Classroom Resources

Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday 09/30 Book Club Activity

Purpose:  I can discuss my "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response with my book club to better understand the author's message.
  1. Realistic Fiction Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have a conversation about the book.
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. Realistic Fiction Book Club "Theme" Writing
    1. Introduction to Theme
    2. What is the theme to your book club book?  Be ready to write your answer.

Friday 09/30 Science Activity

Purpose:  I can share my knowledge and learn from my peers about weather-related topics and their effects on living things.
  1. We will finish sharing the presentations with the class, you need to record at least three (3) effects of each weather-related topic.
  2. Revise your presentation so you are "Meeting" or "Exceeding" for each standard on our 5E Weather Project Rubric.
  3. Practice, polish, and perfect your presentation with your group.
  4. Monday 10/03: Weather Project Culminating Event.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Friday 09/30 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display HomeLink 2.1 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "_____" on page 105 in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Free read or write silently
***Fire Prevention Posters are due on Monday.***

Thursday 09/29 Book Club Activity

Purpose:  I can quote accurately while making inferences.
  1. You should FINISH reading your Realistic Fiction Book Club book by TOMORROW.
  2. "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • Identify FIVE inferences you have while reading.
    • Quote accurately using the author's exact words.
    • Explain your inference.
  3. Read Quietly

Thursday 09/29 Science Activity

Purpose:  I can share my knowledge and learn from my peers about a weather-related topic and its effects on living things.
  1. Review the 5E Weather Project Rubric: revise your presentation so you are "Meeting" or "Exceeding" for each standard.
  2. Be sure to "Share" any GoogleSlides Presentations with Mr. Erickson.
  3. Practice your presentation with your group.
  4. We will begin sharing presentations with the class at 10:15.
  5. Timeline for the rest of the project:
    • Today and Tomorrow: Share presentations with the class.
    • Monday 10/03: Weather Project Culminating Event.

Thursday 09/29 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Place your Picture Packet in your backpack.
  2. Display HomeLink 2.1 for the Homework Checker.
  3. Complete the reading warm-up "True Love" on page 104 in the green fiction texts packet.
  4. Have your Writing materials ready.
  5. Free read or write silently
***We have a new person operating the lunch scanner.  Since she does not know our names, we need to help her by having you say your Last Initial, First Name loud and clear.  Example:  E, Nathan.***

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wednesday 09/28 Book Club Activity

Purpose:  I can quote accurately while making inferences.
  1. You should FINISH reading your Realistic Fiction Book Club book by Friday.
  2. "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response is due FRIDAY:
    • Identify FIVE inferences you have while reading.
    • Quote accurately using the author's exact words.
    • Explain your inference.
  3. Read Quietly

Wednesday 09/28 Science Activity

Purpose:  I can create a representation with my group about our knowledge about a weather-related topic and its effects on living things.
  1. Review the 5E Weather Project Rubric.
  2. Create your representation to share your learning with your peers and parents.
  3. Timeline for the rest of the project:
    • Today: Finish and practice presentations.
    • Thursday and Friday: Share presentations with the class.
    • Monday 10/03: Weather Project Culminating Event.

Wednesday 09/28 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  2. Practice your vocabulary skills at FreeRice.
  3. Free read or write silently.
***Yearbook Cover Design Vote @ 10:00***
***The Centennial Dance team will be selling spirit wear items in the entryway Friday morning between 7:30-7:55.  Any interested students bring their money with them on Friday.

  • Black spirit beads-$1
  • Silver spirit beads-$1
  • Black bandanas -$2
  • Black/silver poms-$2 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday 09/27 Book Club Activity

Purpose:  I can discuss my "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response with my book club to better understand the author's message.
  1. Realistic Fiction Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have a conversation about the book.
    4. Review new Reading and Responding Assignments
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. FINISHED "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response is due Tuesday:
    • Identify FIVE inferences you have while reading.
    • Quote accurately using the author's exact words.
    • Explain your inference.

Tuesday 09/27 Science Activity

Purpose:  I can gather information from multiple resources to gain knowledge about a weather-related topic and its effects on living things.
  1. Review the 5E Weather Project Rubric.
  2. Using our available resources, finish researching to find effects and information about your topic.
  3. Record what you learned, quoting accurately from the author.
  4. Finish an experiment that can safely be completed at school to help you gain knowledge about your topic.
  5. Create your representation to share your learning with your peers and parents.
  6. Timeline for the rest of the project:
    • Tuesday and Wednesday: Create and finish representations.
    • Thursday and Friday: Share presentations with the class.
    • Monday 10/03: Weather Project Culminating Event.

