Classroom Resources

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

02/10 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. Matter Inquiry Research Project:
  2. Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Meeting
    • Review the Response Assignment
    • Each member shares their Response
    • Have a conversation about the book.
    • Review new Reading Assignment
    • Set new Response Assignment
  3. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  4. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:
    • Read MORE Fiction and/or Non-Fiction
    • Practice Spelling/Vocabulary
    • Practice Fluency with a partner
    • Practice comparing and contrasting two or more stories from the same genre by reading two articles from this site.
    • Practice determining importance at Into the Book (you will click on the flashlight once you are into the program).
    • Practice using commas: In a series, after introduction, to separate yes and no, to set off a tag question, and to address a person at Comma Chameleon or Save the Comma

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