Classroom Resources

Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday 03/20 Social Studies - Analyze Metaphors for the American Revolution

Purpose: I can analyze metaphors for The Proclamation of 1763 and The Quartering Act as reasons for the American Revolution.
  1. Have your Interactive Student Notebook and Social Studies textbook ready.
  2. Read pages 134 - 136 in the textbook and determine which illustrated metaphor goes with each section.
  3. Paste the illustration in the appropriate section of the Reading Notes on Interactive Student Notebooks page 56.
  4. Complete the “In History” section by recording notes comparing the illustration with the matching historical event.
  5. Extension: “For Crown or Colony” interactive at
    • Go to
    • Click “Register” at the top right of the screen.
    • Enter your Google username and password
    • Choose a reminder question and provide an answer
    • Enter Ankeny and Iowa
    • Choose “Student”
    • Enter “Teacher” for how you learned about Mission US.
    • Click “Submit”
    • Click “Play” near the top
    • Choose “Mission 1: For Crown or Colony?"

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