Classroom Resources

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Thursday 12/21 Winter Party

Thursday 12/21 Math - Battle Boats

Purpose: I can build coordinate plane proficiency through a guess-the-location-style game.
  1. Warm Up: Free Choice Math Skills Practice
  2. Battle Boats:
  3. Work on your next Winter Mystery Picture

Thursday 12/21 Social Studies - Regional Differences in Colonial America

Purpose: I can describe and explain the reasons for regional differences in colonial America.
  1. Engagement: Reasons for Regional Differences
  2. Link: Rank your preference for colony to live in.

Thursday 12/21 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Thursday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time
  2. Have your Social Studies materials ready.
  3. Choose another article to read and comprehend from the "Life in Colonial America" text set @ ReadWorks: record 2-3 things you learned in the Book of Knowledge.
  4. Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary
  5. Free read quietly.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Wednesday 12/20 Math - Points Polygraph

Purpose: I can have vocabulary-rich conversations about points in the coordinate plane.

Key vocabulary that should appear in your questions include: right, left, above, below, quadrant, axis, positive, negative, coordinate, x-value , and y-value.

  1. Polygraph Points:
  2. Math Journal page 143 (IND.)
  3. Complete ONE more Winter Mystery Picture
  4. Math Skills Practice: Prodigy
  5. H.W.: HomeLink 4-10 (BOTH PAGES)

Wednesday 12/20 Social Studies - American Colonies Learning

Purpose:  I can describe and explain the reasons for regional differences in colonial America.
  1. Review: Follow the directions for and complete your Colonial Billboard Project Handout
  2. Engagement: Reasons for Regional Differences
  3. Link: Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define, visualize, and use the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary

Wednesday 12/20 Reading - Practice Describing Setting

Purpose: I can analyze the time, place, and environment as part of the setting of a text to better understand what I read.
  1. Whole Group: Practice Describing Setting
  2. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Setting" Response is due TOMORROW
    • Describe the time, place, and environment of your book in a paragraph.
    • Which element of setting (time, place, OR environment) impacts the story/characters the most?  Why?
    • Draw a map of the main setting.
    • Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.
  3. Free Reading Time

Wednesday 12/20 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Record your FINISHED free reading on your Reading Log.
  2. Have your Reading materials ready.
  3. Favorite Elementary School Memory:
    • Write your first and last name
    • Describe in ONE sentence your favorite elementary school memory for the 2017-18 Westwood Yearbook
    • Turn in to the front table when you're finished
***Library Check-Out: Students in 2nd-5th may check out up to three books to take with them during Winter Break if they wish.***

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Tuesday 12/19 Writing - "Compassion and Respect" Personal Narrative

Purpose:  I can use sensory details to write a personal narrative about a time I was caring and compassionate.
  1. Whole Group Lesson: "On Helping Others: Learning a Valuable Lesson" Personal Narrative
  2. Application: When was a time you acted in a caring and compassionate way toward another person?
  3. Independent Writing Time:
    • Continue writing about your own life using sensory details.
    • Write about an object that is special to you or interesting events from your own life.
    • Continue editing, revising, and proofreading your NaNoWriMo draft.

Tuesday 12/19 Social Studies - American Colonies Billboard

Purpose:  I can describe and explain the reasons for regional differences in colonial America.
  1. Review: Presentation Basics
  2. Engagement: Follow the directions for and complete your Colonial Billboard Project Handout
  3. Link: Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define, visualize, and use the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary

Tuesday 12/19 Technology - Wireless Network

Tuesday 12/19 Reading - Discuss Unknown Words

Purpose: I can discuss unknown words with my book club to better understand what I am reading in a text.
  1. FINISH: Read and comprehend "Time Travel to Jamestown" @ ReadWorks to show your ability to decode unknown words.
  2. Have your "Unknown Words" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson
  3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Setting" Response is due THURSDAY
    • Describe the time, place, and environment of your book in a paragraph.
    • Which element of setting (time, place, OR environment) impacts the story/characters the most?  Why?
    • Draw a map of the main setting.
    • Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.
  4. Free Reading Time

