Classroom Resources

Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday 11/27 Social Studies - Cause and Effect Relationships

Purpose: I can identify causes and effects of historical events that lead to the exploration of the New World by early European explorers.
  1. Background: Cause and Effect Relationships
    • A historical text explains events that occurred in the past. Often it explains how or why those events happened. Even more importantly, the text might explain what happened as a result of those events. 
    • A good reader is aware of any cause and effect relationships in a historical text. 
    • A cause is how or why an event occurred. It has to chronologically happen first. 
    • An effect is an event that occurred as a result of the cause. It describes what happened. The effect chronologically occurs after the cause. 
    • Although the cause comes first chronologically, it may come before or after the effect in the text. 
    • A good reader looks for clues in the text that help connect cause and effect events.
  2. Application: Early European Exploration - Cause and Effect Relationships

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