Classroom Resources

Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday 03/31 Reading - Comparing & Contrasting Theme

Purpose:  I can discuss the plot of our story to understand how the characters and events interact.
  1. Have your "Plot" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Theme" Planning is due Monday:
    • What did the characters learn?
    • How did the characters grow or change?
    • Why did the characters act this way?

Friday 03/31 Social Studies - Presenting Arguments in a Panel Debate

Purpose: I can identify the arguments for and against colonial independence from Great Britain.
  1. Panel Debate Groups:  FIVE Minutes to Prepare and Rehearse
  2. Present Arguments in a Panel Debate: Loyalists vs Patriots!
  3. Exit Ticket:  I agree with _____ about declaring independence because...

Friday 03/31 Writing - Drafting Persuasive Nonfiction

Purpose:  I can organize my writing to make my persuasive essay more convincing.
  1. Whole Group: Analyze Supporting Paragraphs of Essays
  2. Persuasive writing should state your opinion clearly and provide reasons to support your claim.
  3. Independent Writing Time:
    • Work on your persuasive essay.
    • Revise your opening sentences to get your reader interested.
    • Make sure to state your opinion clearly in the first paragraph.
    • Make sure to give reasons that support your opinion.
    • Use this Persuasion Map to organize your ideas.

Friday 03/31 Morning Warm-Up

***Be respectful, responsible, and safe for 
Ms. Miller while I am announcing the Jaguar Jungle names***
  1. Display your "Describing the Plot" Reading Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Read and record your learning for the The Fight Begins Article in "The Road to the American Revolution" at ReadWorks Digital
***AELP Students: Law Day at 2:00 with Ms. Roode***

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thursday 03/30 Reading - Abigail Adams

Purpose: I can identify key details that support main ideas to better understand a text.
  1. Read and comprehend "Abigail Adams" in the American Revolution War Heroes Packet:
    • Record the FIVE most important pieces of information.
    • Identify the main ideas and key (supporting) details.
    • Answer THREE comprehension questions.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Describing the Plot" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • The Beginning
    • The Exciting Incident
    • The Rising Action
    • The Climax
    • The Falling Action
    • The Ending

Thursday 03/30 Social Studies - Preparing Characters and Arguments

Purpose: I can identify the arguments for and against colonial independence from Great Britain.
  1. Whole Group: Patriots vs Loyalists Debate Example
  2. Panel Debate Groups:
    • Finish Preparation steps #1 - 5
    • Rehearse for step #6
  3. Add the following vocabulary to your Causes of the American Revolution Vocabulary document:
    • independence
    • Patriot
    • Loyalist
    • neutral
    • traitor
    • tyrant
    • treason
    • resolution
  4. Extension: “For Crown or Colony” interactive at

Thursday 03/30 Writing - Drafting Persuasive Nonfiction

Purpose:  I can use persuasive strategies to convince my audience to share my opinion as I draft a persuasive essay.
  1. Whole Group: "Persuasive Strategies"
  2. Persuasive writing should state your opinion clearly and provide reasons to support your claim: you may research to find facts to support your opinion using our available resources.
  3. Independent Writing Time:
    • Work on your persuasive essay.
    • Revise your opening sentences to get your reader interested.
    • Make sure to state your opinion clearly in the first paragraph.
    • Make sure to give reasons that support your opinion.

Thursday 03/30 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Have your Writing materials ready.
  2. Behavior Logs should be sitting and waiting to take to Music.
  3. Read and record your learning for the Trouble is Brewing Article in "The Road to the American Revolution" at ReadWorks Digital
***AELP Students:  There are NO Math Olympiads today.***

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wednesday 03/29 Math - Coordinate Grid Extension

  1. Complete your Unit 6 Assessment to the best of your ability.
  2. Complete this lab, extending your Coordinate Grid ability:
Hey, students!
and type in:

