Classroom Resources

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Thursday 12/22 Reading - Discuss the Plot

Purpose:  I can discuss the plot of our book to better understand the story's "rollercoaster."
  1. Mystery Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have your conversation about the book.
    4. Post your Plot Rollercoaster on Seesaw
  2. Book Wrap-Up Response:  Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events.
  3. Free Read Quietly

Thursday 12/22 Writing - "Compassion and Respect" Personal Narrative

Purpose:  I can use sensory details to write a personal narrative about a time I was caring and compassionate.
  1. Whole Group Lesson: "On Helping Others: Learning a Valuable Lesson" Personal Narrative
  2. Quick Write: When was a time you acted in a caring and compassionate way toward another person?
  3. Independent Writing Time:
    • Continue writing about your own life using sensory details.
    • Continue editing, revising, and proofreading your NaNoWriMo draft.
  4. Mrs. Adair will be escorting the class to the library @ 8:45 to confer with Ms. Stone's class.

Thursday 12/22 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your "Describing the Plot" Reading Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Practice Grammar Skills at
    • Capitalization
    • Identifying & Fixing Simple Misunderstandings About Grammar
    • Learning How to Use Commas
    • Irregular Plural Nouns / Possessives
    • Practice with Verbs
  4. Mrs. Adair will be escorting the class to the library @ 8:45 to confer with Ms. Stone's class while Mr. Erickson visits Northeast.
Today's Schedule
8:00 - 9:05 Writing
9:05 - 9:50 Specials: Music
9:50 - 10:30 Spelling
10:30 - 12:05 Reading
12:05 - 12:55 Lunch & Recess
12:55 - 2:00 Math
2:00 - 2:45 Winter Party

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Wednesday 12/21 Social Studies - Colonial Billboard Project

Purpose:  I can describe and explain the reasons for regional differences in colonial America.
  1. Follow the directions for and complete your Colonial Billboard Project Handout:
  2. Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary
  3. Read quietly

Wednesday 12/21 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your HomeLink 4.9 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  3. Complete this survey about Westwood's ACHS Spirit Night
  4. Have your Social Studies materials ready.
  5. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Tuesday 12/20 Reading - Discuss Setting

Purpose:  I can discuss the setting of our book to better understand how the time, place, and environment affect the characters.
  1. Mystery Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have a conversation about the book.
    4. Review new Reading and Responding Assignments
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. "Describing the Plot" Response is due THURSDAY:
    • The Beginning
    • The Exciting Incident
    • The Rising Action
    • The Climax
    • The Falling Action
    • The Ending

Tuesday 12/20 Social Studies - Colonial Billboard Project

Purpose:  I can describe and explain the reasons for regional differences in colonial America.
  1. Review Example Billboard
  2. Follow the directions for and complete your Colonial Billboard Project Handout:
  3. Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary
  4. Read quietly

Tuesday 12/20 Writing - "Something I Learned from Others" Personal Narrative

Purpose:  I can use sensory details to write a personal narrative about something that someone has taught me how to do.
  1. Whole Group Lesson: "Firetalking - Part 1" Personal Narrative
  2. Quick Write: Something that someone has taught me how to do.
  3. Independent Writing Time:
    • Continue writing about your own life using sensory details.
    • Continue editing, revising, and proofreading your NaNoWriMo draft.

Tuesday 12/20 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your HomeLink 4.8 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Practice Grammar Skills at

Monday, December 19, 2016

Monday 12/19 Social Studies - Colonial Billboard Project

Purpose:  I can describe and explain the reasons for regional differences in colonial America.
  1. Review Expectations: Billboard Project
  2. Follow the directions for and complete your Colonial Billboard Project Handout
    • You must obtain teacher initials before moving from one step to the next.
    • STEP 2: EVERYONE must record the information about your colony on Interactive Notebook pages 40 - 41.
  3. Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary
  4. Read quietly

Monday 12/19 Writing - NaNoWriMo Book Cover

Purpose: I can write self-praise, a summary, and an author bio to include in my NaNoWriMo book cover design.
  1. Finish your Book Cover Design: Using either blank paper or GoogleDrawings to design both the front and back cover.
  2. Be ready to share!
  3. Continue editing, revising, and proofreading your NaNoWriMo draft.

