Classroom Resources

Friday, February 5, 2016

02/05 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. Matter Inquiry Research ProjectFinish your research, bibliography, and showing your learning.
  2. Check your work using the Matter Inquiry Project Rubric to make sure you are meeting or exceeding for each element.
  3. Link your project on the Community Document.
  4. Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Club
    • Reading Responses:
    • "Does your writing/responding increase your understanding of the text?"  Revise your response to increase thinking about the book.
    • Book Club Meeting:
      1. Review the Response Assignment
      2. Each member shares their Response
      3. Have a conversation about the book.
      4. Review new Reading Assignment
      5. Set new Response Assignment
  5. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  6. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:
    • Read MORE Fiction/Non-Fiction
    • Practice Spelling/Vocabulary
    • Practice Fluency with a partner

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