Classroom Resources

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thursday 11/30 Math - Unit 3 EDM Assessment

Purpose: I can show my understanding and skills with performing operations involving fractions.
  1. Warm-Up: Play Mixed Number Spin @ EDM Online to practice adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers, and solving inequalities.
  2. Unit 3 EDM Assessment
    • Complete to the best of your abilities. 
    • Double-check your answers, using “reasonableness” to help. 
    • Remember, a number model should use a variable to show the unknown: 4 + n = 8
  3. Unit 4 Preview: Math Journal page 110
  4. Math Skills Practice: EDM Online

Thursday 11/30 Writing - Finish Your Novel

Purpose: I can finish writing my NaNoWriMo novel by including all of my planned events, details, and elements of plot.
  1. Review: Novel Preparation
  2. Write!
  3. Use Lists on pages 106 - 109 to add more to your novel.
  4. Proofread, edit and revise your NaNoWriMo draft.

Thursday 11/30 Reading - Skills Application

Purpose: I can apply the skills I've practiced/learned from Book Club into my independent reading.
  1. Turn-in your November Book Club book to Mr. Erickson
  2. Recall all the "Thinking & Writing About Your Reading" from the past month:
    • Describing Characters
    • Visualizing
    • Making Inferences
    • Decode Unknown Words/Phrases
    • Describing the Setting
    • Figurative Language
    • Describing the Plot
  3. Apply your skills to your independent reading!

Thursday 11/30 Social Studies - Early English Settlements

Purpose: I can identify and analyze the causes and consequences of European colonization.
  1. Connection: What did you learn about from "Building the English Colonies"?
  2. Teaching/Engagement: Early English Settlements
    • Interactive Student Notebook page 33
    • Textbook page 73
  3. Link: The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the ORANGE highlighted words.
    • Use textbook pages 73 - 83 or the Glossary
  4. Extension: Interact with history at The Jamestown Adventure

Thursday 11/30 Morning Warm-Up

***If you were asked to be a Substitute Safety Patrol member for Monday, please write your name on the paper on the front table.***
  1. Thursday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time
  2. Turn-in and mark-off your Food Drive items at the table in the back
  3. Have your Social Studies materials ready
  4. Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the ORANGE highlighted words.
    • Use textbook pages 73 - 83 or the Glossary
  5. Independent reading time

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Wednesday 11/29 Math - Operations with Fractions Practice

Purpose:  I can review skills and perform operations involving fractions.
  1. Fractions Digital Practice:
  2. Play Mixed Number Spin @ EDM Online to practice adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers, and solving inequalities.
  3. Finish Math Journal pages 106 - 107 and 109
  4. Math Skills Practice: Prodigy
  5. Homework: Prepare yourself for our Unit 3 EDM Assessment TOMORROW

Wednesday 11/29 Literacy - Discuss Endings

Purpose: I can discuss endings with my book club to better understand what I am reading in a text.
  1. Have your "Ending" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting
  2. Review figurative language by completing the "Simile" pages in the Figurative Language Practice Packet (at the front table).
  3. Free Reading/NaNoWriMo Time

Wednesday 11/29 Social Studies - Early European Explorers Assessment

Purpose: I can analyze causes and consequences of European exploration.
  1. Represent what you have learned about European Exploration on the front of your Interactive Student Notebook using pictures and/or words & phrases.
  2. Analyze Causes and Consequences of European Exploration Assessment
    • This is an assessment that I will have to score after you submit your answers.
    • The more answers and details you provide, the better your assessment will be.
    • You may use your textbook, Interactive Student Notebook, or any documents that we recorded learning on.
  3. Read and comprehend "Building the English Colonies" @ ReadWorks
    • This is a preview what we will be learning next.
    • Record THREE things in your Social Studies Notebook that you learned from reading the article.

Wednesday 11/29 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Turn-in and mark-off your Food Drive items at the table in the back.
  2. Record your FINISHED free reading on your Reading Log.
  3. Have your Social Studies materials ready.
  4. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tuesdat 11/28 Writing - NaNoWriMo

Purpose: I can reach my ending by writing events as part of the falling action of my story.
  1. Review: Climax to Falling Action to Ending
  2. Word War: Friday 11/10
  3. Planning: Our progress towards our goals ends at 11:59 on Thursday, November 30th.  What action steps can you take to reach your goal?

