Classroom Resources

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday 11/30 Math Activity - Fractions

Purpose:  I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions.
  1. Finish Unit 3 Progress Assessment
  2. Finish Math Journal page 110 (IND.)
  3. Khan Academy Practice:
    1. Log-In at (using your Google account)
    2. Visit
    3. There, in the "Add a coach" field, enter the class code F2Q37D
    4. Learn how to and practice adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions and mixed numbers.

Wednesday 11/30 NanoWriMo - Finish Your Draft

Purpose: I can write the ending of my story to know how to conclude the plot of my novel.
  1. Find your NaNoWriMo "Official" Word Count:
    1. Copy your GoogleDoc draft.
    2. Click "Chapter +"
    3. Paste your draft.
  2. Review: Examples of Endings for Novels
  3. Write!
  4. Proofread, edit and revise your draft on NaNoWriMo using Grammarly

Wednesday 11/30 Book Club - Describe Characters

  1. December's Mystery Genre Book Club:
    1. Determine your club name.
    2. Set your meeting spot.
    3. Identify the expected materials.
    4. Finalize your consequence.
    5. REMEMBER, your digital citizenship/responsibility when working on a shared document.
  2. "Describing Characters" Response is due Friday:
    • List the characters you meet during your first Reading Assignment for your book club.
    • In your Reading Notebook, use a Character Web to identify elements of THREE characters:
      • Appearance
      • Actions of the character
      • Thoughts/feelings the character has
      • Your opinion of the character (like/dislike, connections, etc)
      • What character trait best describes them?
      • Identify them as the hero, supporting character, or villain?
  3. Read Silently

Wednesday 11/30 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Find your new seat.
  2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  3. Have your Book Club materials ready.
  4. Finish and turn in your letter for Kellen.
  5. Free read or write quietly.
  6. Morning Schedule:
    • 8:45 - 9:05 Arrival and Warm-Up
    • 9:05 - 9:50 Specials: Technology
    • 9:50 - 10:05 Library Checkout
    • 10:05 - 10:30 Book Club and Reading
    • 10:30 - 12:05 NaNoWriMo

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday 11/29 NaNoWriMo - Begin With the End in Mind

Purpose: I can write the ending of my story to know how to conclude the plot of my novel.
  1. Whole Group Lesson: Examples of Endings for Novels
  2. Word War! Community Document
  3. Write!

Tuesday 11/29 Book Club - Describing Characters

  1. December's Mystery Genre Book Club:
    1. Determine your club name.
    2. Set your meeting spot.
    3. Identify the expected materials.
    4. Finalize your consequence.
    5. REMEMBER, your digital citizenship/responsibility when working on a shared document.
  2. "Describing Characters" Response is due Friday:
    • List the characters you meet during your first Reading Assignment for your book club.
    • In your Reading Notebook, use a Character Web to identify elements of THREE characters:
      • Appearance
      • Actions of the character
      • Thoughts/feelings the character has
      • Your opinion of the character (like/dislike, connections, etc)
      • What character trait best describes them?
      • Identify them as the hero, supporting character, or villain?
  3. Read Silently

Tuesday 11/29 Book Club - Discuss the Plot

Purpose:  I can discuss the plot of our book to better understand the structure of our novel.
  1. Mystery Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have your final conversation about the book.
  2. "Illustrated Plot Diagram" Group Activity:
    • The Beginning
    • The Exciting Incident
    • The Rising Action
    • The Climax
    • The Falling Action
    • The Ending
  3. Turn in your Book Club book to the front table.
  4. Free Read Quietly

Tuesday 11/29 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Describing Plot Book Club Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Book Club materials ready.
  3. Write Kellen a note of support at his new school:
    • On lined paper
    • Say good bye and/or good luck at his new school.
    • His first day is Thursday.
    • Write using your best Four-Point Sentence writing.
  4. Free read or write quietly.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday 11/28 Book Club - Describe the Plot

  1. Free Read Quietly
  2. "Describing the Plot" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • The Beginning
    • The Exciting Incident
    • The Rising Action
    • The Climax
    • The Falling Action
    • The Ending
  3. Be ready to describe the plot of a short text in a meeting with Mr. Erickson.

