Classroom Resources

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

"Mixed-Up Files" Day 11

  1. Reread chapter 10 with your partner.
  2. Annotate your text with the following things:
    • Illustrate THREE visualizations.
    • Identify then define TWO unknown words.
    • Make ONE prediction for Claudia and Jamie's return home.
  3. Share your annotations with your partner.
  4. Choose THREE of the following activities listed below to complete on your Google Doc:
    • Make a timeline of the activities of the runaways.  How many days were they gone?  Choose a picture symbol for each day OR write a one-sentence caption like a cartoon.
    • Pretend you are either Jamie OR Claudia.  Write a diary entry for each day you were gone.
    • Pretend you are a newspaper reporter.  Write the story of the missing children OR the follow-up story of the children's return.
    • Write a script of the children's return home.
    • Choose ten of the unknown words from the story.  Use them correctly in a summary of the book.
    • Write a letter to either Jamie or Claudia.  Describe their actions/choices that you agree and disagree with as well as ask them questions they could answer in a reply.
  5. Free read!

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