Classroom Resources

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Tuesday 10/31 Writing - Really Good Dialogue

Purpose: I can write dialogue that develops events in a story and helps define its characters.
  1. Whole Group: How to write REALLY good dialogue that follows the special rules of dialogue
    • Exact words are placed in quotation marks
    • A comma is used instead of an end mark if dialogue is followed by a dialogue tag
    • Every new quote in dialogue starts with a capital letter.
  2. Practice: Writing good dialogue with a partner
    • Dialogue that will move a story forward, "What is that in the sky?!"
    • Dialogue that helps us get to know the characters better, "Why are you always wearing that fake moustache?"
  3. Application: Comic Strip Worksheet (pages 73 - 76) in your NaNoWriMo Packet.

Tuesday 10/31 Science - Rocks and Minerals Assessment

Purpose:  I can show what I know and understand about rocks and minerals.
  1. Review: The Decoded Meanings of Rocks & Minerals Words
  2. Practice: Rocks & Minerals Quizizz
    • Open in your browser
    • Enter the 6-digit game code 827722 , and click "Proceed"
    • Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
    • You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!
  3. Independent Application: Rocks & Minerals Assessment
  4. Free read quietly

Tuesday 10/31 Reading - November Book Club

Purpose: I can analyze how the characters in a mystery story are introduced.
  1. Whole Group: What are elements of the "Mystery" Genre?
  2. Small Group:  Be ready to meet with Mr. E to determine your group's expectations.
  3. Independent Reading: "Introduction of Characters" Response is due Friday
    1. List the characters you meet during your first Reading Assignment for your book club.
    2. In your Reading Notebook, use a Character Web to identify elements of THREE characters:
      • What character trait best describes them?
      • Describe the character's appearance.
      • What are the character's actions?
      • Describe the thoughts/feelings of the character.
      • What is your opinion of the character?

Tuesday 10/31 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your "Decoded Meanings of Rocks & Minerals Words" for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Reading and Book Club materials ready.
  3. Read and comprehend "Sound Effects for Halloween" @ Newsela
  4. Free read/write quietly

Monday, October 30, 2017

Monday 10/30 Writing - Mapping Your NaNoWriMo Setting

Purpose: I can create the large and small settings of my story.
  1. Connection: Transfer your plot ideas to the Plot Rollercoaster on page 61.
  2. Teaching/Engagement: Novels have both large and small settings.
    • Application: Mapping Your Setting Worksheet (ONLY pages 62 - 68) in your NaNoWriMo Packet.

    Monday 10/30 Science - Meaning of Words Related to Rocks and Minerals

    Purpose:  I can determine the meaning of words related to the study of rocks and minerals.
    1. Review:  How are the different types of rocks formed?
    2. Whole Group: Decoding Strategies for Unknown Words
    3. Independent Practice:
    4. Free read quietly
    5. Be ready to share your definitions in a small group meeting with Mr. Erickson.

    Monday 10/30 Reading - Discuss Character Conversations

    Purpose: I can discuss the characters with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read.
    1. Have your "Character Conversation" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting
    2. Mystery Genre Preview: Identify the elements of books within the "Mystery" Genre
    3. Free read quietly

    Monday 10/30 Morning Warm-Up

    1. Monday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time.
    2. Display your "Character Conversation" for the Homework Checker.
    3. Have your Reading and Book Club materials ready.
    4. Read and comprehend "Amy's Halloween Secret" @ ReadWorks
    5. Free read/write quietly

    Friday, October 27, 2017

    Friday 10/27 Writing - The Elements of Plot (Part TWO)

    Friday 10/26 Writing - The Elements of Plot (Part Two)

    Purpose:  I can identify, understand, and brainstorm basic plot structures including the climax, falling action, and ending sections of a novel.
    1.  Spot the following:
      • When viewers gasp and say, "What will happen next?"
      • When viewers cheer, "Go hero! Win the fight!"
      • When viewers say, "Thank goodness that's over."
    2. Read about climax, falling action, and resolution.
    3. Outline Your Plot
      1. Climax (pg. 55)
      2. Falling Action (pg. 57)
      3. Ending (pg. 58)

    Friday 10/27 Reading - Discuss Setting

    Purpose: I can discuss the setting with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read.
    1. Have your "Setting" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson
    2. Independent Practice: "Character Conversation" Response is due Monday
      • Write a conversation between you and the main character of your Book Club story.
      • Be sure your dialogue helps us to understand your main character and is "not boring."
      • Ask questions of your character and infer what their answers would be.
      • State your opinions about their actions, words, choices, and behavior.
      • Be creative!