Tuesday 09/27 Writing Activity

Purpose:  I can begin to revise as part of producing writing using an effective process.
  1. Continue finishing, adding, and making changes to your chosen draft as you write quietly:
    • Does your writing make sense?  What parts might you want to check again to make sure they make sense?
    • What still needs to be added to your first draft for it to be finished?
    • What else might a reader want to know about when they are reading your piece?
    • Read the last sentence of your piece?  Does it feel like an ending?  What more can you write to make it feel like an ending?
    • Check for correct capitalization at the beginning of every sentence and with proper nouns.
    • Add dialogue and use quotation marks to show speakers' exact words.
    • Add more adjectives, comparatives, and superlatives to describe the nouns in your piece.
  2. Be ready to share what you wrote today.

Tuesday 09/27 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your STARTED "Quote Accurately to Infer" Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "Plan B" on page 103 in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Free read or write silently
  5. Fall Party Planners be ready to meet with Mr. Erickson.
***Homecoming spirit assembly with ACHS at 2:15 in the gym.***

Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday 09/26 Book Club Activity

Purpose:  I can quote accurately while making inferences.
  1. Read Quietly
  2. "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • Identify FIVE inferences you have while reading.
    • Quote accurately using the author's exact words.
    • Explain your inference.

Monday 09/26 Science Activity

Purpose:  I can gather information from multiple resources to gain knowledge about a weather-related topic and its effects on living things.
  1. 5E Weather Project Rubric
  2. Review your Guiding Questions and add any other important questions you may have.
  3. Using our available resources, research to find effects and information about your topic.
  4. Record what you learned, quoting accurately from the author.
  5. Determine, plan, and carry-out an experiment that can safely be completed at school to help you gain knowledge about your topic.
  6. Begin creating your representation to share your learning with your peers and parents.
  7. Timeline for the rest of the project:
    • Monday - Wednesday: Create representations.
    • Thursday - Friday: Share presentations with the class.
    • Monday 10/03: Weather Project Culminating Event.

Monday 09/26 Writing Activity

Purpose:  I can begin to revise as part of producing writing using an effective process.
  1. "More About Jon Scieszka"
  2. Reread ALL your drafts in your Writing Notebook.
  3. Select a draft that you would like to develop into a published piece; you should be able to add and make changes to it.
  4. Begin finishing, adding, and making changes to your chosen draft as you write quietly:
    • Check for correct capitalization.
    • Add dialogue and use quotation marks to show speakers' exact words.
    • Add more adjectives, comparatives, and superlatives.
  5. Be ready to share what you wrote today.

Monday 09/26 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Check your Band Lesson day/time for this week.
  3. Turn in any Yearbook Cover Designs you created.
  4. Display your Divisibility Rules Math Worksheet for the Homework Checker.
  5. Complete the reading warm-up "Good Fortune" on page 102 in the green fiction texts packet.
  6. Have your Writing materials ready.
  7. Free read or write silently

Friday, September 23, 2016

Friday 09/23 Math Agenda

Purpose:  I can use divisibility rules to factor large numbers.
  1. Complete the leveled-practice worksheet
  2. Divisibility Rules Practice: 
  3. H.W.:  Divisibility Rules Worksheet

Friday 09/23 Book Club Activity

Purpose:  I can discuss my "Quoting Accurately" Response with my book club to better understand the important parts of the story.
  1. Realistic Fiction Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have a conversation about the book.
    4. Review new Reading and Responding Assignments
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. "Quoting Accurately to Infer" Response is due Tuesday.

Friday 09/23 Writing Activity

Purpose:  I can explain how my weather topic affects living things using text evidence.
  1. Look through your Weather Project Outline and identify the effects on living things of your weather topic; you should be able to identify atleast NINE effects.
  2. Using our available resources, research to find more effects your weather topic has on living things.
  3. Record what you learned, quoting accurately from the author.
  4. We will draft a summary of the effects you identify.

