Classroom Resources

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wednesday 02/28 Science - Gravity

Purpose: I can use text evidence to answer questions relating to gravity.
  1. Review: Friction, Air Resistance, and Gravity Main Ideas with Supporting Details
  2. Learning: Bill Nye - Gravity
  3. Practice: Use text evidence to help you read & comprehend " Space Systems: What is gravity?" @ Newsela

Wednesday 02/28 Writing - Secure Intriguing Information

Purpose: I can secure information that will intrigue (the details, stories, quotes, storylines, and so on), necessary to write compelling texts that draw in my readers for my new research report.
  1. Connection:  Research Report Mission Statement
  2. Teaching:  To write in powerful ways you'll need to take very specific kinds of notes, not just notes about dates and names and facts.  Think about the single most important thing you want your reader to come away with knowing, thinking, or feeling about your topic; find intriguing details, stories, and quotes that help to teach/show that!
  3. Link: With your small-group research team, secure the details, stories, quotes, storylines, and so on necessary to write compelling texts that draw in your readers.
    • You'll write your report on an even more focused historical topic, with even more powerful writing, with even more independence.
    • You've got two days to do the research you need to do; use these approved & appropriate resources.

Wednesday 02/28 Morning Warm-Up

***Learning Coach Help Request***
***Fire Drill @ 9:05***
We will leave for Specials early.
  1. Display your HomeLink 6-2 for the Homework Checker
  2. Have your Writing folder, research report materials, and 5-6 new sheets of loose leaf paper ready to use
  3. Think about your new focused historical topic for your next research report and answer these questions on a sheet titled "Research Report Mission Statement"
    • Who is the intended audience/reader of your report?
    • What is the single most important thing you want your reader to come away with knowing, thinking, or feeling about your topic?
    • What structure will your writing take?
    • What will be your sections, and in what sequence?  (In other words, what will be your table of contents?)

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tuesday 02/27 Science - Friction, Air Resistance, and Gravity Main Ideas

Purpose: I can synthesize a summary using the main idea and identify supporting details for ideas about friction, air resistance, and gravity.
  1. Review: Main Idea and Supporting Details
  2. Practice: Friction, Air Resistance, and Gravity Main Ideas with Supporting Details
    • Partner up with a student from Mr. Petersen's class.
    • Each learner is responsible for recording ideas, but you may share your thinking with your partner.
    • Be ready to come back and discuss your summaries.
  3. Extension: Bill Nye - Friction

Tuesday 02/27 Reading - Figurative Language

Purpose: I can identify figurative language to better understand what the text means and not just what it says. 
  1. Book Club Meeting: Share and discuss everyone's "Point of View" Response
  2. Connection: Watch this video to review types and examples of figurative language.
  3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Figurative Language" Response is due Friday 
    • Identify examples of figurative language from your reading. 
    • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes. 
  4. Free Reading Time

Tuesday 02/27 Writing - Drawing Inspiration from Mentor Text

Purpose: I can secure the details, stories, quotes, storylines, and so on necessary to write compelling texts that draw in my readers for my new research report.
  1. Connection:  What is your best writing ever?
  2. Teaching:  To write research that is compelling to readers, your study of your topic needs to be driven not just by a desire to collect facts but also by an urgent need to find the raw material that you can fashion into something that makes readers say, "Whoa."
  3. Active Engagement: If your goal is to convey information as well as that film clip did, in writing, then how does your research need to change?
  4. Link: With your small-group research team, secure the details, stories, quotes, storylines, and so on necessary to write compelling texts that draw in your readers.
    • You'll write your report on an even more focused topic, with even more powerful writing, with even more independence.
    • You've got two days to do the research you need to do; use these approved & appropriate resources.

Tuesday 02/27 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Point of View Book Club Response for the Homework Checker
  2. Have your Writing folder and 5-6 sheets of loose leaf paper ready to use
  3. Brainstorm a focused historical topic for your next research report
  4. Practice your grammar, proofreading, and literacy skills at

Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday 02/26 Reading - Practice Analyzing Point of View & Perspective

Purpose: I can better understand how a story is told by analyzing point of view and perspective.
  1. Practice: Analyzing Point of View & Perspective Practice
  2. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Analyze Point of View" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • What point of view is the story being told in?
    • How do you know? Use examples from the story to support your answer.
    • Who's perspective is the story in? How does this impact the story? What does it make you think about the plot?
    • Free Reading Time