Monday 12/19 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Check your Band Lesson day/time for this week.
  3. Have your Unknown Words Response and Book Cover Design materials ready.
  4. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday 12/16 Reading - Discuss Unknown Words

Purpose:  I can discuss unknown words from our book to better understand the text.
  1. Mystery Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have a conversation about the book.
    4. Review new Reading and Responding Assignments
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. "Describe the Setting" Response is due Friday:
    • Describe how the time, place, and environment of your book affect the story.
    • Draw a map of the main setting.
    • Include FIVE captions that help explain your setting.

Friday 12/16 Social Studies - Colony Billboards

Purpose:  I can describe and explain the reasons for regional differences in colonial America.
  1. Whole Group Preview Lesson: Billboard Project Introduction
  2. Follow the directions for and complete your Colonial Billboard Project Handout
  3. Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary
  4. Read quietly

Friday 12/16 Writing - Book Cover Design

Purpose:  I can write self-praise to include in my NaNoWriMo book cover design.
  1. Self Praise:  Write pretend praise for your own novel that references characters and elements of your plot. Praise statements should be as specific as possible, referencing book details whenever you can to give readers a taste of what’s in store between the covers!
  2. Book Cover Design: Using either blank paper or GoogleDrawings to design both the front and back cover.
  3. Be ready to share!

Friday 12/16 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Unknown Words Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  3. Have your NaNoWriMo materials ready.
  4. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thursday 12/15 Reading - Using Context Clues

Purpose:  I can determine the meaning of unknown words using decoding strategies.
  1. Summarizing Preassessment:  "Chicken Nuggets, Anyone?"
  2. Whole Group:  Using Context Clues
  3. Practice: Context Clues Worksheet
  4. Free Read Quietly
  5. "Unknown Words" Response is due Friday:
    • Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
    • Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
    • Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
    • Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.

Thursday 12/15 Social Studies - Chapter 7 Preview

Purpose:  I can describe and explain the reasons for regional differences in colonial America.
  1. Whole Group Preview Lesson: Advertisements and Billboards
  2. Complete Interactive Student Notebook page 39.
  3. Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the YELLOW highlighted words.
    • Use the textbook pages or the Glossary
  4. Read quietly

Thursday 12/15 Writing - "Sensory Details" Personal Narrative

Purpose:  I can write a personal narrative using sensory details.
  1. Whole Group Lesson: "Hokey-Pokey Man" Personal Narrative
  2. Quick Write: Summer memory with friends
  3. Independent Writing Time:
    • Continue writing about your own life using sensory details.
    • Write about an object that is special to you or interesting events from your own life.
    • Continue editing, revising, and proofreading your NaNoWriMo draft.

Thursday 12/15 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Coordinate Grid Picture worksheet for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Practice Grammar Skills at Quill.orgContinue working on Activity Packs.
  4. Math MAP Test TODAY @ 1:00

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wednesday 12/14 Reading - Defining Unknown Words

Purpose:  I can determine the meaning of unknown words using decoding strategies.
  1. Minilesson:  Decoding Strategies Review
  2. Practice: Tom Sawyer Unknown Words
  3. Free Read Quietly
  4. "Unknown Words" Response is due Friday:
    • Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
    • Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
    • Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
    • Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.

Wednesday 12/14 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Coordinate Grid Worksheet for the Homework Checker.
  2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  3. Have your Reading materials ready.
  4. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tuesday 12/13 Book Club - Discuss Figurative Language

Purpose:  I can discuss figurative language from our book to better understand how what the text means and not just what it says.
  1. Mystery Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have a conversation about the book.
    4. Review new Reading and Responding Assignments
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. "Unknown Words" Response is due Friday:
    • Identify words/phrases that are unknown to you.
    • Record the sentence (with page #) each is found in.
    • Identify the decoding strategy you used to determine the meaning.
    • Synthesize the meaning of the word/phrase.