Wednesday 03/29 Reading - Practice Elements of Plot

  1. Finish your Art Center Field Trip writing/drawing activity.
  2. Practice Elements of Plot Vocabulary
  3. Independent Reading Time
  4. "Describing the Plot" Response is due Friday:
    • The Beginning
    • The Exciting Incident
    • The Rising Action
    • The Climax
    • The Falling Action
    • The Ending

Des Moines Art Center - Post-Field Trip Activity 2017

Create a POST CARD based on your visit to the Des Moines Art Center.  First illustrate one side of a notecard with your favorite and/or a memorable piece of art.  Then choose one of the following writing activities to complete on the reverse side:
  • Dear Mr. Safly, Thank you for the opportunity to visit the Des Moines Art Center!  I most enjoyed seeing... because...
  • Dear Mom/Dad, You have to take me back to the Des Moines Art Center!  I can't wait to show you... because...
  • Dear _____, I really enjoyed our trip to the Des Moines Art Center!  My favorite was... because...

Wednesday 03/29 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  2. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice.
  3. We will load the bus for the Art Center Field Trip at 9:25
  4. After our field trip be ready to illustrate your favorite and/or a memorable piece of art.  Then be ready to write about the experience.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tuesday 03/28 Reading - Discuss Characters

Purpose:  I can discuss characters to better understand their effect on the story.
  1. Have your "Characters" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Describing the Plot" Response is due Friday:
    • The Beginning
    • The Exciting Incident
    • The Rising Action
    • The Climax
    • The Falling Action
    • The Ending

Tuesday 03/28 Social Studies - Historical Figures Extension

Complete a character outline for your assigned Historical Figure to help review and remember elements about them:

Actions of the character:

Thoughts/feelings the character has:

What character trait best describes them?

Your opinion of the character:
like/dislike, connections, etc)

Tuesday 03/28 Social Studies - Preparing Characters and Arguments

Purpose: I can identify the arguments for and against colonial independence from Great Britain.
  1. Whole Group: "Preparing Characters and Arguments" Lesson
  2. Panel Debate Groups and Preparation
  3. Add the following vocabulary to your Causes of the American Revolution Vocabulary document:
    • independence
    • Patriot
    • Loyalist
    • neutral
    • traitor
    • tyrant
    • treason
    • resolution
  4. Extension: “For Crown or Colony” interactive at

Tuesday 03/28 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your "Analyze Characters" Reading Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Social Studies materials ready.
  3. Independent Reading: Unrest in Boston Article in "The Road to the American Revolution" at ReadWorks Digital
***Art Center Field Trip TOMORROW:
We are attending a cultural experience, your attire is expected to match the environment.***

Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday 03/27 Reading - John Hancock

Purpose: I can identify text structure to better understand a text.
  1. Read and comprehend "John Hancock" in the American Revolution War Heroes Packet:
    • Record the FIVE most important pieces of information.
    • Identify the text structure and provide evidence.
    • Answer the comprehension questions.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Analyze Characters" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • Appearance
    • Actions of the character
    • Thoughts/feelings the character has
    • What character trait best describes them?
    • Your opinion of the character (like/dislike, connections, etc)

Monday 03/27 Social Studies - Identify Arguments For/Against Independence

Purpose: I can identify the arguments for and against colonial independence from Great Britain.
  1. Have your Interactive Student Notebook and Social Studies textbook ready.
  2. Whole Group: "Arguments For/Against Independence" Lesson
  3. Present and analyze arguments.
  4. Add the following vocabulary to your Causes of the American Revolution Vocabulary document:
    • independence
    • Patriot
    • Loyalist
    • neutral
    • traitor
    • tyrant
    • treason
    • resolution
  5. Extension: “For Crown or Colony” interactive at

Monday 03/27 Writing - Drafting Persuasive Nonfiction

Purpose:  I can write about my opinions and provide reasons to support my claim as I draft persuasive essays.
  1. Whole Group: "School Uniforms"
  2. Persuasive writing should state your opinion clearly and provide reasons to support your claim while being respectful of opposing viewpoints.
  3. Be ready to discuss the following questions with your writing partner:
    • What opinion do you feel strongly enough about to publish a persuasive essay about it?
    • In addition to your classmates, whom will you be trying to convince (who will be your audience)?
    • What might you do to get a person from that audience to read your essay?
  4. Independent Writing Time: Choose one opinion that you have not yet written about and begin writing a draft of a persuasive essay, double-spaced, in your notebook.