    Monday 02/26 Writing - Finalize Group Textbook

    Purpose: As a writer, I can evaluate and edit my writing to best teach an audience about the American Revolution.
    1. Connection:  Information Writing Process
    2. Engagement:  Finalize your group "textbook" on the American Revolution
      • We will go to the South Lab @ 8:30 to print.
      • Use our checklist to meet expectations for nonfiction writing.
      • You may include no more than one image per section to help illustrate your information.
      • Divvy up responsibilities for editing, checking, and polishing your book: EVERYONE MUST HELP FINALIZE.
      • Link your draft on our American Revolution Group Textbook Community Document.
    3. Learning:  Read other groups' textbooks.

    Monday 02/26 Morning Warm-Up

    1. Monday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time 
    2. FINALIZE the data on your Medal Count Chart: Tally the medals won by each country.
    3. Have your American Revolution materials ready.
    4. Practice your grammar, proofreading, and literacy skills at Start with "Colonial Life in the American Revolution"
    ***Book Fair Preview at 9:55***

      Friday, February 23, 2018

      Friday 02/23 Math - Got Cubes?

      Purpose: I can use my problem solving skills to solve a difficult math task involving multiplying and dividing fractions to find volume.
      1. Warm-Up: Correctly complete at least TEN of each type
      2. Problem Solving: Got Cubes?
      3. Math Skills Practice: Free Choice Friday
      4. Assessment: Using Fractions to Determine Volume

      Friday 02/23 Report Card Evaluation

      Purpose:  I can analyze my progress and set goals for my learning.

      1. Rate yourself on "Behaviors", place your new rubric in the WIGs section of your Leadership Binder
      2. Analyze your 2nd Trimester Report Card
      3. Identify your strength(s) and set a goal on your Conference Notes document:
        • One of my strengths as a learner is...
        • A goal I have for my learning is...

      Friday 02/23 Reading - Discuss Conflict

      Purpose: I can better understand characters by discussing my thinking about conflict with my book club.
      1. Book Club Meeting: Have your "Describing Character Change Through Conflict" Response ready to share.
      2. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Analyze Point of View" Response is due Tuesday:
        • What point of view is the story being told in?
        • How do you know? Use examples from the story to support your answer.
        • Who's perspective is the story in? How does this impact the story? What does it make you think about the plot?
        • Free Reading Time

        Friday 02/23 Writing - Group "Textbook"

        Purpose: As a writer, I can evaluate and edit my writing to best teach an audience about the American Revolution.
        1. Connection:  Information Writing Process
        2. Engagement:  Create a group "textbook" on the American Revolution
          • Use our checklist to meet expectations for nonfiction writing.
          • Collaborate to include a wide range of topics & information from every team member.
          • Divvy up responsibilities for writing, editing, checking, and citing your resources.
          • You may begin to include no more than one image per section to help illustrate your information.

        Friday 02/23 Morning Warm-Up

        1. Display your Conflict Response for the Homework Checker
        2. Add data to your Medal Count Chart: Tally the medals won by each country.
        3. Have your American Revolution materials ready for our work today.
        4. Quiz yourself on American Revolution Basics.
        ***No REWARDS Group this morning***
        ***AELP: Math Olympiads TODAY from 1:15 - 2:00***

        Thursday, February 22, 2018

        Thursday 02/22 Math - Unit 5 EDM Assessment

        Purpose: I can show my understanding and skills with adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions & mixed numbers.
        1. Warm-Up: Fraction Operations W.I.N.
        2. Unit 5 EDM Assessment
          • Complete to the best of your abilities. 
          • Read and follow all directions.
          • Double-check your answers, using “reasonableness” to help. 
        3. Unit 6 Preview: Math Journal page 194
        4. Math Skills Practice: EDM Online

        Thursday 02/22 Science - Friction and Air Resistance

        Purpose: I can explore and compare how changing a variable in an investigation affects air resistance of paper “roto-copters.”
        1. Learning: Friction and Air Resistance (Physical Science Textbook pages 102 - 105) 
        2. Engagement: Friction and Air Resistance Investigation
        3. Share Results: During my exploration, I discovered my hypothesis was... because the data shows... 
        4. Extension: Bill Nye - Spinning Things

