Classroom Resources

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tuesday 02/28 Math - Metric Conversion Game

Purpose:  I can play Horrendous Soup to practice converting metric measurements.

Tuesday 02/28 Reading - Comparing & Contrasting Theme

Purpose:  I can compare and contrast the theme of different Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre books to better understand the author's message.
  1. Small Group "Theme" Comparing/Contrasting:
    • I know the theme is...  I know this because in the text...
    • This is the same/different as... because...
  2. Independent Reading Time

Tuesday 02/28 Science - How Can You Go Faster Down a Slide?

Purpose:  I can use scientific inquiry to better understand friction.
  1. Review: "How Soccer Can Help Us Understand Physics" RESULTS
  2. Investigate: How can you go faster down a slide? "TRY THIS"
  3. Synthesize Your Learning: 
    1. What happens when you put all the sliders on the slide when it’s flat, and then slowly raise one end of the slide?
    2. What happened when you raced a cardboard slider with 5 pennies against one with no pennies?
    3. What questions did you come up with? What happened when you experimented to answer them?

Tuesday 02/28 Writing - Flash Draft Publishing

Purpose:  I can use my Flash Draft topic information/answers to draft a expository nonfiction piece.
  1. Review: Skim and scan all THREE of your Flash Drafts.
  2. Independent Writing Time: Edit and revise to continue publishing your best draft.
    1. Use a "hook" to catch your reader's attention from the very first sentence.
    2. Add to any weak paragraphs/categories (Flash Draft Research Resources)
    3. Use multiple resources (at least three) to deepen your knowledge.
    4. Cite the source and show text evidence (Text Evidence Sentence Frames)
  3. Closing: What nonfiction text features would make your draft better?

Tuesday 02/28 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your HomeLink 6.3 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Writing and Flash Draft materials ready.
  3. Practice Grammar Skills at

Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday 02/26 Reading - Comparing & Contrasting Theme

Purpose:  I can compare and contrast the theme of different Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre books to better understand the author's message.
  1. Questioning Pre-Assessment: "Buried Treasure"
  2. Small Group "Theme" Comparing/Contrasting:
    • I know the theme is...  I know this because in the text...
    • This is the same/different as... because...
  3. Independent Reading Time

Monday 02/26 Science - Friction

Purpose:  I can use scientific inquiry to better understand friction.
  1. Whole Group: How can you go faster down a slide?
  2. Nonfiction Reading: ReadWorks Digital
    1. Go to
    2. Sign in with your Google account.
    3. Enter class code MLGXN6
  3. Practice: "How Soccer Can Help Us Understand Physics"

Monday 02/27 Writing - Flash Drafting

Purpose:  I can use my Flash Draft topic information/answers to draft a expository nonfiction piece.
  1. Minilesson: Use a "hook" to catch your reader's attention from the very first sentence.
  2. Independent Writing Time:  Flash Draft using what you know.
  3. Add to any weak paragraphs/categories:
  4. Closing: What is your strongest paragraph?

Monday 02/26 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Check your Band Lesson day/time for this week.
  3. Display your Theme Planning Answers for the Homework Checker.
  4. Have your Writing and Flash Draft materials ready.
  5. Practice Grammar Skills at

Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday 02/24 Math - A Math-ic Prediction

Friday 02/24 Reading - Discuss the Plot

Purpose:  I can discuss the plot of our story to understand how the characters and events interact.
  1. Have your "Plot" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Theme" Planning is due Monday:
    • What did the characters learn?
    • How did the characters grow or change?
    • Why did the characters act this way?
  4. Book Fair Preview @ 11:45

Friday 02/24 Leadership - Spring Conference Preparation

Purpose:  I can organize my learning to share my progress at my Parent-Teacher Conference.
  1. Review the Spring Conference Rubric
  2. Open Seesaw
  3. Find and upload your "must haves"
  4. Add captions to explain each document/item
  5. Check for your best writing, including spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and complete sentences.

Friday 02/24 Writing - Flash Draft Multiple Sources

Purpose:  I can record information/answers from THREE different sources for my Flash Draft topic using text evidence.
  1. Minilesson: Multiple sources can offer similar answers and evidence with regard to your research topic, or they may differ. The final draft will be more interesting if it explores different perspectives.
  2. Independent Research Time:
  3. Closing: What is the most interesting information you have found about your topic?