Tuesday 11/28 Social Studies - Cause and Effect Relationships

Purpose: I can identify causes and effects of historical events that lead to the exploration of the New World by early European explorers.
  1. Connection: Cause and Effect Relationships
    • A historical text explains events that occurred in the past. Often it explains how or why those events happened. Even more importantly, the text might explain what happened as a result of those events. 
    • A good reader is aware of any cause and effect relationships in a historical text. 
    • A good reader looks for clues in the text that help connect cause and effect events.
  2. Application: Early European Exploration - Cause and Effect Relationships
  3. Review: Early European Explorers Quizizz (RE-ASSESSMENT TOMORROW)
    1. Open in your browser
    2. Enter the 6-digit game code 513896
    3. Click "Proceed"
    4. Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
    5. You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!

Tuesday 11/28 Reading - Discuss Plot

Purpose: I can discuss plot with my book club to better understand what I am reading in a text.
  1. Have your "Plot" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson
  2. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Endings of Novels" Response is due TOMORROW
    • REREAD the last five pages of your book to refresh your perspective of the ending.
    • What type of ending did your Book Club end with?
    • Why do you think so?
  3. Free Reading Time
  4. Check your "The Great Gift" @ ReadWorks work: if you were under 80% you will revise your thinking.

Tuesday 11/28 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Turn-in and mark-off your Food Drive items under the table in the back.
  2. Display your Plot Response for the Homework Checker.
  3. Read and comprehend "The Great Gift" @ ReadWorks to show your ability to think about plot.
  4. Have your Reading and Book Club materials ready then start reading.
***NaNoWriMo Reward Lunches TODAY:
50%ers with Mrs. Roode
and 70%ers with Mr. Erickson.***

Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday 11/27 Writing - Ending With a Bang

Purpose: I can write the ending of my story to know how to conclude the plot of my novel.
  1. Connection:  The End
  2. Teaching: Examples of Endings for Novels
  3. Application: Write ending of YOUR story to know how to conclude the plot of your novel.
  4. Planning: How many words to you want (or need) to write BEFORE FRIDAY?

Monday 11/27 Social Studies - Cause and Effect Relationships

Purpose: I can identify causes and effects of historical events that lead to the exploration of the New World by early European explorers.
  1. Background: Cause and Effect Relationships
    • A historical text explains events that occurred in the past. Often it explains how or why those events happened. Even more importantly, the text might explain what happened as a result of those events. 
    • A good reader is aware of any cause and effect relationships in a historical text. 
    • A cause is how or why an event occurred. It has to chronologically happen first. 
    • An effect is an event that occurred as a result of the cause. It describes what happened. The effect chronologically occurs after the cause. 
    • Although the cause comes first chronologically, it may come before or after the effect in the text. 
    • A good reader looks for clues in the text that help connect cause and effect events.
  2. Application: Early European Exploration - Cause and Effect Relationships

Monday 11/27 Reading - Practice Describing Plot

Purpose:  I can describe the plot of what I read to better understand the text.
  1. Connection:  Elements of Plot
  2. Practice:  Plot of Freak the Mighty
  3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Describing the Plot" Response is due TOMORROW
    • The Beginning
    • The Exciting Incident
    • The Rising Action
    • The Climax
    • The Falling Action
    • The Ending

Monday 11/27 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Monday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time.
  2. Have your Reading and Book Club materials ready.
  3. Complete this "3-2-1 Reflection" in your Reading Notebook:
    • Three things you are proud of from this school year.
    • Two things you want to accomplish by Winter Break.
    • One thing you want to change for yourself.
  4. Free read quietly.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Tuesday 11/21 Writing - NaNoWriMo Climax

Purpose:  I can write a "thrilling scene" as part of the climax of my NaNoWriMo novel.
  1. Connection:  Climax Examples
  2. Teaching: The Secret of the Thrilling Scene
  3. Application: Write!
  4. Planning: How many words to you want (or need) to write over Thanksgiving Break?

Tuesday 11/21 Social Studies - Early European Explorers Quizizz

Purpose: I can show my understanding of the backgrounds, motives, and effects of early European explorers during the Age of Exploration.
  1. Review: Complete your Early European Explorer Vocabulary
  2. Engagement: European Explorers Quizizz
    • Open in your browser
    • Enter the 6-digit game code 861864
    • Click "Proceed"
    • Now enter your first and last name and click "Join Game!"
    • You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!
  3. Extension: Explore the "Become a Spice Trader" Interactive

Tuesday 11/21 Reading - Discuss Figurative Language

Purpose: I can discuss figurative language with my book club to better understand what I am reading in a text.
  1. Have your "Figurative Language" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson
  2. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Describing the Plot" Response is due Tuesday
    • The Beginning
    • The Exciting Incident
    • The Rising Action
    • The Climax
    • The Falling Action
    • The Ending