Friday 09/23 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display Unit 1 Math Packet page 37 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "Climbing High" on page 101 in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Have your science materials ready.
  4. Free read or write silently
  5. Here is our morning's schedule:
    • 8:05 - 9:05 Writing/Science Research
    • 9:05 - 9:50 Specials: Art
    • 9:50 - 11:15 Read-In
    • 11:15 - 11:25 Brain Break w/Pilcher
    • 11:25 - 11:45 Book Club Meeting
    • 11:45 - 12:05 Read-In
***The Westwood Warrior Challenge prizes:
  • Students that raised $35 will receive a t-shirt around October 10th.
  • Students that raised $75 will receive a draw string bag with prizes on Sept. 30 and the Dojo class (during the school day) the first week of October.
  • Assembly on Sept. 30 at 2:15 to announce individual student winner, kiss the pig, throw pies, and wear a wig.***

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thursday 09/22 Math Agenda

  1. Math Journal pages 34 (PARTNER)
  2. Play The Order of Operations Royal Rescue
  3. Math Journal page 35 (IND. then check)
  4. Math Skills Practice: EDM Online
  5. H.W.:  Unit 1 Math Packet page 37 (Volume)

Thursday 09/22 Book Club Activity

Purpose:  I can quote accurately from my book to show I understand important parts of the story.
  1. What do I look for when I quote important parts of my book?
  2. Read Quietly
  3. "Quoting Accurately" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • Complete either on the document or in your Reading Notebook.
    • Identify FIVE quotes that you think are important to your book.
    • Explain your thinking for each quote.
    • You may reuse sentence frames.

Kellen's Weather Topic

What is Fall weather like?

Thursday 09/22 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Complete the reading warm-up "The Old Man's Daughters" on page 100 in the green fiction texts packet.
  2. If you are interested in being a peer helper for some of Mrs. Beuter's or Mrs. Detweiler's friends on the Westwood Warrior Challenge, complete an application on a notecard.
  3. Last call for Westwood Warrior Challenge Packets.
  4. Have your science materials ready.
  5. Free read or write silently
***The Westwood Warrior Challenge is  running on a delayed schedule, we will find out our time later***

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wednesday 09/21 Science Activity

Purpose:  I can set-up an experiment about a weather-related topic to gain knowledge.
  1. Review your Guiding Questions and add any other important questions you may have.
  2. Determine and plan an experiment that can safely be completed at school to help you gain knowledge about your topic
  3. Using our available resources, research to find answers and information about your topic.
  4. Record what you learned, quoting accurately from the author.
  5. Remember, you and your group will be responsible for teaching the class what you learned/answers you found.

Wednesday 09/21 Book Club Activity

Purpose:  I can quote accurately from my book to show I understand important parts of the story.
  1. Quoting Accurately from Maniac Magee
    1. Reread chapters 2 and 3
    2. Identify TWO important quotes
    3. Explain why each is important.
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. "Quoting Accurately" Response is due Friday:
    • Complete either on the document or in your Reading Notebook.
    • Identify FIVE quotes that you think are important to your book.
    • Explain your thinking for each quote.
    • You may reuse sentence frames.

Wednesday 09/21 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  2. Sign the thank-you card for Mr. Edwards:
    • Neatly sign your first name.
    • You may add a specific detail.
  3. Band Lesson Schedule Changes:
    • Flute students come down at 11:00
    • Percussion students at 11:30
  4. Have your MAP Testing materials ready.
  5. Practice your vocabulary skills at FreeRice.
  6. Free read or write silently.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tuesday 09/20 Book Club Activity

Purpose:  I can discuss my Conflict Response with my book club to better understand the struggles within the story.
  1. Realistic Fiction Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have a conversation about the book.
    4. Review new Reading and Responding Assignments
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. "Quoting Accurately" Response is due Friday.

Tuesday 09/20 Science Activity

Purpose:  I can set-up an experiment about a weather-related topic to gain knowledge.
  1. Review your Guiding Questions and add any other important questions you may have.
  2. Determine and plan an experiment that can safely be completed at school to help you gain knowledge about your topic
  3. Using our available resources, research to find answers and information about your topic.
  4. Record what you learned, quoting accurately from the author.
  5. Remember, you and your group will be responsible for teaching the class what you learned/answers you found.