Monday 03/27 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Check your band lesson day/time for this week.
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Practice Grammar Skills at

Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday 03/24 Math - Central Park Interactive

Hey, students!
and type in:

Friday 03/24 Reading - Discuss Point of View

Purpose:  I can discuss point of view to better understand its effect on the story.
  1. Have your "Analyze Point of View" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Ms. Thomas.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Analyze Characters" Response is due Tuesday:
    • Appearance
    • Actions of the character
    • Thoughts/feelings the character has
    • What character trait best describes them?
    • Your opinion of the character (like/dislike, connections, etc)

Friday 03/24 Writing - Exploring Persuasive Writing

Purpose:  I can write about my opinions and provide reasons to support my claim as I draft persuasive essays.

  1. Whole Group: "Animal Testing: Here is the Truth"
  2. It is important that we are respectful as we talk to one another about our opinions, especially if we disagree.
  3. Independent Writing Time: Write about topics you have an opinion about and provide reasons to support your claim.

Friday 03/24 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your "Analyze Point of View" Reading Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Practice Grammar Skills at

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday 03/23 Reading - Thomas Paine

Purpose: I can write a paragraph integrating important information from two different sources to increase the accuracy and depth of my knowledge.
  1. Read and comprehend "Thomas Paine" in the American Revolution War Heroes Packet:
    • Write a paragraph explaining why speakers and writers were important to the revolutionary cause.
    • Answer the comprehension questions.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Analyze Point of View" Response is due TOMORROW: 
    • What is the point of view of your story? How do you know?
    • How does the point of view affect how the story is told?

Thursday 03/23 Social Studies - Analyze Personality Traits

Purpose: I can analyze King George III’s personality traits as a reason for the American Revolution.
  1. Have your Interactive Student Notebook and Social Studies textbook ready.
  2. Read pages 142 - 145 in the textbook.
  3. Identify words or phrases to describe King George III in your Interactive Student Notebooks.
  4. Write a story about what might have happened if King George III had a different point of view of the colonies.
  5. Extension: “For Crown or Colony” interactive at

Thursday 03/23 Writing - Exploring Persuasive Writing

Purpose:  I can write about my opinions and provide reasons to support my claim as I draft persuasive essays.

  1. Whole Group: "Animal Experimentation Saves Lives"
  2. Persuasive writing should state your opinion clearly and provide reasons to support your claim.
  3. Independent Writing Time: Write about topics you have an opinion about and provide reasons to support your claim.

Thursday 03/23 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your HomeLink 6.12 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Practice Grammar Skills at

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wednesday 03/22 Reading - Patrick Henry

Purpose:  I can identify an author's point to help me understand why they wrote a text.
  1. Read and comprehend "Patrick Henry" in the American Revolution War Heroes Packet:
    • Record the FIVE most important pieces of information.
    • Identify the author's point and evidence.
    • Answer the comprehension questions.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Analyze Point of View" Response is due Friday:  
    • What is the point of view of your story?  How do you know?
    • How does the point of view affect how the story is told?

Wednesday 03/22 Social Studies - Analyze Metaphors for the American Revolution

Purpose: I can analyze metaphors for The Boston Tea Party and The Intolerable Acts as reasons for the American Revolution.
  1. Have your “metaphor” Illustrations for Reading Notes, Interactive Student Notebook, and Social Studies textbook ready.
  2. Read pages 140 - 141 in the textbook and determine which illustrated metaphor goes with each section.
  3. Paste the illustration in the appropriate section of the Reading Notes in their Interactive Student Notebooks.
  4. Complete the “In History” section by recording notes comparing the illustration with the matching historical event.
  5. Extension: “For Crown or Colony” interactive at

Wednesday 03/22 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your HomeLink 6.11 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tuesday 03/21 Reading - Discuss Conflicts

Purpose:  I can discuss the conflicts of my book to better understand the important elements of the story.
  1. Have your "Describing Conflict" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Ms. Thomas.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Analyze Point of View" Response is due Friday:  
    • What is the point of view of your story?  How do you know?
    • How does the point of view affect how the story is told?

