      Purpose:  I can describe how meteorologists use science and technology to do their job.
      1. Minilesson:  Thinking about your background knowledge helps you learn something new.
        • Who observes weather?
        • What elements of weather are observed?
        • What tools/instruments help to observe weather?
      2. Whole Group: Source A - Earth Science Expert - Meteorologist (textbook pages 216 - 217)
      3. Independent Practice Integrating Information from Multiple Resources: Big Questions about Meteorologists and Their Tools
      4. Extension:  Young Meteorologist Game

      Tuesday 09/12 Writing - A to Z Pattern Books

      Purpose:  I can use verbs to write a pattern story.
      1. Minilesson:  Verb Types
      2. Whole Group:  Musical Instruments from A to Z
      3. Independent Writing:  Write a "_______ from A to Z" pattern story using verbs

      Tuesday 09/12 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Display your Connections Reading Response for the Homework Checker.
      2. Have your Writing materials ready.
      3. Read and comprehend "Musical Instruments - The Didgeridoo" at ReadWorksDigital.
      4. Free read or write silently.
      Lunchroom Expectations Review:
      • Make sure you pick up all of your trash.
      • Make sure your trash goes into the trash.
      • Make sure you place your silverware in the tray.

      Monday, September 11, 2017

      Monday 09/11 Reading - Making Connections

      Purpose:  I can make connections while I read to deepen my understanding.
      1. Make a copy of the Making Connections Document
      2. Independent Reading time, record your connections as you read:
        • Quote what you read.
        • Describe how you connected.
        • Identify the connection type.
      3. "Connections" Response is due tomorrow.