    Friday 10/27 Morning Warm-Up

    1. Congratulations to our leaders!
      • Rock Talk Leaders: Madalynn and Josie, I gave Mr. Gerbes your summaries and questions.
      • Yearbook Club Leader: Samantha, go to the office today (and every Friday) at 2:20 with your Chromebook.
    2. Display your "Setting" Response for the Homework Checker.
    3. Have your Reading & Book Club materials ready.
    4. Revise your "Setting" Response by adding the answer to this question, "How does the setting affect your characters?"
    5. Free read/write quietly

    Thursday, October 26, 2017

    Thursday 10/26 Writing - The Elements of Plot (Part One)

    Purpose: I can outline the beginning, exciting event, and rising action of my story.
    1. Connection: The Fun of Rollercoasters
    2. Teaching/Engagement: Maniac Magee Plot Rollercoaster
      • Application: Outline Your Plot Worksheet (ONLY pages 47 - 54) in your NaNoWriMo Packet.

      Thursday 10/26 Science - Earth's Crust

      Purpose:  I can integrate information from multiple sources about Earth's crust.
      1. Source A:  Bill Nye - Earth's Crust
      2. Source B:  Scientists think about 3 billion years ago the Earth changed its look
      3. Application:  Write about Earth's crust.

      Thursday 10/26 Reading - Practice Describing the Setting

      Purpose: I can describe the time, place, and environment as part of the setting of a text.
      1. Minilesson:  Environment/Mood Words
      2. Practice:  Read and comprehend "Welcome Home" @ ReadWorks
      3. Independent Reading Time
        • Describe the time, place, and environment of your Book Club book in a paragraph.
        • Draw a map of the main setting.
        • Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.
        • "Setting" Response is due Friday.

      Thursday 10/26 Morning Warm-Up

      Trial Schedule Change:
      7:45 - 8:05 Arrival & Warm-Up
      8:05 - 9:05 Reading
      9:05 - 9:50 Specials
      9:50 - 10:30 Reading
      10:30 - 11:00 Science/Social Studies
      11:00 - 12:00 Writing/Leadership
      1. Display your HomeLink 3-2 for the Homework Checker.
      2. Have your Reading & Book Club materials ready.
      3. Practice describing the setting of these texts in your Reading Notebook.
      4. Leadership Opportunities:
      5. Free read/write quietly

      Wednesday, October 25, 2017

      Wednesday 10/25 Reading - Practice Setting

      Purpose: I can describe the time, place, and environment as part of the setting of a text.
      1. Whole Group: Practice Describing Setting
      2. Independent Reading Time
        • Describe the time, place, and environment of your book in a paragraph.
        • Draw a map of the main setting.
        • Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.
        • "Setting" Response is due Friday.
      3. Extension:  NaNoWriMo Character or Story Worksheets (pages 12 - 46)

      Wednesday 10/25 Science - Become a Metals Expert

      Purpose:  I can ask questions to expand my understanding about metals.
      1. Connection:  Great readers ask questions before, during, and after they read.
      2. Practice:  Ask questions to expand thinking about Metals:
      3. Extend your learning about volcanoes:

      Wednesday 10/25 Morning Warm-Up

      ***Isaiah: There is a Computer Captain meeting with Mrs. Miller @ 2:30 TODAY.  Bring your Chromebook.***
      1. Record your FINISHED free reading on your Reading Log.
      2. Have your Spelling materials ready.
      3. Practice List #1 Words at SpellingCity
      ***5E will be voting on the Yearbook Cover designs TODAY @ 10:00***