Tuesday 03/21 Social Studies - Analyze Metaphors for the American Revolution

Purpose: I can analyze metaphors for The Stamp Act and The Boston Massacre as reasons for the American Revolution.
  1. Have your “metaphor” Illustrations for Reading Notes, Interactive Student Notebook, and Social Studies textbook ready.
  2. Read pages 137 - 139 in the textbook and determine which illustrated metaphor goes with each section.
  3. Paste the illustration in the appropriate section of the Reading Notes in their Interactive Student Notebooks.
  4. Complete the “In History” section by recording notes comparing the illustration with the matching historical event.
  5. Extension: “For Crown or Colony” interactive at

Tuesday 03/21 Writing - Exploring Persuasive Writing

Purpose:  I can write about my opinions to start drafting persuasive essays.

  1. Whole Group: "Television: The Most Disparaged Resource of the Information Age"
  2. Generate possible opinions for persuasive essays.
  3. Independent Writing Time: Think and write about topics you have an opinion about for persuasive essays.

Tuesday 03/21 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your "Describing Conflict" Reading Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Practice Grammar Skills at

Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday 03/20 Reading - Sam Adams

Purpose:  I can identify cause and effect relationships to help me understand historical events.
  1. Read and comprehend "Sam Adams" in the American Revolution War Heroes Packet:
    • Record the FIVE most important pieces of information.
    • Identify and explain cause and effect of the British tax acts.
    • Answer the comprehension questions.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Describing Conflict" Response is due TOMORROW:  
    • Identify at least two conflicts that are driving your plot.
    • Describe the conflicts you identified by writing about who the struggles are between, why, and how they might be solved.
    • Compose a paragraph using your outline.

Monday 03/20 Social Studies - Analyze Metaphors for the American Revolution

Purpose: I can analyze metaphors for The Proclamation of 1763 and The Quartering Act as reasons for the American Revolution.
  1. Have your Interactive Student Notebook and Social Studies textbook ready.
  2. Read pages 134 - 136 in the textbook and determine which illustrated metaphor goes with each section.
  3. Paste the illustration in the appropriate section of the Reading Notes on Interactive Student Notebooks page 56.
  4. Complete the “In History” section by recording notes comparing the illustration with the matching historical event.
  5. Extension: “For Crown or Colony” interactive at
    • Go to
    • Click “Register” at the top right of the screen.
    • Enter your Google username and password
    • Choose a reminder question and provide an answer
    • Enter Ankeny and Iowa
    • Choose “Student”
    • Enter “Teacher” for how you learned about Mission US.
    • Click “Submit”
    • Click “Play” near the top
    • Choose “Mission 1: For Crown or Colony?"

Monday 03/20 Writing - Exploring Persuasive Writing

Purpose:  I can write about my opinions to start drafting persuasive essays.
  1. New Writing Partners
  2. Whole Group: "WARNING: Too Much TV Is Hazardous to Your Health"
  3. Persuasive essays try to persuade, or convince, the reader to do or think something.
  4. Independent Writing Time: Think and write about topics you have an opinion about for persuasive essays.

Monday 03/20 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Check your band lesson day/time for this week.
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Practice Grammar Skills at
***5th Grade T-Shirt: Final Vote @ 8:10***

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Thursday 03/09 Reading - Share Summaries

Purpose:  I can share and discuss summaries from our story to help myself and others understand determine important ideas about the text.
  1. Have your "Determine Importance by Summarizing" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Ms. Thomas.
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Describing Conflict" Response is due Tuesday, March 21 (AFTER SPRING BREAK):  
    • Identify at least two conflicts that are driving your plot.
    • Describe the conflicts you identified by writing about who the struggles are between, why, and how they might be solved.
    • Compose a paragraph using your outline.

