Purpose: I can play Horrendous Soup to practice converting metric measurements.
Classroom Resources
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Tuesday 02/28 Reading - Comparing & Contrasting Theme
Purpose: I can compare and contrast the theme of different Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre books to better understand the author's message.
- Small Group "Theme" Comparing/Contrasting:
- I know the theme is... I know this because in the text...
- This is the same/different as... because...
- Independent Reading Time
Tuesday 02/28 Science - How Can You Go Faster Down a Slide?
Purpose: I can use scientific inquiry to better understand friction.
- Review: "How Soccer Can Help Us Understand Physics" RESULTS
- Investigate: How can you go faster down a slide? "TRY THIS"
- Synthesize Your Learning:
- What happens when you put all the sliders on the slide when it’s flat, and then slowly raise one end of the slide?
- What happened when you raced a cardboard slider with 5 pennies against one with no pennies?
- What questions did you come up with? What happened when you experimented to answer them?
Tuesday 02/28 Writing - Flash Draft Publishing
Purpose: I can use my Flash Draft topic information/answers to draft a expository nonfiction piece.
- Review: Skim and scan all THREE of your Flash Drafts.
- Independent Writing Time: Edit and revise to continue publishing your best draft.
- Use a "hook" to catch your reader's attention from the very first sentence.
- Add to any weak paragraphs/categories (Flash Draft Research Resources)
- Use multiple resources (at least three) to deepen your knowledge.
- Cite the source and show text evidence (Text Evidence Sentence Frames)
- Closing: What nonfiction text features would make your draft better?
Tuesday 02/28 Morning Warm-Up
- Display your HomeLink 6.3 for the Homework Checker.
- Have your Writing and Flash Draft materials ready.
- Practice Grammar Skills at Quill.org.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Monday 02/26 Reading - Comparing & Contrasting Theme
Purpose: I can compare and contrast the theme of different Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre books to better understand the author's message.
- Questioning Pre-Assessment: "Buried Treasure"
- Small Group "Theme" Comparing/Contrasting:
- I know the theme is... I know this because in the text...
- This is the same/different as... because...
- Independent Reading Time
Monday 02/26 Science - Friction
Purpose: I can use scientific inquiry to better understand friction.
- Whole Group: How can you go faster down a slide?
- Nonfiction Reading: ReadWorks Digital
- Go to digital.readworks.org/student
- Sign in with your Google account.
- Enter class code MLGXN6
- Practice: "How Soccer Can Help Us Understand Physics"
Monday 02/27 Writing - Flash Drafting
Purpose: I can use my Flash Draft topic information/answers to draft a expository nonfiction piece.
- Minilesson: Use a "hook" to catch your reader's attention from the very first sentence.
- Independent Writing Time: Flash Draft using what you know.
- Add to any weak paragraphs/categories:
- Closing: What is your strongest paragraph?
Monday 02/26 Morning Warm-Up
- Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
- Check your Band Lesson day/time for this week.
- Display your Theme Planning Answers for the Homework Checker.
- Have your Writing and Flash Draft materials ready.
- Practice Grammar Skills at Quill.org.
Friday, February 24, 2017
Friday 02/24 Reading - Discuss the Plot
Purpose: I can discuss the plot of our story to understand how the characters and events interact.
- Have your "Plot" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting.
- Independent Reading Time
- "Theme" Planning is due Monday:
- What did the characters learn?
- How did the characters grow or change?
- Why did the characters act this way?
- Book Fair Preview @ 11:45
Friday 02/24 Leadership - Spring Conference Preparation
Purpose: I can organize my learning to share my progress at my Parent-Teacher Conference.
- Review the Spring Conference Rubric
- Open Seesaw
- Find and upload your "must haves"
- Add captions to explain each document/item
- Check for your best writing, including spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and complete sentences.
Friday 02/24 Writing - Flash Draft Multiple Sources
Purpose: I can record information/answers from THREE different sources for my Flash Draft topic using text evidence.
- Minilesson: Multiple sources can offer similar answers and evidence with regard to your research topic, or they may differ. The final draft will be more interesting if it explores different perspectives.
- Independent Research Time:
- Closing: What is the most interesting information you have found about your topic?
Friday 02/24 Morning Warm-Up
- Display your "Plot" Response for the Homework Checker.
- Have your Writing and Flash Draft materials ready.
- Practice Grammar Skills at Quill.org
***Be responsible by being in your seats, quiet, and on task for Ms. Miller while I am doing Jaguar Jungle.***
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Thursday 02/23 Reading - Describing the Plot
Purpose: I can identify and discuss the elements of plot.
