Classroom Resources

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tuesday 01/09 Leadership - Quadrant 2 Living

Purpose: I can become a better leader by focusing energy and time on important, but not urgent, things to help me to achieve what matters most.
  1. Connection: Suitcase Packing
  2. Whole Group: Quadrant 2 Living
  3. Application: Big Rocks on The Time Matrix
    • Record your week's Big Rocks on individual sticky notes.
    • Place each Big Rock into the correct quadrant on your Time Matrix.
    • Be ready to share and discuss with the whole class.
  4. Review: The Ice Scraper
    • What point is the video trying to make?
    • Where do you think we waste time as a class? What impact do these activities have on reaching our goals? How can we minimize our timewasters?

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