Classroom Resources

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tuesday 09/26 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your "Connections" Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Science materials and sticky notes ready. 
  3. Leadership Opportunities: 
    • Students who are interested in being a Westwood Leader need to complete the application and return it by Friday, September 29th.
    • Students who are interested in helping Mrs. Gibbons help interview for the Westwood Leaders need to write on an index card why they should be selected; we need three students from our class.  Turn in by noon today.
  4. Explore and read weather articles at Newsela.
  5. Free read or write silently.
***Remind Mr. Erickson to distribute WW Warrior T-Shirts AFTER LUNCH.***

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