Friday 02/24 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your "Plot" Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Writing and Flash Draft materials ready.
  3. Practice Grammar Skills at
***Be responsible by being in your seats, quiet, and on task for Ms. Miller while I am doing Jaguar Jungle.***

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Thursday 02/23 Reading - Describing the Plot

Purpose:  I can identify and discuss the elements of plot.
  1. Whole Group: Let's Talk Plot
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Describing the Plot" Response is due Friday:
    • The Beginning
    • The Exciting Incident
    • The Rising Action
    • The Climax
    • The Falling Action
    • The Ending

Thursday 02/23 Science - Gravity Text Evidence

Purpose:  I can use text evidence to answer questions relating to gravity.
  1. Review: Friction, Air Resistance, and Gravity Main Ideas with Supporting Details
  2. Practice: "Why Don't People on the Other Side Fall Off?" Reading Comprehension Packet
  3. Extension: Bill Nye - Gravity

Thursday 02/23 Leadership - Spring Conference Preparation

Purpose:  I can organize my learning to share my progress at my Parent-Teacher Conference.

  1. Review the Spring Conference Rubric
  2. Open Seesaw
  3. Find and upload your "must haves"
  4. Add captions to explain each document/item
  5. Check for your best writing, including: spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and complete sentences.

Thursday 02/23 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Friction, Air Resistance, and Gravity Main Ideas for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Chromebook and Leadership Binder ready.
  3. Free Read Quietly.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Thursday 02/22 Science - Friction, Air Resistance, and Gravity Main Ideas

Purpose:  I can synthesize the main idea and identify supporting details for ideas about friction, air resistance, and gravity.
  1. Review: Main Idea and Supporting Details
  2. Practice: Friction, Air Resistance, and Gravity Main Ideas with Supporting Details
  3. Extension: Bill Nye - Friction

Wednesday 02/22 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your HomeLink 6.1 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  3. Have your Spelling materials ready.
  4. Practice February Words at
  5. Animoto Help for Mr. Petersen's 2nd Graders @ 10:10
    • Sign out of Animoto so the 2nd graders can log-in with their account.
    • They have a planning sheet all done and Mr. Petersen will explain what the 2nd graders are trying to accomplish and then we will help them finish.
    • They have started creating their slide show, named it, created a title page, and saved it.
    • We will help type in facts and find pictures.
    • Focus on helping make their fact sentences more concise since there is a character limit on Animoto and getting their pictures in.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tuesday 02/21 Reading - Discuss Setting

Purpose:  I can discuss the setting of the story to understand how the time, place, and environment affect the plot.
  1. Have your "Setting" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Describing the Plot" Response is due Friday:
    • The Beginning
    • The Exciting Incident
    • The Rising Action
    • The Climax
    • The Falling Action
    • The Ending

Tuesday 02/21 Science - Tacoma Narrows Bridge Inferences

Purpose:  I can quote accurately while making inferences that connect to the meaning of the text.
  1. Tacoma Bridge Collapse
  2. Minilesson: Quotes and Punctuation
  3. Practice:  "Galloping Gertie" Inferences (ATLEAST 3)
  4. Be ready to share your inferences in a small group meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  5. Independent Reading Time

Tuesday 02/21 Writing - Flash Draft Research

Purpose:  I can record information/answers for my Flash Draft topic using text evidence.
  1. Sort and categorize your Brain Dump information/questions for your Nature topic.
  2. Minilesson: We must cite our sources for information/answers.
  3. Independent Research Time:
  4. Closing:  As you researched your topic, what new things did you become curious about?

Tuesday 02/21 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Check your Band Lesson day/time for this week.
  3. Display your "Setting" Response for the Homework Checker.
  4. Have your Writing and Flash Draft materials ready.
  5. Practice Grammar Skills at

Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday 02/17 Reading - Inferences Post Assessment

Purpose:  I can quote accurately while making inferences that connect to the meaning of the text.
  1. Self-Reflection: Review your past inference work.
  2. Post Assessment:  "Lottery Winners" Inferences (ATLEAST 3)
  3. Have your "Unknown Words" Response/Animoto ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  4. Independent Reading Time
  5. "Describe the Setting" Response is due Tuesday:
    • Describe the time, place, and environment of your book in a written paragraph
    • Draw a map of the main setting.
    • Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.


Purpose:  I can be responsible for the amount of time for earned Chromebook Free Time.

Friday 02/17 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Be prepared for our Iowa Assessment tests @ 8:15 (Social Studies, Trial Units, then Interest Survey)
    • Several pencils ready for use
    • Free reading book
    • Clear, uncluttered workspace
    • Bathroom and drink breaks done before we start
  2. Explore 5th Grade Social Studies topics at
  3. Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05
    • TODAY: Cole, Hailey, Payton, and Sean
  4. 5th Grade Picture @ 12:55 on the Playground

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thursday 02/16 Science - Forces & Motion Labs

Purpose: I can use interactive labs to help me explain how forces are related to an object's motion.
  1. Quick Write: What are the two most important things you know about force and motion?
  2. Exploration:  Force & Motion Interactive Labs
  3. Review:  Share your "Something I Learned" and "Responses".

