Classroom Resources

Monday, February 29, 2016

02/29 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. Read "Sam Adams: Patriarch of Liberty" and summarize the text. 
  2. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  3. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:

02/29 Social Studies Agenda

Causes of the American Revolution: I can analyze multiple accounts of the same event, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent.
    1. Boston Massacre Primary Images
    2. Newspaper article from the Boston Gazette
    3. Newspaper article from the London Chronicle
    4. Boston Massacre Trial Depositions
      • What point of view did the witness have?
      • Who do they think was at fault?
      • What words/phrases did they use to make you think that?  Underline the text evidence that leads you to that inference. 
    5. "John Adams" Video Clip
    6. On Google Classroom, write a letter to the editor of the Boston Gazette that begins: “Dear Editor, I am writing to express my opinion about the events that occurred March 5, 1770 in Boston. I feel the blame rests solely on….." Show what you learned during the lesson as you analyzed multiple accounts of the Boston Massacre.  
    7. Finish Interactive Student Notebook pages 56 - 57 and Causes of the American Revolution Vocabulary Document

02/29 Writing Agenda

Persuasive Nonfiction:  I can write an essay that persuades my readers to think or do something using facts, evidence, and reasons.
    1. Check your draft to make sure you have all the required elements of a persuasive essay.
    2. Be ready to receive partner feedback about your persuasive essay.
    3. Finish publishing your draft, then print your ONE-TWO PAGE document.
    4. Practice using your knowledge of grammar by creating a "Mad Libs" story.
    5. Finish and Practice your Conference ThingLink

Monday 02/29 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Checkout our Leadership Roles to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Display your Reading homework (Sci-Fi/Fantasy Writing)
  3. Return your Sci-Fi/Fantasy book to the front cart.
  4. Have your Writing materials ready.
  5. Complete the reading warm-up "Take the Test" (page 82) in the yellow non-fiction texts packet.
  6. Free read or write silently

Friday, February 26, 2016

02/26 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. Persuasive Nonfiction:  I can write an essay that persuades my readers to think or do something using facts, evidence, and reasons.
    1. Check your outline to make sure you have all the required elements of a persuasive essay.
    2. Finish publishing your draft.
    3. Be ready to receive partner feedback about your persuasive essay.
    4. Dance Survey
  2. Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Meeting:
    • Review the Response Assignment
    • Each member shares their Response
    • Have a conversation about the book.
  3. Sci-Fi/Fantasy Genre Wrap-Up:  I can show my comprehension by writing about my reading.
  4. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  5. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:

02/26 Social Studies Agenda

  1. Causes of the American Revolution: I can summarize historical events that lead to the American Revolution.
    1. S.S. Textbook page 134 - 141
    2. Interactive Student Notebook page 56 - 57
    3. Causes of the American Revolution Vocabulary Document
    4. Free choice read American Revolution non-fiction text

Friday 02/26 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display Thursday's Math homework (HomeLink 6.7) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Social Studies materials ready, including glue and scissors.
  3. Complete the reading warm-up "After School Activities" (page 81) in the yellow non-fiction texts packet.
  4. Respond to these surveys for persuasive essays:
  5. Free read or write silently

Thursday, February 25, 2016

02/25 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. Persuasive Nonfiction:  I can write an essay that persuades my readers to think or do something using facts, evidence, and reasons.
    1. Check your outline to make sure you have all the required elements of a persuasive essay.
    2. Finish publishing your draft.
    3. Be ready to receive partner feedback about your persuasive essay.
  2. Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Meeting
    • Review the Response Assignment
    • Each member shares their Response
    • Have a conversation about the book.
    • Review new Reading Assignment
    • Set new Response Assignment
  3. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  4. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:

Thursday 02/25 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display Wednesday's Math homework (FINISHED Volume Worksheet) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Social Studies materials ready.
  3. Complete the reading warm-up "Too Much Fundraising" (page 80) in the yellow non-fiction texts packet.
  4. Respond to this survey about Hoverboards.
  5. Free read or write silently

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

02/24 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. Causes of the American Revolution: Identify/analyze reasons/consequences of the American Revolution.
    1. Interactive Student Notebook page 55
    2. S.S. Textbook page 133
    3. Causes of the American Revolution Vocabulary Document
  2. Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Meeting
    • Review the Response Assignment
    • Each member shares their Response
    • Have a conversation about the book.
    • Review new Reading Assignment
    • Set new Response Assignment
  3. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  4. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:

