Classroom Resources

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday 11/29 Book Club - Describing Characters

  1. December's Mystery Genre Book Club:
    1. Determine your club name.
    2. Set your meeting spot.
    3. Identify the expected materials.
    4. Finalize your consequence.
    5. REMEMBER, your digital citizenship/responsibility when working on a shared document.
  2. "Describing Characters" Response is due Friday:
    • List the characters you meet during your first Reading Assignment for your book club.
    • In your Reading Notebook, use a Character Web to identify elements of THREE characters:
      • Appearance
      • Actions of the character
      • Thoughts/feelings the character has
      • Your opinion of the character (like/dislike, connections, etc)
      • What character trait best describes them?
      • Identify them as the hero, supporting character, or villain?
  3. Read Silently

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