Monday 11/28 Social Studies - Lesson 6 Preview

Purpose:  I can identify and analyze the causes and consequences of European colonization.

  1. Complete Interactive Student Notebook page 33
  2. Read textbook page 73
  3. Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the ORANGE highlighted words.
    • Use textbook pages 73 - 83 or the Glossary
  4. Represent your learning of the causes and consequences of European Exploration on the front of your Interactive Student Notebook.
  5. Interact with history at The Jamestown Adventure

Monday 11/28 NaNoWriMo - Figurative Language

Purpose: I can use figurative language in my writing to make my story more interesting.
  1. Figurative Language Quiz: Join Code is 424949
  2. Figurative Language Challenge:
    • Simile
    • Metaphor
    • Personification
    • Hyperbole
    • Understatement
    • Onomatopoeia
  3. Write!

Monday 11/28 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Check your Band Lesson day/time for this week.
  3. Practice Grammar Skills at
  4. Have your NaNoWriMo materials ready.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tuesday 11/22 NaNoWriMo

Purpose: I can reach my 80% word count (AT LEAST!) by writing in great detail about all parts of my plot.
  1. Go to
  2. Click "Sign In"
  3. Username = First Name + First TWO letters of last name (ex. nathaner)
  4. Password: Erickson + Favorite Number (ex. Erickson99)
  5. Copy and Paste your GoogleDoc text onto the NaNoWriMo site.
  6. Check your word count: NaNoWriMo's number is the one that counts.
  7. Write!  When we return on Monday you will only have THREE more days to draft your novel.

Tuesday 11/22 Book Club - Discuss Figurative Language

Purpose:  I can discuss figurative language related to our book to understand the deeper meanings of words and phrases.
  1. Mystery Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have a conversation about the book.
    4. Review new Reading and Responding Assignments
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. "Describing the Plot" Response is due Tuesday:
    • The Beginning
    • The Exciting Incident
    • The Rising Action
    • The Climax
    • The Falling Action
    • The Ending
  4. What is Your Purpose for Reading
    1. Sections 1 and 2: BEFORE Reading
    2. Section 3: AFTER Reading

Tuesday 11/22 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Figurative Language Book Club Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Practice reading and working with idioms:
    • Continue the sentence with the correct idiom.
    • Use the picture and context clues to define the phrase.
    • Use the idiom in a sentence.
    • You DO NOT need to print the page.
  3. Have your Book Club materials ready
  4. Today's Schedule:
8:00 - 8:15 Library Checkout
8:15  - 8:45 Book Club
8:45 - 9:05 Golden Whistle Reward
9:05 - 9:50 Specials: PE
10:00 - 10:30 PBIS Reward: Board Games
10:30 - 11:00 Social Studies
11:00 - 12:05 NaNoWriMo
12:05 - 12:55 Lunch & Recess
12:55 - 2:20 Math
2:20 - 2:25 Planners
2:25 - 2:50 Read-a-Loud

Monday, November 21, 2016

Monday 11/21 Math Activity - Fraction Word Problems with Mixed Numbers

Purpose:  I can solve a variety of real-world fraction problems.

Monday 11/21 Reading - Meanings of Figurative Language

  1. Free Read Quietly
  2. "Figurative Language" Response is due Tuesday:
    • Identify examples of figurative from your reading.
    • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes.
  3. Be ready to identify and interpret figurative language in a meeting with Mr. Erickson.

Monday 11/21 Social Studies Activity - The Battle for Florida

Purpose: I can identify and analyze the causes and consequences of European Exploration.
  1. Read "Who Wins Florida?" on textbook pages 68 - 71.
  2. "The Battle for Florida" News Report
  3. Complete your outline.
  4. Compose your news report.
  5. Be ready to share!

Monday 11/21 NaNoWriMo - World War IV

Purpose: I can using figurative language in my writing to make my story more interesting.
  1. Figurative Language Review
    • Simile
    • Metaphor
    • Personification
    • Hyperbole
    • Understatement
    • Onomatopoeia
  2. Word War! Community Document
  3. Write!