- Whole Group: Let's Talk Plot
- Independent Reading Time
- "Describing the Plot" Response is due Friday:
- The Beginning
- The Exciting Incident
- The Rising Action
- The Climax
- The Falling Action
- The Ending
Thursday 02/23 Science - Gravity Text Evidence
Purpose: I can use text evidence to answer questions relating to gravity.
- Review: Friction, Air Resistance, and Gravity Main Ideas with Supporting Details
- Practice: "Why Don't People on the Other Side Fall Off?" Reading Comprehension Packet
- Extension: Bill Nye - Gravity
Thursday 02/23 Leadership - Spring Conference Preparation
Purpose: I can organize my learning to share my progress at my Parent-Teacher Conference.
- Review the Spring Conference Rubric
- Open Seesaw
- Find and upload your "must haves"
- Add captions to explain each document/item
- Check for your best writing, including: spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and complete sentences.
Thursday 02/23 Morning Warm-Up
- Display your Friction, Air Resistance, and Gravity Main Ideas for the Homework Checker.
- Have your Chromebook and Leadership Binder ready.
- Free Read Quietly.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Thursday 02/22 Science - Friction, Air Resistance, and Gravity Main Ideas
Purpose: I can synthesize the main idea and identify supporting details for ideas about friction, air resistance, and gravity.
- Review: Main Idea and Supporting Details
- Practice: Friction, Air Resistance, and Gravity Main Ideas with Supporting Details
- Extension: Bill Nye - Friction
Wednesday 02/22 Morning Warm-Up
- Display your HomeLink 6.1 for the Homework Checker.
- Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
- Have your Spelling materials ready.
- Practice February Words at SpellingCity.com.
- Animoto Help for Mr. Petersen's 2nd Graders @ 10:10
- Sign out of Animoto so the 2nd graders can log-in with their account.
- They have a planning sheet all done and Mr. Petersen will explain what the 2nd graders are trying to accomplish and then we will help them finish.
- They have started creating their slide show, named it, created a title page, and saved it.
- We will help type in facts and find pictures.
- Focus on helping make their fact sentences more concise since there is a character limit on Animoto and getting their pictures in.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Tuesday 02/21 Reading - Discuss Setting
Purpose: I can discuss the setting of the story to understand how the time, place, and environment affect the plot.
- Have your "Setting" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting.
- Independent Reading Time
- "Describing the Plot" Response is due Friday:
- The Beginning
- The Exciting Incident
- The Rising Action
- The Climax
- The Falling Action
- The Ending
Tuesday 02/21 Science - Tacoma Narrows Bridge Inferences
Purpose: I can quote accurately while making inferences that connect to the meaning of the text.
- Tacoma Bridge Collapse
- Minilesson: Quotes and Punctuation
- Practice: "Galloping Gertie" Inferences (ATLEAST 3)
- Be ready to share your inferences in a small group meeting with Mr. Erickson.
- Independent Reading Time
Tuesday 02/21 Writing - Flash Draft Research
Purpose: I can record information/answers for my Flash Draft topic using text evidence.
- Sort and categorize your Brain Dump information/questions for your Nature topic.
- Minilesson: We must cite our sources for information/answers.
- Independent Research Time:
- Closing: As you researched your topic, what new things did you become curious about?
Tuesday 02/21 Morning Warm-Up
- Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
- Check your Band Lesson day/time for this week.
- Display your "Setting" Response for the Homework Checker.
- Have your Writing and Flash Draft materials ready.
- Practice Grammar Skills at Quill.org.
Friday, February 17, 2017
Friday 02/17 Reading - Inferences Post Assessment
Purpose: I can quote accurately while making inferences that connect to the meaning of the text.
- Self-Reflection: Review your past inference work.
- Post Assessment: "Lottery Winners" Inferences (ATLEAST 3)
- Have your "Unknown Words" Response/Animoto ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
- Independent Reading Time
- "Describe the Setting" Response is due Tuesday:
- Describe the time, place, and environment of your book in a written paragraph
- Draw a map of the main setting.
- Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.
Friday 02/17 Morning Warm-Up
- Be prepared for our Iowa Assessment tests @ 8:15 (Social Studies, Trial Units, then Interest Survey)
- Several pencils ready for use
- Free reading book
- Clear, uncluttered workspace
- Bathroom and drink breaks done before we start
- Explore 5th Grade Social Studies topics at MrNussbaum.com.
- Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05
- TODAY: Cole, Hailey, Payton, and Sean
- 5th Grade Picture @ 12:55 on the Playground
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Thursday 02/16 Science - Forces & Motion Labs
Purpose: I can use interactive labs to help me explain how forces are related to an object's motion.
- Quick Write: What are the two most important things you know about force and motion?