Tuesday 09/20 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Conflict Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "The Jealous Wolf" on page 99 in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Have your Science Notebook ready.
  4. Free read or write silently
***Math MAP Test @ 1:00***

Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday 09/19 Volume Task Card Math Activity

Purpose:  I can find the volume of rectangular prisms.
  1. Volume QR Code Task Cards (IND.)
    • You must record EVERY answer in your Math Notebook
    • Check every answer after you complete it BEFORE you move to the next
  2. Math Skills Practice:
  3. H.W.:  Finding Volume of Rectangular Prisms #2

Monday 09/19 Book Club Activity

Purpose:  I can identify the conflict(s) within my reading to understand what drives the story.
  1. Read your Realistic Fiction Book Club assignment.
  2. Identify conflict of your story as you read:
    • Man vs Self:  A struggle between a character and their feelings, conscience, or fear.
    • Man vs Man:  A mental or physical struggle between two characters.
    • Man vs Nature:  A struggle between a character and Mother Nature.
    • Man vs Society:  A struggle between a character and the laws or beliefs of a group.
  3. "Introduction of Conflict" Response is due TOMORROW:  What conflicts are driving your story?  Describe the conflicts you identified by writing about who the struggles are between and why.

Monday 09/19 Science Activity

Purpose:  I can gather information from multiple resources to gain knowledge about a weather-related topic.
  1. Review your Guiding Questions and add any other important questions you may have.
  2. Using our available resources, research to find answers and information about your topic.
  3. Record what you learned, quoting accurately from the author.
  4. Remember, you and your group will be responsible for teaching the class what you learned/answers you found.

Monday 09/19 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Check your Band Lesson day/time for this week.
  3. Display your PEMDAS Worksheet for the Homework Checker.
  4. Complete the reading warm-up "Pretty Song" on page 98 in the green fiction texts packet.
  5. Have your Writing materials ready.
  6. Free read or write silently

Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday 09/16 Math Activity

Purpose:  I can use the order of operations (PEMDAS)  to correctly solve expressions.
  1. PEMDA Bear Lesson w/Ms. Roode
  2. Order of Operations Practice
  3. Order of Operation Game
  4. Math Skills Practice:  Free Choice Friday
  5. H.W.:  Order of Operations Worksheet

Friday 09/16 Book Club Activity

Purpose:  I can discuss my inferences with my book club.
  1. Realistic Fiction Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have a conversation about the book.
    4. Review new Reading and Responding Assignments
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. "Introduction of Conflict" Response is due Tuesday.

Friday 09/16 Science Activity

Purpose:  I can gather information from multiple resources to gain knowledge about a weather-related topic.
  1. Make a copy of the Weather Project Outline and share it as a group.
  2. Record your Guiding Questions posed by the class as well as any other important questions you may have.
  3. Using the provided resources, research to find answers and information about your topic.
  4. Record what you learned, quoting accurately from the author.
  5. Remember, you and your group will be responsible for teaching the class what you learned/answers you found.

Friday 09/16 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Inferences Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Make sure you have the extension "Right-Click QR Code Reader" installed on your Chromebook.
  3. Play Shoot the Degree of Adjective to practice identifying the correct comparative/superlative.
  4. Have your Writing materials ready.
  5. Free read or write silently

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Newsela Nonfiction Reading

Thursday 09/15 Book Club Activity

Purpose:  I can make inferences while I read to deepen my understanding.
  1. Make a copy of the Making Inferences Document
  2. Read your Realistic Fiction Book Club assignment.
  3. Record your inferences as you read:
    • Quote what you read.
    • Describe what you know.
    • Compose your inference.
  4. "Inferences" Response is due TOMORROW.

Thursday 09/14 Science Activity

Purpose:  I can gather information from multiple resources to gain knowledge about climate and the effects of climate change.
  1. Make a copy of the Climate Change Multiple Resources Document
  2. View and/or read each resource about climate.
  3. Record what you learned about the effects of climate and climate change, quoting accurately from the author.

Thursday 09/15 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Complete the reading warm-up "The Long Jump" on page 97 in the green fiction texts packet.
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Free read or write silently

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wednesday 09/14 Math Activity

Purpose:  I can find the volume of rectangular prisms.
  1. Khan Academy Volume Lesson (Class Code: F2Q37D)
  2. Volume Practice Activities:
  3. Math Journal pg. 30 – 31 (IND. then check)
  4. CHALLENGE:  Unit 1 Math Packet page 32 (PARTNER)
  5. Math Skills Practice:  Frontrow
  6. H.W.:  Finding Volume of Rectangular Prisms

Wednesday 09/14 Book Club Activity

Purpose:  I can make inferences while I read to deepen my understanding.
  1. Make a copy of the Making Inferences Document
  2. Read your Realistic Fiction Book Club assignment.
  3. Record your inferences as you read:
    • Quote what you read.
    • Describe what you know.
    • Compose your inference.
  4. "Inferences" Response is due Friday.