Classroom Resources

Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday 09/22 The Leader in Me - Be Responsible

Purpose: I can become a better leader by learning to be responsible—for my actions, moods, attitudes, and behavior.
  1. Whole Group:  Be Responsible
  2. Partner Practice: brainstorm responsible responses to your assigned scenario, then be ready to share with the class.
    1. Before school you are playing a sport with your friends. The other team cheated and ended up winning the game just as the bell rang to line up.
    2. Your teacher asks you to stay in for recess because you were talking in class but it was really someone else who was talking.
    3. Two of your best friends went to see a movie over the weekend and you were not invited. You feel left out.
    4. You found out that your little sister got new shoes. Your mom promised you would get new shoes over a month ago.
    5. Your mom was late picking you up, which made you late for practice. Your coach made you run extra laps around the field.
    6. Your mom made you empty the dishwasher while your brother was allowed to watch television.
  3. Individual Application: think of a goal you want to accomplish in the next year and write three responsible choices you could make now to help reach the goal.

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