      Tuesday, October 24, 2017

      Tuesday 10/24 Reading - Discuss Connections

      Purpose: I can discuss connections with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read.
      1. Have your "Connections" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson
      2. Independent Reading Time
        • Describe the time, place, and environment of your book in a paragraph.
        • Draw a map of the main setting.
        • Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.
        • "Setting" Response is due Friday.
      3. Extension:  NaNoWriMo Character or Story Worksheets (pages 12 - 46)

      Tuesday 10/24 Science - Could a volcano pop up in your backyard?

      Purpose: I can use coordinates to locate volcanoes in different regions of the world to identify a major pattern of volcanoes known as the Ring of Fire.
      1. Connection: Write about what you know about volcanoes.
      2. Exploration: Could a volcano pop up in your backyard?
      3. Activity: Volcano Mapping (With Partner #8)
      4. Nonfiction Reading:  "What is a Volcano" at Newsela

      Tuesday 10/24 Writing - Make Up Your Story

      Purpose: I can make up my story by understanding & identifying the literary elements of plot and conflict.
      1. Connection: Discuss your "more than anything in the world" answer.
      2. Teaching/Engagement: The important events that happen while a main character tries to get what he/she wants make up a story or the "plot."  The main problem or obstacle the main character faces in the story is the conflict.
      3. Application: Make Up Your Own Story Worksheet (pages 42 - 46) in your NaNoWriMo Packet.

      Tuesday 10/24 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Display your "Connections" Response for the Homework Checker.
      2. Have your NaNoWriMo materials and Writing Notebook ready.
      3. Take FIVE minutes to write about the following question in your notebook:  The one thing I want more than anything else in the entire world is...
      4. Free read/write quietly
      ***Josie: There is a Nurse's Aide meeting TODAY @ 8:15 in the Nurse's Office.***

      Monday, October 23, 2017

      Monday 10/23 Math - Multiplication and Division Assessment

      1. Mixed Multiplication and Division Word Problems Practice
      2. Unit 2 EDM Assessment
      3. Math Journal page 70
      4. Math Skills Practice:

      Monday 10/23 Reading - Write about Connections

      Purpose: I can read as a writer by bringing a writerly wide-awareness, an extra alertness to my reading.
      1. Minilesson:  Writing about Reading Means Reading with a Writerly Wide-Awareness
      2. Independent Reading Time

      Monday 10/23 Science - Could a volcano pop up in your backyard?

      Purpose: I can explore the patterns of where volcanoes exist in the world today and where volcanoes have existed in the past.
      1. Connection: "The Rock Cycle" (Textbook pages 114 - 115)
      2. Exploration: Could a volcano pop up in your backyard?
      3. Nonfiction Reading:  "Earth's Systems - Volcanoes" at Newsela

      Monday 10/23 Writing - Create Villains

      Purpose: I can create a villain that stands in the way of my main character's adventure.
      1. Connection: Discuss villains.
      2. Teaching/Engagement: The villain will do anything to stand in the main character's way and keep him/her from achieving their dream!
        • What do villains say or do that shows their true nature?
        • How do villains motivations determine their actions?
        • How are villains alike and different?
      3. Application: Villain Worksheet (pages 32 - 41) in your NaNoWriMo Packet.
      4. Share:  Discuss your villain with Partner #7, be ready to give and receive suggestions/ideas.

