Classroom Resources

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Tuesday 11/07 Writing - NaNoWriMo Inspiration

Purpose: I can develop my NaNoWriMo novel by writing a great exciting event.
  1. Review: The Exciting Event
    • Something exciting that happens to your main character which launches him or her into the adventure whether they like it or not.
    • It can be a scary moment for your main character, but he or she must get on that (plot) rollercoaster no matter how frightening it might look.
    • Once they're on, there's no turning back!
  2. Teaching/Engagement:  Eliana's NaNoWriMo Novel
  3. Writing Focus: What is your exciting event that is going to launch your main character onto their adventure?  Does your supporting character help them get going?  Or does something else happen to your main character to get them out of a rut and into action?

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