Tuesday 12/13 Math - Coordinate Grid Games

Purpose: I can use ordered pairs to plot and identify points on the coordinate grid.

Tuesday 12/13 Social Studies - Compare & Contrast Early English Settlements

Purpose:  I can analyze the causes and consequences of European colonization by comparing and contrasting the early English settlements.
  1. Whole Group:  Review the Early English Settlements
  2. Compare and Contrast Using a Venn Diagram (Work with Partner #4)
  3. Interact with history at:
  4. European Colonization Assessment

Tuesday 12/13 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Figurative Language Book Club Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Social Studies materials ready.
  3. Complete your The American Colonies Vocabulary document:
    • Create the "My Sentence" for each of the ORANGE highlighted words.
    • Use textbook pages 73 - 83 or the Glossary to help you.
  4. Winter Assessments THIS WEEK:
    • TODAY: 10:00 – 11:00 Reading MAP
    • Wednesday: 1:00 - 1:15 AIMSWeb
    • Thursday: 1:00 – 2:00 Math MAP 

Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday 12/12 Reading - Identify Figurative Language

Purpose:  I can identify figurative language to better understand what the text means and not just what it says.
  1. Small Group: Identifying Figurative Language Practice
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. "Figurative Language" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • Identify examples of figurative language from your reading.
    • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes.

Monday 12/12 Social Studies - Causes & Effects with Early English Settlements

Purpose:  I can analyze the causes and consequences of European colonization by identifying the cause & effect events of English settlements.
  1. Whole Group:  "King Philip Decides on War" Reading Further
  2. Complete Interactive Notebook page 37 with Partner #6.
  3. Interact with history at:

Monday 12/12 "Sensory Details" Personal Narrative

Purpose:  I can write a personal narrative using sensory details.
  1. Whole Group Lesson: "George Street" Personal Narrative
  2. Quick Write: Sensory Details
  3. Independent Writing Time:
    • Continue writing about your own life using sensory details.
    • Write about an object that is special to you or interesting events from your own life.
    • Continue editing, revising, and proofreading your NaNoWriMo draft.

Monday 12/12 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Check your Band Lesson day/time for this week.
  3. Display your Rounding Decimals worksheet for the Homework Checker.
  4. Have your Writing materials ready.
  5. Practice Grammar Skills at Quill.orgContinue working on Activity Packs.
  6. Winter Assessments THIS WEEK:
    • Tuesday: 10:00 – 11:00 Reading MAP
    • Wednesday: 1:00 - 1:15 AIMSWeb
    • Thursday: 1:00 – 2:00 Math MAP 

Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday 12/10 Math - Rounding Decimals

Purpose:  I can round decimals to a given place value.
  1. Play the following decimal rounding games: Scooter Quest and/or Rounding Decimals Shoot-Out
  2. Math Skills Practice: Free Choice Friday
  3. H.W.: Rounding Decimals Worksheet

Friday 12/09 Book Club - Discuss Conflicts

Purpose:  I can discuss conflicts from our book to better understand how characters interact with themselves, other characters, and the setting.
  1. Mystery Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have a conversation about the book.
    4. Review new Reading and Responding Assignments
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. "Figurative Language" Response is due Tuesday:
    • Identify examples of figurative language from your reading.
    • Describe FIVE elements (characters, setting, events, etc.) of your story by composing metaphors and similes.

Friday 12/09 Writing - NaNoWriMo Workshop

Purpose:  I can use a workshop to respond critically to a piece of writing.

  1. Make a copy of the Reader Review Worksheet.
  2. Paste the first 500 or so words of your NaNoWriMo draft on the document.
  3. Share your document with your NEW Writing Partner.
  4. Work silently as you read, comment on the document, as well as fill-out the questions on the worksheet--BE SURE TO FOLLOW THE AGREED-UPON WORKSHOP EXPECTATIONS.
  5. Meet with your partner to quietly discuss comments and questions.
  6. Use your feedback to improve your novel.