- Exploration: Force & Motion Interactive Labs
- Review: Share your "Something I Learned" and "Responses".
Thursday 02/16 Reading - Unknown Words Animoto
- "Unknown Words" Response is due TOMORROW:
- Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
- Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
- Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
- Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.
- Transfer your thinking to an Animoto presentations:
- Choose OR save an image to your Drive that represents each of your unknown words.
- Add a caption that identifies the word and your inferred meaning.
- Add another "slide" that uses your word in a sentence.
- Choose music that matches the tone/mood of your text.
- Click the "gear" and trim your song to 1:00 and turn on "Auto" for Image Pacing.
- Produce, label, and Finish your project.
Animoto Set-Up
- Sign up for an account at Animoto
- Email: _____@students.ankenyschools.org
- Full Name: 3______
- Password
- Choose "Education" in the drop down menu.
- Click "Account" on the left side.
- Enter a4eericbc9c6039d4298ae7 for the Promo Code.
- Now on the right under "Email Preferences" please change Product Updates to Off.
- Click "Create" and then start the tour.
Thursday 02/16 Morning Warm-Up
- Be prepared for our Iowa Assessment tests @ 8:15 (Science then Vocabulary)
- Several pencils ready for use
- Free reading book
- Clear, uncluttered workspace
- Bathroom and drink breaks done before we start
- Explore the answers to science questions at Ask Dr. Universe.
- Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05
- TODAY: Corinne, Anna, and Silas
- Friday: Cole, Hailey, Payton, and Sean
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Wednesday 02/15 Writing - Flash Draft Drafting
Purpose: I can use my Flash Draft topic information/answers to draft a expository nonfiction piece.
- Review: "Hamburger" Paragraphs
- Independent Writing Time: Flash Draft using what you know.
Wednesday 02/15 Reading - Practice Inferring
Purpose: I can quote accurately while making inferences that connect to the meaning of the text.
- Minilesson: Quality inferences connect to the overall meaning/main idea of the text.
- Whole Group: Making Inferences
- Practice: "Driving With Pets" Inferences
- Independent Reading Time
- "Unknown Words" Response is due Friday:
- Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
- Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
- Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
- Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.
Wednesday 02/15 Morning Warm-Up
- Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
- Have your Reading materials ready.
- Practice vocabulary at FreeRice.
- Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05
- TODAY: Aubrey, Eliana, Faith, and Jace
- Thursday: Cole, Corinne, Anna, and Silas.
- Friday: Hailey, Payton, and Sean
8:45 - 9:05 Arrival and Warm-Up
9:05 - 9:50 Specials: Media
9:50 - 10:00 Library Check-Out
10:00 - 11:15 Iowa Assessment Make-Up Testing/Reading
11:15 - 12:05 Writing
12:05 - 12:55 Lunch & Recess
12:55 - 2:20 Math
2:20 - 2:50 Read Aloud
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Tuesday 02/14 Reading - Discuss Summaries
Purpose: I can discuss our summaries to deepen my understanding of the story.
- Have your "Summarizing" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
- Independent Reading Time
- "Unknown Words" Response is due Friday:
- Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
- Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
- Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
- Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.
Tuesday 02/14 Science - Paper Bridge Engineering
Purpose: I can use my scientific inquiry and problem solving skills to engineer the strongest bridge possible.
- Review: Do the bridges you've seen so far give you any ideas about how you could make a strong paper bridge? Look at your design ideas from yesterday.
- Application: Paper Bridge Engineering
- Quick Write - Answer the following questions in your Science Notebook:
- Which bridge design(s) supported the most pennies?
- What makes a bridge "strong"?
Tuesday 02/14 Morning Warm-Up
- Be prepared for our Iowa Assessment tests @ 8:15
- A working calculator
- Several pencils ready for use
- Free reading book
- Clear, uncluttered workspace
- Bathroom and drink breaks done before we start
- Practice math skills at Sumdog.
- Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05
- TODAY: Hannah, Avery, Carter B., and Lexus
- Wednesday: Hailey, Eliana, Faith, and Jace
- Thursday: Cole, Corinne, Anna, and Silas.
- Friday: Aubrey, Payton, and Sean
Monday, February 13, 2017
Monday 02/13 Reading - Practice Summarizing
Purpose: I can determine the important elements of my reading by identifying the text, verb, topic, and big ideas.
- Whole Group: Determine the topic of each text.
- Practice: Monsters to the Rescue
- Independent Reading Time
- "Determine Importance by Summarizing" Response is due TOMORROW. (Here is an example using Watsons)
Monday 02/13 Writing - Flash Draft Research
Purpose: I can research information/answers for my Flash Draft topic.