Tuesday 11/21 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Fire Drill @ 8:30
  2. Have your Reading and Book Club materials ready.
  3. Figurative Language Quizizz
    • Open in your browser
    • Enter the 6-digit game code 223051
    • Click "Proceed"
    • Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
    • You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!
  4. Polish your Book Club response then start reading.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Monday 11/20 Social Studies - European Explorers Matrix

Purpose: I can read to determine importance of the background, motives, and effects of explorers during the Age of Exploration.
  1. Teaching/Engagement: European Explorers Matrix
    • Interactive Student Notebook page 28-29
    • Social Studies Textbook page 58 - 66
  2. Independent Practice: Complete your Early European Explorer Vocabulary
  3. Extension: Explore the "Become a Spice Trader" Interactive

Monday 11/20 Writing - Using Figurative Language

Purpose:  I can using figurative language in my writing to make my story more interesting.
  1. Be ready to answer the following question about your novel:  Where are you on the "Plot Rollercoaster"? What do you plan to write about next?
  2. Write!
  3. Be ready to share your examples of figurative language:
    • Simile
    • Metaphor
    • Personification
    • Hyperbole
    • Understatement
    • Onomatopoeia
    • Idiom
    • Pun
    • Proverb
    • Oxymoron

Monday 11/20 Reading - Practice Figurative Language

  1. Review: Figurative Language
  2. Figurative Language Practice Activity
    • Enter your First AND Last Name
    • Email the results to
  3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Figurative Language" Response is due TOMORROW
    • Identify examples of figurative from your reading.
    • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes.

Monday 11/20 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Make-Up Music Class @ 8:05
  2. Monday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time.
  3. Have your Reading and Book Club materials ready.
  4. Free read quietly.
***20th Golden Whistle Reward:
Extra Recess TODAY @ 1:00***

Friday, November 17, 2017

Friday 11/17 Writing - NaNoWriMo-ing With All Your Senses

Purpose: I can use my five senses to incorporate more sensory words and phrases into my novel.
  1. Connection: Writing With All Your Senses
  2. Writing Focus:  Use all fives senses to incorporate more sensory words and phrases into your novel.

Friday 11/17 Reading - Discuss Setting

Purpose: I can discuss setting with my book club to better understand what I am reading in a text.
  1. EVERYONE REVISE: "Letter from Camp" @ ReadWorks to show your ability to think about setting.
  2. Have your "Setting" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson
  3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Figurative Language" Response is due Tuesday
    • Figurative Language Introduction
    • Identify examples of figurative from your reading.
    • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes.

Friday 11/17 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Find your new seat.
  2. Display your Setting Response for the Homework Checker.
  3. Read and comprehend "Letter from Camp" @ ReadWorks to show your ability to think about setting.
  4. Have your Reading and Book Club materials ready then start reading.
***Buddy Class Activity @ 11:00: STOW YOUR GAME IN YOUR LOCKER OR UNDER YOUR DESK***

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thursday 11/16 Math - Fraction Word Problems with Mixed Numbers

Purpose:  I can solve a variety of real-world fraction problems.


Thursday 11/16 Math - Essential Standards Check #2

  1. Practice your Math Skills at EDM Math Online, prepare yourself for an assessment.
  2. WAIT TO START UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO BEGIN: Math Essential Standards Check #2

Thursday 11/16 Writing - NaNoWriMo-ing With All Your Senses

Purpose: I can use my five senses to incorporate more sensory words and phrases into my novel.
  1. Connection: Thanksgiving
  2. Teaching/Engagement:  Writing With All Your Senses
  3. Writing Focus:  Use all fives senses to incorporate more sensory words and phrases into your novel.

Thursday 11/16 Social Studies - European Explorers Matrix

Purpose: I can read to determine importance of the background, motives, and effects of explorers during the Age of Exploration.
  1. Review:  Christopher Columbus
  2. Teaching/Engagement: European Explorers Matrix
    • Interactive Student Notebook page 28-29
    • Social Studies Textbook page 58 - 66
  3. Independent Practice: Complete your Early European Explorer Vocabulary

Thursday 11/16 Reading - Practice Describing the Setting

Purpose: I can analyze the time, place, and environment as part of the setting of a text to better understand what I read.
  1. Check your results for "BFF" @ ReadWorks: REVISE IF YOU ARE ASSIGNED TO.
  2. Whole Group: Practice Describing Setting
  3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Setting" Response is due Friday
    • Describe the time, place, and environment of your book in a paragraph.
    • NEXT LAYER: Which element of setting (time, place, environment) impacts the story/characters the most?  Why?
    • Draw a map of the main setting.
    • Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.