Tuesday 12/19 Morning Warm-Up

***Cold Weather Attire Expectations*** 
  • When temperatures are 50 degrees or above, students can make the choice of wearing a coat. At lunch time, they can bring it with them or get it after they eat. Either choice is acceptable. 
  • When temperatures are below 50 degrees, students will wear a coat outside. They can wear it to lunch or get it after lunch. If students go outside to recess without a coat, they may be sent back in to get it. 
  • When it is time for snow gear, students will get ready after lunch. If students get warm, then they can tie snow apparel around their waists.
  1. Read and comprehend "Time Travel to Jamestown" @ ReadWorks to show your ability to decode unknown words.
  2. Have your Reading and Book Club materials ready then start reading.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Monday 12/18 Writing - Expertise Personal Narrative

Purpose:  I can write a personal narrative about an activity I enjoy doing.
  1. Whole Group Lesson: "Cooking" Personal Narrative
  2. Application: Activity Personal Narrative
    • What do you enjoy doing?
    • Where and how do you do this activity?
    • What sensory details do you associate with your activity?
    • What figurative language can you use to make your writing more colorful?
  3. Independent Writing Time:
    • Continue writing about your own life using sensory details.
    • Write about an object that is special to you or interesting events from your own life.
    • Continue editing, revising, and proofreading your NaNoWriMo draft.

Monday 12/18 Reading - Practice Decoding Unknown Words

Purpose: I can determine the meaning of unknown words using decoding strategies.
  1. Minilesson: Decoding Strategies Review
  2. Use context clues to insert the correct missing words in each of these passages:
  3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Unknown Words" Response is due TOMORROW
    • Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
    • Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
    • Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
    • Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.
    • If you are having trouble finding unknown words, complete this substitute activity instead.
  4. Free Reading Time

Monday 12/18 Social Studies - American Colonies Billboard Project

Purpose:  I can describe and explain the reasons for regional differences in colonial America.
  1. Minilesson: Presentation Basics
  2. Engagement: Follow the directions for and complete your Colonial Billboard Project Handout
  3. Link: Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define, visualize, and use the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary

Monday 12/18 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Monday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time
  2. Have your Social Studies materials ready.
  3. Choose another article to read and comprehend from the "Life in Colonial America" text set @ ReadWorks: record 2-3 things you learned in the Book of Knowledge.
  4. Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary
  5. Free read quietly.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Friday 12/15 Reading - Discuss Figurative Language

Purpose: I can discuss figurative language with my book club to better understand what the text means and not just what it says.
  1. Have your "Figurative Language" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson or Mr. Peterson
  2. Practice decoding words with this Context Clue Online Activity
  3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Unknown Words" Response is due Tuesday
    • Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
    • Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
    • Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
    • Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.
    • If you are having trouble finding unknown words, complete this substitute activity instead.
  4. Free Reading Time

Friday 12/15 Social Studies - American Colonies Billboard Project

Purpose:  I can describe and explain the reasons for regional differences in colonial America.
  1. Connection: Billboard Project Sales Presentation Example
  2. Engagement: Follow the directions for and complete your Colonial Billboard Project Handout
    • You must obtain teacher initials before FINALIZING each step.
    • Link your GoogleDrawing to the Billboard Project Community Document.
    • Practice, polish, and perfect your presentation.
  3. Link: Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define, visualize, and use the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary

Friday 12/15 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your "Pizza Picture" for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Social Studies materials ready.
  3. Choose another article to read and comprehend from the "Life in Colonial America" text set @ ReadWorks: record 2-3 things you learned in the Book of Knowledge.
  4. Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary
***Schedule Change***
Lunch 11:35 - 11:55
Recess 11:55 - 12:25

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Thursday 12/14 Writing - "Mom" and "Dad" Personal Narrative

Purpose:  I can write a personal narrative about my parents.
  1. Whole Group Lesson: "Mom" and "Dad" Personal Narratives
  2. Application: Parents Personal Narrative
    • How do you describe your parents?
    • What do they do?  For work?  For your family?
    • What do you and your parents do together?
    • What is a favorite memory you have of your mom and/or dad?
    • What sensory details do you associate with your memories?
    • What figurative language can you use to make your writing more colorful?
  3. Independent Writing Time:
    • Continue writing about your own life using sensory details.
    • Write about an object that is special to you or interesting events from your own life.
    • Continue editing, revising, and proofreading your NaNoWriMo draft.

