Classroom Resources

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday 09/30 Small Group Agenda

  1. Finish reading Chapter 4 of "The Watsons" with your Small Group Partner.
  2. Answer these Comprehension Questions.
  3. Practice the Phrases and Story for Fluency Lesson #2.
  4. Practice September's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.
  5. Free read

Monday, September 29, 2014

09/29 Small Group Agenda

  1. Read Chapter 4 of "The Watsons" with your Small Group Partner.
  2. EACH of you identify THREE connections and what type each is.
  3. Practice the Phrases and Story for Fluency Lesson #2.
  4. Practice September's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.
  5. Free read

Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday 09/26 Small Group Agenda

  1. Read Chapter 3 of "The Watsons" with your Small Group Partner AND answer these Comprehension Questions.
  2. IF YOU DID NOT COMPLETE THIS THURSDAY, reread the Story with your Small Group Partner then complete the On Your Own for Fluency Lesson #1.
  3. Practice September's N.T.F Words at Spelling City. (YOU CAN NOW ACCESS THE "PREMIUM" ACTIVITIES IF YOU LOG-IN)
  4. Free read

Friday 09/26 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Complete the Daily Math Practice
  2. Use your log-in information to access the Premium activities at Spelling City (BE SURE TO USE THE SLIP ON YOUR DESK: SOME USERNAMES ARE DIFFERENT THAN YOUR "GOOGLE" ACCOUNTS).
  3. Free read

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday 09/25 Small Group Agenda

  1. Complete your letter to a "Watsons" character.
  2. Review Chapters 1 and 2 of "The Watsons" with your Small Group Partner by completing these Comprehension Questions.
  3. Reread the Story with your Small Group Partner then complete the On Your Own for Fluency Lesson #1 .
  4. Practice September's N.T.F Words at Spelling City. (YOU CAN NOW ACCESS THE "PREMIUM" ACTIVITIES!!!)
  5. Free read

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday 09/24 Small Group Agenda

  1. REREAD Chapter 1 OR Chapter 2 of "The Watsons" with your Small Group Partner.
  2. Complete your letter to a "Watsons" character.
  3. Reread Story then complete Questions for Fluency Lesson #1 with your Small Group Partner.
  4. Practice September's NTF Words at Spelling City.
  5. Free read

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday 09/23 Small Group Agenda

  1. FINISH reading Chapter 2 of "The Watsons" with your Small Group Partner.
  2. EACH of you complete the following activities, and keep them in your Reading Notebook:
    • Make a list of each character we've been introduced to.
    • Illustrate TWO visualizations.
    • Identify THREE connections and what type each is.
  3. Reread Story then complete Questions for Fluency Lesson #1 with your Small Group Partner.
  4. Play "Hangman" with September's NTF Words.
  5. Free read

Multiplication Word Problem Practice

  1. Today we are going to be practicing multiplying by answering word problems.
  2. You will work with a partner to answer the questions.
  3. Once you have completed all ten problems and submitted your responses, Mr. Erickson will assign you just one problem to focus on.
  4. You will demonstrate in great detail how you solved the problem and draw illustrations to represent the problem & solution:  IT IS IMPORTANT THAT BOTH OF YOU UNDERSTAND HOW TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM AND HOW TO REPRESENT IT WITH ILLUSTRATIONS.
  5. If time allows, each partnership will share their work with the class.
  6. Once you finish and are waiting, you and your partner should play an EDM Online game.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Science Agenda

  1. Complete the Changing Matter Assessment:  BE SURE TO SHARE IT WITH MR. E
  2. Read Physical Science Textbook pages 82-91
  3. Free Read

09/22 Small Group Agenda

  1. Read Chapter 2 of "The Watsons" with your Small Group Partner.
  2. EACH of you complete the following activities, and keep them in your Reading Notebook:
    • Make a list of each character we've been introduced to.
    • Illustrate TWO visualizations.
    • Identify THREE connections and what type each is.
  3. Reread Story then complete Questions for Fluency Lesson #1 with your Small Group Partner.
  4. Free read

Friday, September 19, 2014

09/19 Small Group Agenda

  1. Finish reading Chapter 1 of "The Watsons" with your Small Group Partner.
  2. EACH of you complete the following activities, and keep them in your Reading Notebook:
    • Kenny describes things like a "real" kid.  Identify ONE favorite description.
    • Choose a character then ask them TWO questions.
    • Identify THREE connections and what type each is.
  3. Label the next page in Spelling Notebook "September" then write IN YOUR BEST HANDWRITING all of September's words.
  4. Practice Phrases and Story for Fluency Lesson #1 with your Small Group Partner.
  5. Free read

