Classroom Resources

Friday, January 12, 2018

Friday 01/12 NaNoWriMo - Cleaning It Up!

Purpose: I can explore strong opening sentences to revise my opening sentence sentences to "hook" the reader and make them want to keep reading.

  1. Whole Group Lesson:  Read and Discuss Opening Sentences
  2. Application: How might you revise your opening sentence to "hook" the reader and make him or her want to keep reading?

Purpose:  I can proofread my novel for sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
  1. Whole Group Lesson: Cleaning it Up!
  2. Application: Use the Inner Editor Proofreading Checklist to improve your own novel.
  3. Continue editing and revising your novel to make it clearer and more fun to read!

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