        Thursday 02/22 Reading - Character Conflict and Change

        Purpose: I can discuss important elements of my reading & thinking with my book club by sharing my summaries.
        1. Teaching: Describing Character Change Through Conflict Practice
        2. Finish Book Club Meetings: Have your "Summarizing" Response ready to share
        3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Describing Character Change Through Conflict" Response is due TOMORROW
          • Identify atleast two conflicts that are driving your plot.
          • Describe the conflicts you identified by writing about who the struggles are between, why, and how they might be solved.
          • Write about how the conflict will change the character(s).
          • Compose a paragraph using your outline.
          • Free Reading Time

          Thursday 02/22 Writing - Celebrate and Edit for Audience

          Purpose: As a writer, I can evaluate and edit my writing to best teach an audience about the American Revolution.
          1. Connection:  Information Writing Process
          2. Engagement:  Create a group "textbook" on the American Revolution
            • Look over your report and choose your strongest sections.
            • Collaborate to decide upon your outline and sequence: include a wide range of topics & information from every team member.
            • Divvy up responsibilities for writing, editing, and checking.
            • Use our checklist to meet expectations for nonfiction writing.

          Thursday 02/22 Morning Warm-Up

          1. Thursday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time 
          2. Display your American Revolution Report for the Homework Checker
          3. Add data to your Medal Count Chart: Tally the medals won by each country.
          4. Have your American Revolution materials ready for our work today, including your checklist from yesterday.
          5. Review The American Revolution Basics:
          ***NO AELP this afternoon***

          Wednesday, February 21, 2018

          Wednesday 02/21 Math - Fraction Operations W.I.N.

          Purpose: I can practice what I need (W.I.N.) to improve my skills and ability with fractions.
          1. Warm-Up: Self-evaluate your fraction skills and ability using our stairs, star, and star-plus scale
            • Fraction Basics
            • Mixed Numbers
            • Adding and Subtracting Fractions
            • Adding Mixed Numbers
            • Subtracting Mixed Numbers
            • Multiplying Fractions
            • Dividing Fractions
          2. Practice: Fraction Operations W.I.N.
            • Lead yourself through the review videos, games, and activities.
            • Use your headphones to allow everyone to focus on their own work.
            • You should review/practice EVERY element.
          3. H.W.: Mixed Operations of Fractions Worksheet
          *** Unit 5 EDM Assessment TOMORROW: What elements of fractions do you need to improve upon? ***

          Wednesday 02/21 Reading - Discuss Summaries

          Purpose: I can discuss important elements of my reading & thinking with my book club by sharing my summaries.
          1. Book Club Meeting: Have your "Summarizing" Response ready to share
          2. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Describing Character Change Through Conflict" Response is due Friday
            • Identify atleast two conflicts that are driving your plot.
            • Describe the conflicts you identified by writing about who the struggles are between, why, and how they might be solved.
            • Write about how the conflict will change the character(s).
            • Compose a paragraph using your outline.
            • Free Reading Time

            Wednesday 02/21 Writing - Redrafting Our American Revolution Research Reports

            Purpose: As a writer, I can evaluate my writing to help REdraft my research report.
            1. Connection:  Information Writing Process
            2. Evaluation:  Information Writing Checklist
            3. Application: REdraft your report
              • Avoid contractions--instead of didn't or weren't, try did not or were not.
              • Use expert language from your research.
              • Use fancy transition words like thereforeadditionallyin other words, and on the other hand.
              • Use your checklist to identify and complete your "Not Yet" and "Starting To" elements.

            Wednesday 02/21 Morning Warm-Up

            1. Display your Summarizing Response for the Homework Checker
            2. Add data to your Medal Count Chart: Tally the medals won by each country.
            3. Have your American Revolution Report materials ready for our work today.
            4. Review The American Revolution Basics:

            Friday, February 16, 2018

            Friday 02/16 Math - The Peach

            Purpose: I can solve difficult math task involving multiplying and dividing fractions using my problem solving skills.
            1. Warm-Up: Correctly complete at least TEN of each type
            2. Problem Solving: The Peach
            3. Math Skills Practice: Free Choice Friday
            4. H.W.: Mixed Fraction Operations Worksheet

            Friday 02/16 Reading - Discuss Unknown Words

            Purpose: I can share unknown words with my book club to expand our vocabulary.
            1. Stump Mr. Erickson: With your group, choose two words and their sentences from your book.
            2. Book Club Meeting: Have your "Unknown Words" Response ready to share
            3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading:"Determine Importance by Summarizing" Response is due TUESDAY (BUT THERE IS NO SCHOOL MONDAY)
              • Identify the text as specifically as you can.
              • State the verb that describes what the author is doing.
              • Identify the main idea of the text.
              • Record at least three supporting details.
              • Summarize at least two selections of your reading assignment.
            4. Free Reading Time