Thursday 12/14 Reading - Thinking & Writing About Figurative Language

Purpose: I can identify figurative language to better understand what the text means and not just what it says.
  1. Read and comprehend "Finding metaphors in hit songs and poems" @ Newsela to practice thinking about metaphors. 
  2. Watch this video and record the definitions and an example of each type of figurative language on the organizer
  3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Figurative Language" Response is due Friday 
    • Identify examples of figurative language from your reading. 
    • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes. 
  4. Free Reading Time

Thursday 12/14 Social Studies - American Colonies Billboard

Purpose:  I can describe and explain the reasons for regional differences in colonial America.
  1. Connection: Billboard Project Sales Presentation Example
  2. Engagement: Follow the directions for and complete your Colonial Billboard Project Handout
    • You must obtain teacher initials before FINALIZING each step.
    • Link your GoogleDrawing to the Billboard Project Community Document.
    • Practice, polish, and perfect your presentation.
  3. Link: Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define, visualize, and use the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary

Thursday 12/14 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Turn in your Westwood NaNoWriMo Celebration permission slip to Mr. Erickson
  2. Thursday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time
  3. Display your HomeLink 4-6 for the Homework Checker.
  4. Have your Social Studies materials ready.
  5. Choose an article to read and comprehend from the "Life in Colonial America" text set @ ReadWorks: record 2-3 things you learned in the Book of Knowledge.
  6. Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wednesday 12/13 Math - Coordinate Grid Practice

Purpose: I can use ordered pairs to plot and identify points on the coordinate grid.

Wednesday 12/13 Math - Essential Standards Check #3

Wednesday 12/13 Reading - Finding/Using Figurative Language

Purpose:  I can identify figurative language to better understand what the text means and not just what it says.
  1. Review figurative language by completing the "Idiom" pages in the Figurative Language Practice Packet.
  2. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Figurative Language" Response is due Friday
    • Identify examples of figurative language from your reading.
    • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes.
  3. Free Reading Time

Wednesday 12/13 Social Studies - American Colonies Billboard Project

Purpose:  I can describe and explain the reasons for regional differences in colonial America.
  1. Connection: Billboard Project Partners
  2. Engagement: Follow the directions for and complete your Colonial Billboard Project Handout
    • You must obtain teacher initials before FINALIZING each step.
    • STEP 2: EVERYONE must record the information about your colony on Interactive Notebook pages 40 - 41.
  3. Link: Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary
  4. Choose an article to read and comprehend from the "Life in Colonial America" text set @ ReadWorks: record 2-3 things you learned in the Book of Knowledge.

Wednesday 12/13 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Turn in your Westwood NaNoWriMo Celebration permission slip to Mr. Erickson
  2. Record your FINISHED free reading on your Reading Log.
  3. Have your Social Studies materials ready.
  4. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice
***Buddy Class Activity @ 11:00
Shared Reading with 2nd Grader***

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Tuesday 12/12 Writing - "School" Personal Narrative

Purpose:  I can write a personal narrative about school.
  1. Whole Group Lesson: "Schooling" Personal Narrative
  2. Application: Favorite Elementary School Memory Personal Narrative
    • What is the event you're remembering?  Why is this your favorite elementary school memory?
    • What sensory details do you associate with the event?
    • Did you learn a lesson from this event?
  3. Independent Writing Time:
    • Continue writing about your own life using sensory details.
    • Write about an object that is special to you or interesting events from your own life.
    • Continue editing, revising, and proofreading your NaNoWriMo draft.

Tuesday 12/12 Social Studies - American Colonies Billboard Project

Purpose:  I can describe and explain the reasons for regional differences in colonial America.
  1. Whole Group: Billboard Project Introduction
  2. Engagement: Follow the directions for and complete your Colonial Billboard Project Handout
  3. Link: Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary
  4. Choose an article to read and comprehend from the "Life in Colonial America" text set @ ReadWorks: record 2-3 things you learned in the Book of Knowledge.