Thursday 03/09 Writing - Expository Nonfiction Peer Evaluation

Purpose: I can determine the important elements of my peers’ expository nonfiction writing by identifying the text, verb, topic, and big ideas.
  1. Link your FINISHED expository nonfiction on our Community Document.
  2. Read your classmates' projects: START WITH PARTNER #1 AND WORK THROUGH THEM IN ORDER.
  3. Critique other published drafts using your Peer Evaluation document:
    • Name
    • Title and Link
    • Author's Verb
    • Main Idea
    • Supporting Details
    • Response

Thursday 03/09 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your "Summarizing" Book Club Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Practice Grammar Skills at

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Wednesday 03/07 Writing - Expository Nonfiction Publishing

Purpose:  I can edit, revise, and publish my expository nonfiction writing to the best of my writing ability.
  1. Review:  Publishing Expectations
  2. Independent Writing Time: Edit and revise to finish publishing your expository writing.
  3. Publish your finalized draft on our Community Document

Wednesday 03/08 Reading - Questioning Post-Assessment

Purpose:  I can quote accurately while asking questions.
  1. Review: "Buried Treasure" Questioning
  2. Questioning Post-Assessment: "The Legend of Silent Rock"
  3. Independent Reading Time
  4. "Determine Importance by Summarizing" Response is due Thursday.  (Here is an example using Watsons)

Wednesday 03/08 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your HomeLink 6.8 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  3. Turn in the following to Mr. Erickson:
    • February Behavior Log
    • State Capitol Building Field Trip Lunch Choice
  4. Have your Writing materials ready.
  5. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Tuesday 03/06 Reading - Discuss Questions

Purpose:  I can share and discuss questions from my story to help myself and others understand the responses we made to the text.
  1. Have your "Quoting Accurately While Questioning" Response ready to share in a Book Club Meeting with Mr. Erickson
  2. Independent Reading Time
  3. "Determine Importance by Summarizing" Response is due Thursday.  (Here is an example using Watsons)

Tuesday 03/07 Social Studies - Making Connections to Colonists' Point of View

Purpose:  I can learn about the growing tension between Great Britain and the colonies.
  1. Independent Reading: Complaints, Grievances, and Preparations Article in "The Road to the American Revolution" at ReadWorks Digital
  2. Whole Class: "Making Connections to Colonists' Point of View"
  3. Vocabulary: Causes of the American Revolution Vocabulary
  4. Continue editing and revising your expository nonfiction writing.

Tuesday 03/07 Writing - Expository Nonfiction Publishing

Purpose:  I can edit, revise, and publish my expository nonfiction writing.
  1. Minilesson:  The Haircut - Publishing Snaffoos
  2. Independent Writing Time: Edit and revise to finish publishing your best draft.
  3. Publish your finalized draft on our Community Document

Tuesday 03/07 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your HomeLink 6.6 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Turn in the following to Mr. Erickson:
    • T-Shirt Order and/or Design
    • February Behavior Log
    • State Capitol Building Field Trip Lunch Choice
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Begin today's work on your Flash Draft editing & revising.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday 03/06 Reading - Quoting Accurately While Asking Questions

Purpose:  I can quote accurately while asking questions that deepen my understanding of what I read.
  1. Review "Quoting Accurately While Asking Questions" Expectations:
    • Use author's exact words.
    • Use quotation marks and correct punctuation.
    • Tell where the quote came from.
    • Explain your question.
    • Compose your quote and question as a complete sentence.
  2. Quoting Accurately While Asking Questions Practice: "Whitewater Rock"
  3. "Quoting Accurately While Asking Questions" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • Ask THREE questions that connect to the overall meaning of the text
    • Follow all the expectations for quoting accurately for each question.
  4. Independent Reading Time