Monday 11/21 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Check your Band Lesson day/time for this week.
  3. Display your Drawing a Tree Diagram Worksheet for the Homework Checker.
  4. Practice Grammar Skills at
  5. Have your NaNoWriMo materials ready.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday 11/17 Book Club - Discuss the Setting

Purpose:  I can discuss the setting of our novel to better understand how it affects the story.
  1. Mystery Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have a conversation about the book.
    4. Review new Reading and Responding Assignments
  2. As a Book Club answer this question:  How does the setting affect the story?  Record your answer on Seesaw and be prepared to discuss in a meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  3. Free Read Quietly
  4. "Figurative Language" Response is due Tuesday:
    • Identify examples of figurative from your reading.
    • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes.

Friday 11/18 NaNoWriMo - Figurative Language

Purpose:  I can using figurative language in my writing to make my story more interesting.
  1. Figurative Language Introduction
  2. Write!
  3. Be ready to share your examples of figurative language:
    • Simile
    • Metaphor
    • Personification
    • Hyperbole
    • Understatement
    • Onomatopoeia
    • Idiom
    • Pun
    • Proverb
    • Oxymoron

Friday 11/18 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your "Describing the Setting" Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your NaNoWriMo materials ready.
  3. To better practice your grammar and literacy skills, sign up at
  4. Sign up with Google
  5. In the "Join My Class" field enter the class code paper-board
  6. Explore and/or begin working on an Activity Pack. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thursday 11/17 Math Activity - MathMan

Purpose:  I can add fractions with unlike denominators.

CHALLENGE: Football Math

Thursday 11/17 Book Club - Describing the Setting

Purpose:  I can describe the time, place, and environment as part of the setting of a novel.
  1. Free Read Quietly
  2. Be ready to practice "describing the setting" in a meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  3. "Describe the Setting" Response is due Friday:
    • Describe the time, place, and environment of your book in a paragraph.
    • Draw a map of the main setting.
    • Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.

Early European Explorer Formative Assessment

Thursday 11/17 NaNoWriMo - Word War III

Purpose:  I can using characters' thoughts to develop them while I write.
  1. Think back to your Character Interviews on NaNo-TV to add to the development of your novel's characters.
  2. Word War! Community Document
  3. Write!

Thursday 11/17 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your HomeLink 3.10 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your NaNoWriMo materials ready.
  3. Continue practicing your revising skills at Proofreading Makes Perfect.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday 11/16 Math Activity - Fruit Splat

Choose your appropriate level.

Wednesday 11/16 Book Club - Describe the Setting

Purpose:  I can describe the time, place, and environment as part of the setting of a novel.
  1. Free Read Quietly
  2. Be ready to practice "describing the setting" in a meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  3. "Describe the Setting" Response is due Friday:
    • Describe the time, place, and environment of your book in a paragraph.
    • Draw a map of the main setting.
    • Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.

Wednesday 11/16 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your HomeLink 3.9 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  3. Have your Spelling materials ready.
  4. Practice your revising skills at Proofreading Makes Perfect:
    • We will be going to help Mr. Petersen's 2nd graders edit and revise their work @ 10:00.
    • Be ready to help them with fixing their Four Point Sentences (Capitalization, Punctuation, Spelling, and Subject-Predicate).
    • After you have helped correct mistakes be ready to help them add information using GoogleSafeSearch.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tuesday 11/15 Math Activity - Thinking Fraction Blocks

Tuesday 11/15 NaNoWriMo - Character Interviews on NaNo-TV

Purpose:  I can develop characters by "stepping into my characters shoes."

  1. With Partner #__, read through the "Main Character" interview on the Character Interviews on NaNo-TV document.
  2. One of you will play the host, while the other plays the part of the main character:
    • Include as much descriptive language as possible to give the TV viewers a good idea of who your character is.
    • Switch roles so the other partner interviews the other.
  3. Repeat the process with your supporting character and villain.
  4. Use your interview answers to add to your development of your novel's characters.

Tuesday 11/15 Social Studies - European Explorer Reading

Purpose:  I can analyze the causes and consequences of European exploration.