Thursday 02/16 Reading - Unknown Words Animoto

  1. "Unknown Words" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
    • Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
    • Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
    • Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.
  2. Transfer your thinking to an Animoto presentations:
    1. Choose OR save an image to your Drive that represents each of your unknown words.
    2. Add a caption that identifies the word and your inferred meaning.
    3. Add another "slide" that uses your word in a sentence.
    4. Choose music that matches the tone/mood of your text.
    5. Click the "gear" and trim your song to 1:00 and turn on "Auto" for Image Pacing.
    6. Produce, label, and Finish your project.

Animoto Set-Up

  1. Sign up for an account at Animoto
    1. Email:
    2. Full Name: 3______
    3. Password
    4. Choose "Education" in the drop down menu.
  2. Click "Account" on the left side.
  3. Enter a4eericbc9c6039d4298ae7 for the Promo Code.
  4. Now on the right under "Email Preferences" please change Product Updates to Off.
  5. Click "Create" and then start the tour.

Thursday 02/16 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Be prepared for our Iowa Assessment tests @ 8:15 (Science then Vocabulary)
    • Several pencils ready for use
    • Free reading book
    • Clear, uncluttered workspace
    • Bathroom and drink breaks done before we start
  2. Explore the answers to science questions at Ask Dr. Universe.
  3. Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05
    • TODAY: Corinne, Anna, and Silas
    • Friday: Cole, Hailey, Payton, and Sean

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wednesday 02/15 Writing - Flash Draft Drafting

Purpose:  I can use my Flash Draft topic information/answers to draft a expository nonfiction piece.
  1. Review: "Hamburger" Paragraphs
  2. Independent Writing Time:  Flash Draft using what you know.

Wednesday 02/15 Reading - Practice Inferring

Purpose:  I can quote accurately while making inferences that connect to the meaning of the text.
  1. Minilesson: Quality inferences connect to the overall meaning/main idea of the text.
  2. Whole Group:  Making Inferences
  3. Practice: "Driving With Pets" Inferences
  4. Independent Reading Time
  5. "Unknown Words" Response is due Friday:
    • Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
    • Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
    • Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
    • Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.

Wednesday 02/15 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  2. Have your Reading materials ready.
  3. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice.
  4. Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05
    • TODAY: Aubrey, Eliana, Faith, and Jace
    • Thursday: Cole, Corinne, Anna, and Silas.
    • Friday: Hailey, Payton, and Sean
8:45 - 9:05 Arrival and Warm-Up
9:05 - 9:50 Specials: Media
9:50 - 10:00 Library Check-Out
10:00 - 11:15 Iowa Assessment Make-Up Testing/Reading
11:15 - 12:05  Writing
12:05 - 12:55 Lunch & Recess
12:55 - 2:20 Math
2:20 - 2:50 Read Aloud

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Tuesday 02/14 Reading - Discuss Summaries

Purpose:  I can discuss our summaries to deepen my understanding of the story.
  1. Have your "Summarizing" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Unknown Words" Response is due Friday:
    • Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
    • Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
    • Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
    • Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.

Tuesday 02/14 Science - Paper Bridge Engineering

Purpose: I can use my scientific inquiry and problem solving skills to engineer the strongest bridge possible.
  1. Review: Do the bridges you've seen so far give you any ideas about how you could make a strong paper bridge?  Look at your design ideas from yesterday.
  2. Application:  Paper Bridge Engineering
  3. Quick Write - Answer the following questions in your Science Notebook:
    • Which bridge design(s) supported the most pennies?
    • What makes a bridge "strong"?

Tuesday 02/14 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Be prepared for our Iowa Assessment tests @ 8:15
    • A working calculator
    • Several pencils ready for use
    • Free reading book
    • Clear, uncluttered workspace
    • Bathroom and drink breaks done before we start
  2. Practice math skills at Sumdog.
  3. Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05
    • TODAY: Hannah, Avery, Carter B., and Lexus
    • Wednesday: Hailey, Eliana, Faith, and Jace
    • Thursday: Cole, Corinne, Anna, and Silas.
    • Friday: Aubrey, Payton, and Sean

Monday, February 13, 2017

Monday 02/13 Reading - Practice Summarizing

Purpose:  I can determine the important elements of my reading by identifying the text, verb, topic, and big ideas.
  1. Whole Group:  Determine the topic of each text.
  2. Practice:  Monsters to the Rescue
  3. Independent Reading Time
  4. "Determine Importance by Summarizing" Response is due TOMORROW.  (Here is an example using Watsons)

Monday 02/13 Writing - Flash Draft Research

Purpose:  I can research information/answers for my Flash Draft topic.
  1. Review: Share Flash Draft Topics and Categories
  2. Independent Research Time:
  3. Begin With the End in Mind:  Be ready to use your research/answers and draft TOMORROW.

