Classroom Resources

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wednesday 02/28 Morning Warm-Up

***Learning Coach Help Request***
***Fire Drill @ 9:05***
We will leave for Specials early.
  1. Display your HomeLink 6-2 for the Homework Checker
  2. Have your Writing folder, research report materials, and 5-6 new sheets of loose leaf paper ready to use
  3. Think about your new focused historical topic for your next research report and answer these questions on a sheet titled "Research Report Mission Statement"
    • Who is the intended audience/reader of your report?
    • What is the single most important thing you want your reader to come away with knowing, thinking, or feeling about your topic?
    • What structure will your writing take?
    • What will be your sections, and in what sequence?  (In other words, what will be your table of contents?)

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