  1. Finish reading textbook pages 58 - 66.
  2. Finish recording the important information about each explorer.
  3. Read further about each explorer at Encyclopædia Britannica:
    • Log-In 0261west
    • Password haea11
  4. Record a response (question, thought, opinion, or connection) to the information in your notebook.

Tuesday 11/15 Book Club - Discuss Unknown Words

Purpose:  I can discuss unknown words with my book club to expand our vocabulary.
  1. Mystery Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have a conversation about the book.
    4. Review new Reading and Responding Assignments
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. Be ready to share your unknown words in a meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  4. "Describe the Setting" Response is due Friday:
    • Describe the time, place, and environment of your book in a paragraph.
    • Draw a map of the main setting.
    • Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.

Tuesday 11/15 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your "Unknown Words" Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "The Dog Ate It" on page 142 in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Have your Book Club materials ready.
  4. Free read quietly.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Monday 11/14 Book Club Activity - Unknown Words

Purpose:  I can determine the meaning of unknown words using decoding strategies.
  1. Minilesson:  Decoding Strategies Review
  2. What Word Is Missing? Online Activity
  3. CHALLENGE: Using Context Clues Online Activity
  4. Free Read Quietly
  5. Be ready to practice your word decoding skills in a meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  6. "Unknown Words" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
    • Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
    • Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
    • Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.

Monday 11/14 NaNoWriMo - Word War

Purpose:  I can identify my stage and next step with my novel on the Plot Rollercoaster.
  1. Be ready to answer the following question about your novel:  Where are you on the "Plot Rollercoaster"? What do you plan to write about next?
  2. Word War! Community Document
  3. Write!

Monday 11/13 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Check your Band Lesson day/time for this week.
  3. Complete the reading warm-up "My Shadow" on page 141 in the green fiction texts packet.
  4. Have your NaNoWriMo materials ready.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday 11/11 Book Club - Discuss Inferences

Purpose:  I can discuss my inferences with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read.
  1. Mystery Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have a conversation about the book.
    4. Review new Reading and Responding Assignments
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. Be ready to share your inferences in a meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  4. "Unknown Words" Response is due Tuesday:
    • Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
    • Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
    • Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
    • Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.

Friday 11/11 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Inference Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Practice Inferring using these riddles.
  3. Have your NaNoWriMo materials ready.
  4. Free read or write silently

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thursday 11/09 Book Club Activity - Inferring

Purpose:  I can quote accurately to help me make inferences while I read.
  1. Practice Making Inferences by using this online interactive.
  2. "Making Inferences" Response is due Friday:
    • Quote what you read.
    • Describe what you know.
    • Compose your inference.
  3. Free Read Quietly
  4. Be ready to share your work on fluency and inferring in a meeting with Mr. Erickson.

Thursday 11/10 Social Studies - Lesson 5 Preview

Purpose:  I can identify the causes and consequences of European Exploration.

  1. Represent the motivations that early European explorers had for coming to the New World on your Interactive Student Notebook.
  2. Lesson 5 Preview Activity
  3. Complete your Early European Explorer Vocabulary
  4. Explore the "Become a Spice Trader" Interactive

Thursday 11/10 NaNoWriMo - Inferring & Word War

Purpose:  I can lead my readers to make inferences about my characters' traits.
  1. Answer the following question about your novel in your Writing Notebook:  What character trait would you use to describe your main character? How do you lead your readers to infer this trait?
  2. Word War! Community Document
  3. Write!

Thursday 11/10 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display HomeLink 3.7 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "Dinner by Firelight" on page 140 in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Have your NaNoWriMo materials ready.
  4. Free read or write silently

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wednesday 11/09 Book Club - Making Inferences

Purpose:  I can quote accurately to help me make inferences while I read.
  1. "Making Inferences" Response is due Friday:
    • Quote what you read.
    • Describe what you know.
    • Compose your inference.
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. Be ready to share your work on fluency and inferring in a meeting with Mr. Erickson.

Wednesday 11/09 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your HomeLink 3.6 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  3. Have your Spelling materials ready.
  4. Practice your vocabulary skills at FreeRice.
***Until Thanksgiving break, students will only checkout books during our class’ scheduled time.  Students are not to come down to the library individually throughout the day as there are many times there would be no one available to help them check out their books.***