            Friday 02/16 Writing - Redrafting Our American Revolution Research Reports

            Purpose: As a writer, I can sketch a new outline and REdraft my research report.
            1. Connection:  Plan versus Reality
            2. Teaching:  Informational writers take a moment to look back over their research and conjure an image of what they hope to create, sometimes by quickly sketching a new outline, and then writing fast and furious to draft fresh versions of their reports.
            3. Practice: Reread your notes and parts of your draft to come up with a plan for your new report.
            4. Application: REdraft your report
              • Avoid contractions--instead of didn't or weren't, try did not or were not.
              • Use expert language from your research.
              • Use fancy transition words like therefore, additionally, in other words, and on the other hand.

            Friday 02/16 Morning Warm-Up

            1. Display your Unknown Words Response for the Homework Checker
            2. Add data to your Medal Count Chart: Tally the medals won by each country.
            3. Have your American Revolution Report materials ready for our work today.
            4. Practice/review these American Revolution words

            Thursday, February 15, 2018

            Thursday 02/15 Math - Fraction Operations Review

            Purpose:  I can complete operations with fractions using the correct algorithm.
            1. Fraction Digital Practice: Correctly complete at least TEN of each type
            2. Essential Standards Review: Play Spend and Save @ EDM Online
            3. Math Skills Practice: EDM Online
            4. H.W.: Mixed Fraction Operations Worksheet

            Thursday 02/15 Reading - Decode Unknown Words

            Purpose: I can determine the meaning of unknown words using decoding strategies.
            1. Practice: Use context clues decode words and phrases as you read & comprehend "Olympics: Winter Sports Explained" @ Newsela
            2. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading:"Unknown Words" Response is due TOMORROW
              • Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
              • Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
              • Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
              • Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.
            3. Free Reading Time

            Thursday 02/15 Science - Distance, Time, and Speed

            Purpose: I can determine the distance, time, or speed of objects as I describe motion.
            1. Connection:  Telling how fast an object is moving is a way to describe the object's motion.
            2. Teaching: Today I want to teach you that speed tells you how fast an object is moving.
              • To find the speed of an object, you need to know two things: distance and time.
              • Speed = distance / time
              • But if you know any two of those elements, you can describe an object’s motion in another way: distance traveled or time taken.
            3. Engagement: Distance, Time, and Speed Worksheet
            4. Extension: Bill Nye - Motion

            Thursday 02/15 Writing - Assembling and Thinking about Information

            Purpose: As a writer, I can assess then complete my notes/research so I can REdraft tomorrow.
            1. Review: As historians we have used maps, timelines, asked questions, and put our own thoughts into what we’ve learned about the American Revolution.
            2. Practice: I want to teach you that when researchers prepare to draft, they take stock of all the information they have and conduct quick research to tie up any loose ends. To do this, consider these self-evaluation questions:
              • What questions do you have that have gone unanswered?
              • What new questions have emerged?
              • What sections have been neglected and need to be completed?
            3. Application: Finalize your research so you can REdraft your American Revolution Report tomorrow

            Thursday 02/15 Morning Warm-Up

            1. Thursday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time 
            2. Display your "Distance & Speed Summaries" for the Homework Checker
            3. Add data to your Medal Count Chart: Tally the medals won by each country.
            4. Have your Writing folder, American Revolution notes/information, as well as our new timeline, ready for our work today.
            5. Review your American Revolution work.

            Wednesday, February 14, 2018

            Wednesday 02/14 Math - Fraction Operation Practice/Review

            Purpose: I can show my understanding and skills with our math essential standards.
            1. Warm-Up: Complete at least FIVE correctly of each type of Operations with Fractions Practice
            2. Assessment: Math Essential Skills Check #5
            3. Practice: Valentines Day Operations with Fractions
              • Rotate with your group around the different centers
              • Follow the directions on the folder, then solve and complete your work in your Math Notebook
              • Check your work using the Answer Key inside of the folder
              • If you finish, practice your math skills at Prodigy

            Wednesday 02/14 Reading - Decoding Words Practice

            Purpose: I can determine the meaning of unknown words using decoding strategies.
            1. Review: Decoding Strategies Review
            2. Practice: Use context clues to insert the correct missing words in each of these passages:
            3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Unknown Words" Response is due FRIDAY
              • Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
              • Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
              • Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
              • Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.
            4. Free Reading Time

            Wednesday 02/14 Science - Summarize Force & Motion Ideas

            Purpose: I can determine the important elements of my learning about force & motion by identifying the text, verb, main idea, and supporting details.
            1. Teaching: Analyzing the text structure will help you identify what the author is doing, the verb, as you summarize a nonfiction text.
            2. Practice: Summarizing Force & Motion, Direction, and Speed
            3. Reading: Read and comprehend "Up to Speed" @ ReadWorks to learn more about speed and energy.