Thursday 11/16 Morning Warm-Up

***Chromebook Case installation 
TODAY at 10:30 in the Media Center***
  1. Thursday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time.
  2. Turn in your blue Music Concert slip.
  3. Have your Reading and Book Club materials ready.
  4. Read and comprehend "BFF" @ ReadWorks to practice thinking about setting.
  5. Independent reading time.
Buddy Class Activity with Mrs. Rohlf TOMORROW:
Board Games!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wednesday 11/15 Math - Fraction Word Problems with Mixed Numbers

Purpose:  I can solve a variety of real-world fraction problems.


Wednesday 11/15 Reading - Describe the Setting

Purpose: I can describe the time, place, and environment as part of the setting of a text.
  1. Review:  What makes up the setting?
  2. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Setting" Response is due Friday
    • Describe the time, place, and environment of your book in a paragraph.
    • Draw a map of the main setting.
    • Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.

Wednesday 11/15 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Turn in your blue Music Concert slip.
  2. Record your FINISHED free reading on your Reading Log.
  3. Have your reading book ready.
  4. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tuesday 11/14 Math - Adding Fractions with Unlike Denominators

Purpose:  I can add fractions with unlike denominators.

CHALLENGE: Football Math

Tuesday 11/14 Writing - NaNoWriMo Cause & Effect

Purpose: I can use Cause & Effect to move my story forward during the rising action of my story's plot.
  1. Review: The Rising Action
  2. Writing Focus: Cause and Effect - Actions have consequences. How can the next few events result because of something your hero does?

Tuesday 11/14 Social Studies -

Purpose: I can understand the different views of American Indians and European explorers during the Age of Exploration.
  1. Minilesson:  Encounter 
  2. Teaching/Engagement: Exploration of the Americas Lead to Settlement
    • Interactive Student Notebook page 28-29
    • Social Studies Textbook page 58 - 66
  3. Independent Practice: Complete your Early European Explorer Vocabulary

Tuesday 11/14 Reading - Discuss Unknown Words

Purpose: I can discuss unknown words with my book club to better understand what I am reading in a text.
  1. Who can stump Mr. Erickson?  Reward: gum!
  2. Have your "Unknown Words" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson
  3. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Setting" Response is due Friday
    • Describe the time, place, and environment of your book in a paragraph.
    • Draw a map of the main setting.
    • Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.

Tuesday 11/14 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Turn in your blue Music Concert slip.
  2. Display your HomeLink 3-10 for the Homework Checker.
  3. Track your progress towards your NaNoWriMo Goal: 50% Reward Lunch TODAY with Mrs. Roode
  4. Have your Reading and Book Club materials ready.
  5. Read and comprehend "Congress Speaks Spanish" @ ReadWorks to practice determining the meaning of words in context.
  6. Polish your Book Club response then start reading.
Buddy Class Activity with Mrs. Rohlf on Friday:
Board Games!!!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday 11/13 Math - Exploring Addition of Fractions with Unlike Denominators

Purpose:  I can add fractions with like and/or unlike denominators.

Choose YOUR appropriate level.

Monday 11/13 Social Studies - Different Views of Age of Exploration

Purpose: I can understand the different views of American Indians and European explorers during the Age of Exploration.
  1. Minilesson:  Aaron Rodgers Injury 
  2. Teaching/Engagement: Exploration of the Americas Lead to Settlement
    • Interactive Student Notebook page 27
    • Social Studies Textbook page 57
  3. Independent Practice: Complete your Early European Explorer Vocabulary

Monday 11/13 Writing - NaNoWriMo Character Interviews on NaNo-TV

Purpose:  I can develop characters by "stepping into my characters' shoes."
  1. Read through the "Main Character" interview on the Character Interviews on NaNo-TV document
    • Answer the questions as if you ARE THE CHARACTER.
    • Include as much descriptive language as possible to give the TV viewers a good idea of who your character is.
    • Repeat the process with your supporting character and villain.
  2. Use your interview answers to add to your development of your novel's characters.

Monday 11/13 Reading - Practice Using Decoding Strategies

Purpose:  I can determine the meaning of unknown words using decoding strategies.
  1. Minilesson:  Decoding Strategies Review
  2. Practice:  The Spider and The Fly by Mary Howitt
  3. NEW: Use context clues to insert the correct missing words in "Deep Sleep".
  4. Thinking & Writing About Your Reading: "Unknown Words" Response is due Tuesday
    • Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
    • Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
    • Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
    • Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.