Wednesday 02/24 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display Tuesday's Math homework (Volume Worksheet) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  3. Complete these surveys about Pop in School and Zoos.
  4. Practice your vocabulary skills at
  5. Free read silently

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

02/23 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. Newton's Laws: I can describe motion using Newton's Third Law of Motion.
    1. Review "Sir Isaac Newton and LeBron James" Text
    2. Textbook pages 111, 116 - 117
    3. Newton's Third Law Investigation
    4. Extension: Newton's Laws in Football and Newton's 3rd Law of Motion Video
  2. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  3. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:
    • Read MORE Fiction and/or Non-Fiction
    • Practice Spelling/Vocabulary
    • Practice Fluency with a partner
    • Practice comparing and contrasting two or more stories from the same genre by reading two articles from this site.
    • Practice determining importance at Into the Book (you will click on the flashlight once you are into the program).
    • Practice using commas: In a series, after introduction, to separate yes and no, to set off a tag question, and to address a person at Comma Chameleon or Save the Comma

Spring Conference Preparation

Tuesday 02/23 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Math homework (HomeLink 6.6) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your binder ready to help us create our Spring Conference ThingLink projects.
  3. Complete the reading warm-up "Lunch Choices" (page 79) in the yellow non-fiction texts packet.
  4. Free read or write silently
***PBIS Celebration: Read-In with
Mr. Petersen's class at 1:00***

Monday, February 22, 2016

02/22 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. Newton's Laws: I can describe motion using Newton's Third Law of Motion.
    1. Dunk Video
    2. Textbook pages 111, 116 - 117
    3. Main Idea and Supporting Details
    4. "Sir Isaac Newton and LeBron James" Text
  2. Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Meeting
    • Review the Response Assignment
    • Each member shares their Response
    • Have a conversation about the book.
    • Review new Reading Assignment
    • Set new Response Assignment
  3. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  4. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:
    • Read MORE Fiction and/or Non-Fiction
    • Practice Spelling/Vocabulary
    • Practice Fluency with a partner
    • Practice comparing and contrasting two or more stories from the same genre by reading two articles from this site.
    • Practice determining importance at Into the Book (you will click on the flashlight once you are into the program).
    • Practice using commas: In a series, after introduction, to separate yes and no, to set off a tag question, and to address a person at Comma Chameleon or Save the Comma

School Lunch Survey

Monday 02/22 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Checkout our Leadership Roles to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Complete the reading warm-up "Teacher Salaries" (page 78) in the yellow non-fiction texts packet.
  4. Free read or write silently

Friday, February 19, 2016

02/19 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. Newton's Laws: I can describe motion using Newton's Second Law of Motion.
    1. Textbook pages 111, 114 - 115
    2. Main Idea and Supporting Details
    3. Newton's Second Law of Motion Investigation
  2. Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Meeting
    • Review the Response Assignment
    • Each member shares their Response
    • Have a conversation about the book.
    • Review new Reading Assignment
    • Set new Response Assignment
  3. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  4. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:
    • Read MORE Fiction and/or Non-Fiction
    • Practice Spelling/Vocabulary
    • Practice Fluency with a partner
    • Practice comparing and contrasting two or more stories from the same genre by reading two articles from this site.
    • Practice determining importance at Into the Book (you will click on the flashlight once you are into the program).
    • Practice using commas: In a series, after introduction, to separate yes and no, to set off a tag question, and to address a person at Comma Chameleon or Save the Comma

Friday 02/19 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Have your Math notebook ready.
  2. Preview our Line Plot activity:
    1. Wilbur and Orville Wright
    2. Paper Airplane Designs
  3. Free read or write silently


Thursday, February 18, 2016

02/18 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. Review Gravity:  "Why Don't People on the Other Side Fall Off?" Reading Passage
  2. Newton's Laws: I can describe motion using Newton's First Law of Motion.
    1. Bill Nye Motion Video Clip
    2. Textbook pages 108 - 111
    3. Newton's First Law of Motion Investigation
  3. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  4. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:
    • Read MORE Fiction and/or Non-Fiction
    • Practice Spelling/Vocabulary
    • Practice Fluency with a partner
    • Practice comparing and contrasting two or more stories from the same genre by reading two articles from this site.
    • Practice determining importance at Into the Book (you will click on the flashlight once you are into the program).
    • Practice using commas: In a series, after introduction, to separate yes and no, to set off a tag question, and to address a person at Comma Chameleon or Save the Comma