- Review: Share Flash Draft Topics and Categories
- Independent Research Time:
- Begin With the End in Mind: Be ready to use your research/answers and draft TOMORROW.
Monday 02/13 Morning Warm-Up
- Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
- Be prepared for our Iowa Assessment tests @ 8:15
- Several pencils ready for use
- Free reading book
- Clear, uncluttered workspace
- Bathroom and drink breaks done before we start
- Complete this Test-Taking Prep Activity
- Practice vocabulary at FreeRice.
- Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05
- TODAY: Hannah, Avery, and Silas.
- Tuesday: Hailey, Carter B., and Lexus
- Wednesday: Eliana, Faith, and Jace
- Thursday: Cole, Corinne, and Anna
- Friday: Aubrey, Payton, and Sean
Friday, February 10, 2017
Friday 02/10 Reading - Discuss Conflicts
Purpose: I can discuss our conflicts to deepen my understanding of the story.
- Have your "Describing Conflicts" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
- Independent Reading Time
- "Determine Importance by Summarizing" Response is due Tuesday. (Here is an example using Watsons)
Friday 02/10 Science - Force & Motion Vocabulary
Purpose: I can define, understand, and use words/phrases related to the study of force and motion.
- Quick Write: What do you know about force and motion?
- Vocabulary Practice: Force & Motion Vocabulary
- Review: Share your Connect Two thoughts.
Friday 02/10 Morning Warm-Up and Writing
- Display your Describing Conflict Response for the Homework Checker.
- Have your Flash Draft materials ready.
- Independent Research Time 8:00 - 8:15 and 8:20 - 8:45: I can research information/answers for my Flash Draft topic using appropriate and reliable research resources.
- Fire Drill @ 8:15
- 2nd Grade Buddy Class Reward @ 8:45 (Dodgeball)
- Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05: Lexus, Aubrey, Payton, Sean, and Jace
- Iowa Assessments Goal Setting @ 11:00 with Dr. Dittmar
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Thursday 02/09 Reading - Analyze Inferences
Purpose: I can quote accurately while making inferences that connect to the meaning of the text.
- Minilesson: Quality inferences connect to the overall meaning/main idea of the text.
- Whole Group: "Virtual School" Inferences Analysis
- Practice: "School Uniforms" Inferences
- Independent Reading Time
- "Describing Conflict" Response is due TOMORROW:
- Identify atleast two conflicts that are driving your plot.
- Describe the conflicts you identified by writing about who the struggles are between, why, and how they might be solved.
- Compose a paragraph using your outline.
Thursday 02/09 Morning Warm-Up
- Have your Flash Draft materials ready:
- Sticky Notes for your Brain Dump.
- A NEW booklet for categorizing and recording information.
- On a Sticky Note, list two NEW nonfiction topics you could use for a Flash Draft:
- You should be interested in your topic.
- You should have some background knowledge on the topic.
- You should also be able to ask questions and learn MORE about the topic.
- Be ready to discuss and share with Mr. Nathan or Mr. Erickson
- Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05
- TODAY: Cole, Corinne, Anna, Hailey, Carter B.
- Friday: Lexus, Aubrey, Payton, Sean, and Jace
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Wednesday 02/08 Literacy Block - "The Watsons" Multimedia Evaluation
Purpose: I can view the multimedia version of The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963 to critique the use of multimedia elements that enhance the meaning, tone, and beauty of the story.
- Minilesson: Meaning, Tone, & Beauty
- Practice: "The Watsons" Multimedia Evaluation
Wednesday 02/08 Morning Warm-Up
- Display your HomeLink 5.14 for the Homework Checker.
- Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
- Have your Reading materials ready.
- Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05
- TODAY: Hannah, Avery, Eliana, Faith, and Silas.
- Thursday: Cole, Corinne, Anna, Hailey, Carter B.
- Friday: Lexus, Aubrey, Payton, Sean, and Jace
- Yearbook Class Picture @ 12:00
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Tuesday 02/07 Reading - Share Book Club Inferrences
Purpose: I can discuss our inferences to deepen my understanding of the story.
- Have your "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
- Independent Reading Time
- "Describing Conflict" Response is due FRIDAY:
- Identify atleast two conflicts that are driving your plot.
- Describe the conflicts you identified by writing about who the struggles are between, why, and how they might be solved.
- Compose a paragraph using your outline.
Tuesday 02/07 Science - Hopper Popper Exploration
Purpose: I can use my scientific inquiry skills to think about the forces that cause motion.
- Independent Exploration: Physical Science @ GetEpic!
- Inquiry: Hopper Popper Open-Ended Exploration
- Write About It: How did the hopper popper's force relate to its motion?
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