Monday 02/13 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Be prepared for our Iowa Assessment tests @ 8:15
    • Several pencils ready for use
    • Free reading book
    • Clear, uncluttered workspace
    • Bathroom and drink breaks done before we start
    • Complete this Test-Taking Prep Activity
  3. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice.
  4. Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05
    • TODAY: Hannah, Avery, and Silas.
    • Tuesday: Hailey, Carter B., and Lexus
    • Wednesday: Eliana, Faith, and Jace
    • Thursday: Cole, Corinne, and Anna
    • Friday: Aubrey, Payton, and Sean

Friday, February 10, 2017

Friday 02/10 Reading - Discuss Conflicts

Purpose:  I can discuss our conflicts to deepen my understanding of the story.
  1. Have your "Describing Conflicts" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Determine Importance by Summarizing" Response is due Tuesday.  (Here is an example using Watsons)

Friday 02/10 Science - Force & Motion Vocabulary

Purpose: I can define, understand, and use words/phrases related to the study of force and motion.
  1. Quick Write: What do you know about force and motion?
  2. Vocabulary Practice:  Force & Motion Vocabulary
  3. Review:  Share your Connect Two thoughts.

Friday 02/10 Morning Warm-Up and Writing

  1. Display your Describing Conflict Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Flash Draft materials ready.
  3. Independent Research Time 8:00 - 8:15 and 8:20 - 8:45:  I can research information/answers for my Flash Draft topic using appropriate and reliable research resources.
    1. Fire Drill @ 8:15
    2. 2nd Grade Buddy Class Reward @ 8:45 (Dodgeball)
    3. Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05: Lexus, Aubrey, Payton, Sean, and Jace
    4. Iowa Assessments Goal Setting @ 11:00 with Dr. Dittmar

    Thursday, February 9, 2017

    Thursday 02/09 Reading - Analyze Inferences

    Purpose:  I can quote accurately while making inferences that connect to the meaning of the text.
    1. Minilesson: Quality inferences connect to the overall meaning/main idea of the text.
    2. Whole Group: "Virtual School" Inferences Analysis
    3. Practice:  "School Uniforms" Inferences
    4. Independent Reading Time
    5. "Describing Conflict" Response is due TOMORROW:  
      • Identify atleast two conflicts that are driving your plot.
      • Describe the conflicts you identified by writing about who the struggles are between, why, and how they might be solved.
      • Compose a paragraph using your outline.

    Thursday 02/09 Writing - Flash Draft Brain Dump and Research


    Thursday 02/09 Morning Warm-Up

    1. Have your Flash Draft materials ready:
      • Sticky Notes for your Brain Dump.
      • A NEW booklet for categorizing and recording information.
    2. On a Sticky Note, list two NEW nonfiction topics you could use for a Flash Draft:
      • You should be interested in your topic.
      • You should have some background knowledge on the topic.
      • You should also be able to ask questions and learn MORE about the topic.
      • Be ready to discuss and share with Mr. Nathan or Mr. Erickson
    3. Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05
      • TODAY: Cole, Corinne, Anna, Hailey, Carter B.
      • Friday: Lexus, Aubrey, Payton, Sean, and Jace

    Wednesday, February 8, 2017

    Wednesday 02/08 Literacy Block - "The Watsons" Multimedia Evaluation

    Purpose: I can view the multimedia version of The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963 to critique the use of multimedia elements that enhance the meaning, tone, and beauty of the story.
    1. Minilesson: Meaning, Tone, & Beauty
    2. Practice: "The Watsons" Multimedia Evaluation

    Wednesday 02/08 Morning Warm-Up

    1. Display your HomeLink 5.14 for the Homework Checker.
    2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
    3. Have your Reading materials ready.
    5. Skatelace Leaders @ 10:05
      • TODAY: Hannah, Avery, Eliana, Faith, and Silas.
      • Thursday: Cole, Corinne, Anna, Hailey, Carter B.
      • Friday: Lexus, Aubrey, Payton, Sean, and Jace
    6. Yearbook Class Picture @ 12:00

    Tuesday, February 7, 2017

    Tuesday 02/07 Reading - Share Book Club Inferrences

    Purpose:  I can discuss our inferences to deepen my understanding of the story.
    1. Have your "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
    2. Independent Reading Time
    3. "Describing Conflict" Response is due FRIDAY:  
      • Identify atleast two conflicts that are driving your plot.
      • Describe the conflicts you identified by writing about who the struggles are between, why, and how they might be solved.
      • Compose a paragraph using your outline.

    Tuesday 02/07 Science - Hopper Popper Exploration

    Purpose:  I can use my scientific inquiry skills to think about the forces that cause motion.
    1. Independent Exploration: Physical Science @ GetEpic!
    2. Inquiry:  Hopper Popper Open-Ended Exploration
    3. Write About It: How did the hopper popper's force relate to its motion?