      Monday 10/23 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Marketing Managers:  Meet with Ms. Wilson in the Media Center from 8:00 - 8:30.
      2. Monday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time.
      3. Review your Leadership Role to see what you are responsible for in the classroom.
      4. Have your NaNoWriMo materials and Writing Notebook ready.
      5. Answer the following question:  Of all the books you have read or movies you have seen, who is the "bad guy" (or girl!) that you remember most?  What made this character so bad and so memorable?
      6. Free read/write quietly

      ***Yearbook Cover designs are DUE TODAY @ 2:55***

      Friday, October 20, 2017

      Friday 10/20 Reading - Discuss Questions

      Purpose: I can discuss questions with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read.
      1. Have your "Quoting Accurately to Ask Questions" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson
      2. Independent Reading Time
      3. Extension:  NaNoWriMo Main OR Supporting Character (pages 12 - 31)

      Friday 10/20 Science - How Rocks Form

      Purpose: I can ask questions about the types of rocks to help me better understand how they form.
      1. Whole Group: Add questions to each of your rock characteristics webs while viewing the following Picture Tours.
      2. Independent Practice: Rocks and Minerals Quiz
        • Open in your browser
        • Enter the 6-digit game code 829920, and click "Proceed"
        • Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
        • You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!

      Friday 10/20 The Leader in Me - Proactive Language

      Purpose:  I can become a better leader by empowering myself with proactive language. 
      1. Connection:  What are your weekend plans?
      2. Whole Group:  Proactive Language
      3. Application:  Choose from these reactive statements to change into proactive statements.
        • I’m not good at this.
        • I give up.
        • It’s good enough.
        • I can’t make this any better.
        • This is too hard.
        • I always make lots of errors.
        • I just can’t do this.
        • I’ll never be that smart.
        • Plan A didn’t work.
        • My friend can do it, he’s better at it.

      Friday 10/20 Morning Warm-Up

      ***Lockdown Drill @ 8:15***
      1. Display your "Quoting Accurately to Ask Questions" Response for the Homework Checker.
      2. Have your Leadership Binder ready.
      3. Weekend Schedule: fill in what your plans are (hour by hour) for this weekend, be as accurate as you can.
      4. Free read/write quietly
      Henry S.

      Thursday, October 19, 2017

      Thursday 10/19 Writing - Create Supporting Characters

      Purpose: I can create a supporting character to help my main character on their adventure.
      1. Connection: Think about one of your good friends.  Answer the following questions about them in your Writing Notebook, be sure to use as many details as possible:
        • How did you first meet your friend?
        • What does he or she look like?
        • What do you two do together for fun?
        • Where do they live and what is it like there?
      2. Teaching/Engagement: Just like you and I, main characters have friends.  The supporting character is kind of like a sidekick or a best friend for the main character.  The supporting character's job is to help the main character during their adventure.
      3. Application: Supporting Character Worksheet (pages 22 - 31) in your NaNoWriMo Packet.
      4. Share:  Discuss your supporting character with Partner #6, be ready to give and receive suggestions/ideas.

      Thursday 10/19 Science - How are rocks formed?

      Purpose: I can classify rocks according to their characteristics.
      1. Connection: How can we tell the difference between types of rocks?
      2. Independent Practice: Complete the Rocks Interactive and add to each of your characteristic charts (use a different colored writing utensil).
      3. Finish your Rocks and Minerals Vocabulary.
      4. Explore Geology Rocks at Newsela
      5. Application: Rock Type Formative Assessment

      Thursday 10/19 The Leader in Me - Choose Your Weather

      Purpose:  I can become a better leader by improving my ability to choose "weather."

      1. Connection:  What character traits best describe you?
      2. Whole Group:  Choose Your Weather
      3. Application:  How can you use what you learned from this video in your own life?

      Thursday 10/19 Morning Warm-Up

      1. Thursday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time.
      2. Display your "Rocks & Soil" Worksheet for the Homework Checker.
      3. Have your Leadership Binder ready.
        • What character traits describe YOU?  List your TOP 5 on a sticky note and be ready to share with the class.
        • Free read/write quietly

        Wednesday, October 18, 2017

        Wednesday 10/18 Reading - Practice Questioning

        Purpose: I can quote accurately while asking questions to show evidence of my thinking while reading.
        1. Be ready to practice questioning in a small group with Mr. Erickson
        2. Independent Reading Time
          • "Quoting Accurately While Asking Questions" Response is due Friday.
          • Ask THREE questions that connect to the overall meaning of the text
          • Follow all the expectations for quoting accurately for each question.
          • How can you go "above and beyond" with your thinking and writing about your reading?
        3. Extension:  NaNoWriMo Main Character Worksheet (pages 12 - 21)