Thursday, September 18, 2014

09/18 Small Group Agenda

  1. Finish reading Chapter 1 of "The Watsons" with your Small Group Partner.
  2. EACH of you complete the following activities, and keep them in your Reading Notebook:
    • Kenny describes things like a "real" kid.  Identify ONE favorite description.
    • Choose a character then ask them TWO questions.
    • Identify THREE connections and what type each is.
  3. Label the next page in Spelling Notebook "September" then write IN YOUR BEST HANDWRITING all of September's words.
  4. Practice Phrases and Story for Fluency Lesson #1 with your Small Group Partner.
  5. Free read for 15 minutes.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"Mixed-Up Files" Day 12

  1. Finish your THREE self-chosen activities:
    • Make a timeline of the activities of the runaways.  How many days were they gone?  Choose a picture symbol for each day OR write a one-sentence caption like a cartoon.
    • Pretend you are either Jamie OR Claudia.  Write a diary entry for each day you were gone.
    • Pretend you are a newspaper reporter.  Write the story of the missing children OR the follow-up story of the children's return.
    • Write a script of the children's return home.
    • Choose ten of the unknown words from the story.  Use them correctly in a summary of the book.
    • Write a letter to either Jamie or Claudia.  Describe their actions/choices that you agree and disagree with as well as ask them questions they could answer in a reply.
  2. Complete a Character Report Card for a DIFFERENT character from "Mixed-Up Files"
  3. Free read!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

"Mixed-Up Files" Day 11

  1. Reread chapter 10 with your partner.
  2. Annotate your text with the following things:
    • Illustrate THREE visualizations.
    • Identify then define TWO unknown words.
    • Make ONE prediction for Claudia and Jamie's return home.
  3. Share your annotations with your partner.
  4. Choose THREE of the following activities listed below to complete on your Google Doc:
    • Make a timeline of the activities of the runaways.  How many days were they gone?  Choose a picture symbol for each day OR write a one-sentence caption like a cartoon.
    • Pretend you are either Jamie OR Claudia.  Write a diary entry for each day you were gone.
    • Pretend you are a newspaper reporter.  Write the story of the missing children OR the follow-up story of the children's return.
    • Write a script of the children's return home.
    • Choose ten of the unknown words from the story.  Use them correctly in a summary of the book.
    • Write a letter to either Jamie or Claudia.  Describe their actions/choices that you agree and disagree with as well as ask them questions they could answer in a reply.
  5. Free read!

Monday, September 8, 2014

"Mixed-Up Files" Day 10

  1. Reread chapter 9 with your partner.
  2. Annotate your text with the following things:
    • Identify THREE parts/characters/events you would change and why you would change each.
    • Identify then define TWO unknown words.
    • Make ONE prediction for chapter 10.
  3. Share your annotations with your partner.
  4. Read the rest  of the book independently and summarize the important events and details with your partner.
  5. If you did not read the Afterword, find a book that has it and read that as well.
  6. Free read!

Friday, September 5, 2014

"Mixed-Up Files" Day 9

  1. Reread chapter 8 with your partner.
  2. Annotate your text with the following things:
    • Ask THREE questions.
    • Identify then define TWO unknown words.
    • Make ONE prediction for chapter 9.
  3. Share your annotations with your partner.
  4. Read chapter 9 independently and summarize the important events and details with your partner.
  5. Free read!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

"Mixed-Up Files" Day 8

  1. Reread chapter 7 with your partner.
  2. Annotate your text with the following things:
    • Identify THREE parts/characters/events you would change and why you would change each.
    • Identify then define TWO unknown words.
    • Make ONE prediction for chapter 8.
  3. Share your annotations with your partner.
  4. Read chapter 8 independently and summarize the important events and details with your partner.
  5. Free read!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

"Mixed-up Files" Day 7

  1. FINISH Your Reading Agenda for Day 6
  2. Reread chapter 6 with your partner.
  3. Annotate your text with the following things:
    • Identify THREE favorite parts with an explanation for each.
    • Identify then define TWO unknown words.
    • Make ONE prediction for chapter 7.
  4. Share your annotations with your partner.
  5. Read chapter 7 independently and summarize the important events and details with your partner.
  6. Free read!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Reading Agenda

"Mixed-up Files" Day 6
  1. Reread chapter 5 with your partner.
  2. Annotate your text with the following things:
    • Illustrate THREE visualizations.
    • Identify then define TWO unknown words.
    • Make ONE prediction for chapter 6.
  3. Share your annotations with your partner.
  4. Read chapter 6 independently and summarize the important events and details with your partner.
  5. Free read!