Tuesday 12/12 Reading - Discuss Conflict

Purpose: I can discuss conflict with my book club to better understand what I am reading in a text.
  1. Have your "Conflict" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson
  2. Review figurative language by completing the "Idiom" pages in the Figurative Language Practice Packet.
  3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Figurative Language" Response is due Friday
    • Identify examples of figurative from your reading.
    • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes.
  4. Free Reading Time

Tuesday 12/12 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your HomeLink 4-5 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Read and comprehend "Can't Sit Still" @ ReadWorks to show your ability to internal conflict.
  3. Have your Reading and Book Club materials ready then start reading.
***Buddy Class Activity TOMORROW:
2nd Graders are bringing their favorite holiday books. You may bring your favorite holiday book or any favorite picture book to read together with a buddy.***

Monday, December 11, 2017

Monday 12/11 Writing - "Humorous" Personal Narrative

Purpose:  I can write a humorous personal narrative using sensory details.
  1. Whole Group Lesson: "Home, Sweet Home" Personal Narrative
  2. Application: Humorous Personal Narrative
    • What is the event you're remembering?  What is funny/humorous about the story?
    • What sounds do you hear?
    • What do you smell?
    • What do you see moving in your memory?  How is it moving?
    • What do things feel like?
    • Is there a taste that you associate with the event?
  3. Independent Writing Time:
    • Continue writing about your own life using sensory details.
    • Write about an object that is special to you or interesting events from your own life.
    • Continue editing, revising, and proofreading your NaNoWriMo draft.

Monday 12/11 Social Studies - Regional Differences in Colonies

Purpose:  I can describe and explain the reasons for regional differences in colonial America.
  1. Whole Group: Advertisements and Billboards
  2. Engagement: Complete Interactive Student Notebook page 38.
  3. Link: Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary
  4. Choose an article to read and comprehend from the "Life in Colonial America" text set @ ReadWorks: record 2-3 things you learned in the Book of Knowledge.

Monday 12/11 Reading - Practice Identifying Conflict

Purpose:  I can identify the conflicts within my reading to understand what drives the story.
  1. Whole Group: The Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 Conflicts
  2. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Describing Conflict" Response is due TOMORROW
    • Identify at least two conflicts that are driving your plot.
    • Describe the conflicts you identified by writing about who the struggles are between, why, and how they might be solved.
    • Compose a paragraph using your outline.
  3. Free Reading Time

Monday 12/11 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Monday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time
  2. Have your Reading materials ready
  3. Identifying Conflict Practice:
    • Open in your browser
    • Enter the 6-digit game code 050826 , and click "Proceed"
    • Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
    • You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!
  4. Free read quietly.
***Food Drive Reward Dodgeball 
TODAY from 8:45 - 9:00***

Friday, December 8, 2017

Friday 12/08 Writing - NaNoWriMo Workshop

Purpose:  I can use a workshop to respond critically to a piece of writing.
  1. Make a copy of the Reader Review Worksheet.
  2. Paste the first 500 or so words of your NaNoWriMo draft on the document.
  3. Share your document with...
  4. Work silently as you read, comment on the document, as well as fill-out the questions on the worksheet--BE SURE TO FOLLOW THE AGREED-UPON WORKSHOP EXPECTATIONS.
  5. Meet with your partner to quietly discuss comments and questions.
  6. Use your feedback to improve your novel.

Friday 12/08 Social Studies - Early English Settlements & Conflict

Purpose:  I can analyze the causes and consequences of European colonization by identifying conflicts for each early European settlement.
  1. Whole Group: Conflict Review
    • Man vs Self:  A struggle between a person and their feelings, conscience, or fear.
    • Man vs Man:  A mental or physical struggle between two people.
    • Man vs Nature:  A struggle between a person and Mother Nature.
    • Man vs Society:  A struggle between a person and the laws or beliefs of a group.
  2. Application: Examine Conflicts within the settlements
  3. Extension: Interact with history at

Friday 12/08 Reading - Discuss Questions

Purpose: I can discuss questions with my book club to share what I am thinking about what I am reading in a text.
  1. Have your "Questions" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson or Mr. Peterson
  2. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Describing Conflict" Response is due Tuesday
    • Identify at least two conflicts that are driving your plot.
    • Describe the conflicts you identified by writing about who the struggles are between, why, and how they might be solved.
    • Compose a paragraph using your outline.
  3. Free Reading Time

Friday 12/08 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Turn-in and mark-off your Food Drive items under the table in the back. 
  2. Read and comprehend "The Boy and a Wish" @ ReadWorks to practice thinking about a mystery. 
  3. Have your Reading and Book Club materials ready then start reading.