        Wednesday 10/18 Science - Characteristics of Rocks

        Purpose:  I can classify rocks according to their characteristics.
        1. Review: How can we tell the difference between types of rocks?
        2. Independent Practice:  FINISH identifying characteristics of the main types of rocks (Igneous, Sedimentary, Fossils, and Metamorphic)
          • Textbook pages 106 - 113
          • Record your learning on a "Rock Characteristics" chart in your Science Notebook.
        3. Define your Rocks and Minerals Vocabulary.
        4. Homework: "Bill Nye - Rocks and Soil"
          • View the video
          • Complete the comprehension worksheet to show your understanding.

        Wednesday 10/18 Morning Warm-Up

        1. Record your FINISHED free reading on your Reading Log.
        2. Leadership Opportunity: Marketing Manager for Ms. Wilson, the application is due on Thursday.
        3. Have your Science materials ready.
        4. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice
        ***Interviews for student leadership roles are scheduled for this afternoon:
        • Applicants, be ready to share why you should be chosen for your Leadership Role.
        • Henry L., Annabelle, and Ashley, head to lunch at 11:00. You will eat lunch in the conference room and then Mrs. Gibbons will help you get set for their afternoon. You will miss recess today.

        Tuesday, October 17, 2017

        Tuesday 10/17 Reading - Discuss Inferences

        Purpose: I can discuss inferences with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read.
        1. Have your "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson
        2. Independent Reading Time
          • "Quoting Accurately While Asking Questions" Response is due Friday.
          • Ask THREE questions that connect to the overall meaning of the text
          • Follow all the expectations for quoting accurately for each question.

        Tuesday 10/17 Science - Characteristics of Rocks

        Purpose:  I can classify rocks according to their characteristics.
        1. Whole Group: How can we tell the difference between types of rocks?
        2. Independent Practice:  Identify characteristics of the main types of rocks (Igneous, Sedimentary, Fossils, and Metamorphic)
          • Textbook pages 106 - 113
          • Record your learning on a "Rock Characteristics" chart in your Science Notebook.
        3. Define your Rocks and Minerals Vocabulary.
        4. Homework: Read and comprehend "Magnificent Minerals" at ReadWorksDigital.

        Tuesday 10/17 Writing - Create Main Characters

        Purpose:  I can create a main character based off of elements of other "great" characters.

        1. Connection:  Who are you?  Answer the following questions about yourself in your Writing Notebook, be sure to use as many details as possible:
          • What do you look like?
          • What do you do for fun?
          • Where do you live and what is it like there?
          • What annoys you the most?
        2. Teaching/Engagement:  Main Characters
        3. Application:  Main Character Worksheet (pages 12 - 21)

        Tuesday 10/17 Morning Warm-Up

        ***Colin: Head down to Music @ 8:05 to meet with Mr. Hobin.***
        1. Display your "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response for the Homework Checker.
        2. Have your NaNoWriMo materials and Writing Notebook ready.
        3. Leadership Opportunity:  Marketing Manager for Ms. Wilson, the application is due on Thursday.
        4. Free read/write quietly
        ***Interviews for student leadership roles are scheduled for tomorrow afternoon:
        • Applicants, be ready to share why you should be chosen for your Leadership Role.
        • Henry L., Annabelle, and Ashley be ready to interview.

        Monday, October 16, 2017

        Monday 10/16 Reading - Practice Inferences

        Purpose: I can quote accurately to help me make inferences while I read.
        1. Whole Group Review: Inference Practice
        2. Independent Reading Time 
          • Make a copy of the "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response. 
          • Identify FIVE inferences you have while reading. 
          • Quote accurately using the author's exact words. 
          • Explain your inference. 
          • "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response is due TOMORROW.