            Wednesday 02/14 Morning Warm-Up

            1. Add data to your Medal Count Chart: Tally the medals won by each country.
            2. Display HomeLink 5-14 for the Homework Checker
            3. Have your Spelling materials ready 
            4. Practice your List #3 Words @ SpellingCity:
              • beautiful
              • classify
              • communities
              • community
              • electricity
              • happiness
              • prettier
            ***We are going to Win The Day***

            Tuesday, February 13, 2018

            Tuesday 02/13 Science - Force & Motion Vocabulary

            Purpose: I can define, understand, and use words/phrases related to the study of force and motion.
            1. Quick Write: What do you know about force and motion?
            2. Vocabulary: Force & Motion Vocabulary
              • For each vocabulary word, fill in the definition, a drawing that represents that word, and your own quality sentence that shows its meaning in context
              • Share your Connect Two thoughts
            3. Reading: Explore "Forces & Motion" @ Newsela

            Tuesday 02/12 Writing - Use Dates to Sequence Events

            Purpose: As a historian, I can use timelines as tools of thought.
            1. Review: When you are researching, write and think about relationships between events because the past will always have an impact on what unfolds in the future.  Sequence the events by including dates as you correlate the relationships.
            2. Practice: American Revolution Timeline and Dates
              • Cause and Effects
              • Patterns over Time
              • Dates and Sequence of Events
            3. Application: American Revolution Report

            Tuesday 02/13 Morning Warm-Up

            1. Add data to your Medal Count Chart: Tally the medals won by each country.
            2. Display your HomeLink 5-13 for the Homework Checker
            3. Have your Writing folder, American Revolution notes/information, as well as our new timeline, ready for our work today.
            4. Begin rereading your American Revolution Report draft.

            Monday, February 12, 2018

            Monday 02/12 Reading -

            Purpose:  I can analyze point of view and perspective to better understand how a story is told.
            1. Book Club Meeting: Have your Theme Response ready to share.
            2. Learning: Point of View and Perspective
            3. Application: Read and comprehend "Tunneling in the Closet" at ReadWorksDigital to practice thinking about Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Theme, and Point of View/Perspective
            4. Free Reading Time

            Monday 02/12 Writing - Use Timelines

            Purpose: As a historian, I can use timelines as tools of thought.
            1. Connection:  Timelines can help you think about cause-and-effect and patterns across time.
            2. Teaching: When you are researching, write and think about relationships between events because the past will always have an impact on what unfolds in the future.
            3. Practice: The Beginning of the American Revolution Timeline
              • Cause and Effects
              • Patterns over Time
            4. Application: American Revolution Report

            Monday 02/12 Morning Warm-Up

            1. Add data to your Medal Count Chart: Tally the medals won by each country.
            2. Monday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time
            3. Display your "Theme" Book Club Response for the Homework Checker
            4. Have your Writing folder, American Revolution notes/information, as well as our new timeline ready for our work today.
            5. Begin rereading your American Revolution Report draft.

            Friday, February 9, 2018

            Friday 02/10 Math - Piles of Tiles

            Purpose: I can use my problem-solving skills to answer and complete difficult math tasks involving fractions and ratios.
            1. Warm-Up: Multiplying Fractions Digital Practice (COMPLETE AT LEAST FIVE CORRECT BEFORE MOVING TO THE NEXT TYPE)
            2. Problem Solving: Tiles of Piles

            Friday 02/09 Reading - Discuss and Extend Plot

            Purpose:  I can analyze plot elements to better understand their impacts on the story.
            1. Book Club Meeting: Have your Plot Response ready to share.
            2. Learning: Identifying Themes in a Story/Fable
            3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: What is the theme of your Book Club story?  Use your understanding of the plot to better identify the theme.
            4. Free Reading Time