        Monday 10/16 Science - Asking Questions about Minerals

        Purpose:  I can ask questions to expand my understanding about minerals.
        1. Whole Group: Ask questions to expand thinking about Minerals (textbook 98 - 99)
        2. Partner Practice:  Ask questions to expand thinking about Properties of Minerals:
        3. Independent Learning: Begin to define our Rocks and Minerals Vocabulary.
        4. Homework: Read and comprehend "Magnificent Minerals" at ReadWorksDigital.

        Monday 10/16 Writing - Great Book, Gross Book

        Purpose:  I can identify the literary elements or techniques of novels that I have liked/disliked.

        1. Review:  What have you read?  What do you want to read?
        2. Minilesson:  Great versus gross
        3. Teaching/Engagement:  "Great Book, Gross Book" Activity

        Monday 10/16 Morning Warm-Up

        ***Today is a great day to welcome back Caelan and Matthew as well our new friend, Colin.***
        1. Monday Band Lessons: Check your lesson time.
        2. Display your "Drawing a Table" Worksheet for the Homework Checker.
        3. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
        4. Have your NaNoWriMo materials and FINISHED Novel Advertisement ready.
        5. Create a t-chart in your Reading Notebook:
          • Label the left side "Great Books I've Read"
          • Label the right side "Books I Want to Read"
        6. Free read/write quietly
        7. Colin: join ReadWorks Digital:

        Friday, October 13, 2017

        Friday 10/13 Reading - Discuss Conflicts

        Purpose: I can discuss conflicts with my book club to deepen my understanding of what I read.
        1. Have your "Conflict" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson
        2. Independent Reading Time
          • Make a copy of the "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response.
          • Identify FIVE inferences you have while reading.
          • Quote accurately using the author's exact words.
          • Explain your inference.
          • "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response is due Tuesday.

        Friday 10/13 Writing - What is a Novel, Anyway?

        Purpose:  I can write a brief advertisement, including details about important events and characters, for a novel.
        1. Minilesson:  What is a novel, anyway?
        2. Teaching/Engagement:  "What Makes a Novel a Novel?" Worksheet
        3. Application:  Create an Advertisement
        4. Continue reading and responding to your classmates' Weather Flash Drafts while everyone finishes.

        Friday 10/13 Morning Warm-Up

        ***Today is a GREAT day to sharpen the saw as a class at our Fall Party @ 2:00***
        1. Turn-in your Fall Party Donations to Mr. Erickson.
        2. Display your "Conflict" Response for the Homework Checker.
        3. Have your NaNoWriMo packet ready.
        4. Read and comprehend "Northern California Wildfires" at Newsela.
        ***Book Fair Preview @ 10:00 TODAY***

        ***Interviews for student leadership roles are scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday, October 18***

        Thursday, October 12, 2017

        Thursday 10/12 NaNoWriMo - Getting Rid of YOUR Inner Editor

        Purpose:  I can understand the NaNoWriMo project and get rid of my inner editor.

        1. QuickWrite:  What does the word "creativity" mean?
        2. Whole Group:  NaNoWriMo K-W-L Chart
        3. Application:  Putting Away Your Inner Editor

        Thursday 10/12 Reading - Writing Well about Reading

        Purpose: I can write well about my thinking while reading.
        1. Minilesson:  Writing Well about Reading
        2. Independent Reading Time: Revise and improve your "Identifying Conflict" Response which is due TOMORROW
          • Character vs Self: A struggle between a character and their feelings, conscience, or fear.
          • Character vs Character: A mental or physical struggle between two characters.
          • Character vs Nature: A struggle between a character and Mother Nature.
          • Character vs Society: A struggle between a character and the laws or beliefs of a group.

        Thursday 10/12 Writing - Sharing Weather Flash Drafts

        Purpose: I can use my peers’ writing to add to my knowledge about weather.
        1. Evaluate yourself using our rubric.
        2. Read your classmates' Weather Flash Drafts: START WITH PARTNER #1 AND WORK THROUGH THEM IN ORDER.
        3. Evaluate other published drafts using your Peer Evaluation document:
          • For each piece of writing, identify something you find interesting or did not know.
          • Then make a response (question, thought, opinion, or connection) to the information.