Friday 12/09 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Describing Conflict Reading Response for the Homework Checker
  2. Have your Behavior Log ready to take to Art with Mr. Safly.
  3. Have your Writing/NaNoWriMo materials ready.
  4. Creative Writing Prompt:
    • Write about a character who turns something ugly and broken-down into something beautiful.
    • This can be anything from an old, run down car to a deserted garden.
    • Use sensory details to describe what the old and new item/place/person is like "before" and "after."
    • This character can be from your novel or can be a new, made-up character.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday 12/08 Reading - Describing Conflict

  1. Free Read Quietly
  2. Small Group Practice: "Describing Conflict
  3. "Describing Conflict" Response is due TOMORROW:  
    • What conflicts are driving your story?
    • Describe the conflicts you identified by writing about who the struggles are between and why.

Thursday 12/08 Social Studies - Settlement Conflicts

Purpose:  I can analyze the causes and consequences of European colonization by identifying conflicts for each early European settlement.
  1. Whole Group: Conflict Review
    • Man vs Self:  A struggle between a person and their feelings, conscience, or fear.
    • Man vs Man:  A mental or physical struggle between two people.
    • Man vs Nature:  A struggle between a person and Mother Nature.
    • Man vs Society:  A struggle between a person and the laws or beliefs of a group.
  2. Examine Conflicts: Work with Partner #9
  3. Interact with history at:

Thursday 12/08 "Interesting Event" Personal Narrative

Purpose:  I can write a personal narrative about an interesting event from my own life.
  1. Whole Group Lesson: "Shortstop" Personal Narrative
  2. Quick Write: Interesting Events
  3. Independent Writing Time:
    • Continue writing about interesting events from your own life.
    • Write about an object that is special to you.
    • Continue editing, revising, and proofreading your NaNoWriMo draft.

Thursday 12/08 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display HomeLink 4.4 for the Homework Checker
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Practice Grammar Skills at Quill.orgContinue working on Activity Packs.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday 12/07 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your HomeLink 4.3 for the Homework Checker.
  2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  3. Have your Spelling materials ready.
  4. Practice your vocabulary skills at FreeRice.
  5. Winter Party Planning Meeting TODAY: Colin, Carter S., Michael, Jace, Eliana, Carter B., Ty, and Selathiel be ready to eat and meet during lunch in the room to help plan for our upcoming party.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesday 12/06 Book Club - Discuss Questions

Purpose:  I can discuss questions from our book to better understand elements we wonder about.
  1. Mystery Genre Book Club Meeting
    1. Review the Response Assignment 
    2. Each member shares their Response
    3. Have a conversation about the book.
    4. Review new Reading and Responding Assignments
  2. Free Read Quietly
  3. Whole Group Lesson: "Describing Conflict" Practice with The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963:
    • Man vs Self:  A struggle between a character and their feelings, conscience, or fear.
    • Man vs Man:  A mental or physical struggle between two characters.
    • Man vs Nature:  A struggle between a character and Mother Nature.
    • Man vs Society:  A struggle between a character and the laws or beliefs of a group.
  4. "Describing Conflict" Response is due Friday:  What conflicts are driving your story?  Describe the conflicts you identified by writing about who the struggles are between and why.

Tuesday 12/06 Social Studies - Plymouth

Purpose:  I can identify and analyze the causes and consequences of European colonization by answering interview questions as a settler of Plymouth.
  1. Read "Plymouth" on textbook pages 77 - 79 with Partner #8.
  2. Examine Three Colonies Interview Questions:
    • Compose your answer to each question.
    • Be ready to be picked to answer questions.
  3. Work on The American Colonies Vocabulary
    • Define and visualize the ORANGE highlighted words.
    • Use textbook pages 73 - 83 or the Glossary
  4. Interact with history at Investigating the First Thanksgiving

Tuesday 12/06 Writing - "Special Object" Personal Narrative

Purpose:  I can write a personal narrative about an object that is special to me.
  1. Personal Narrative Writing Partners
  2. Whole Group Lesson: "Never the Monkey" Personal Narrative
  3. Quick Write: Special Objects
  4. Independent Writing Time:
    • Write about an object that is special to you.
    • Continue editing, revising, and proofreading your NaNoWriMo draft.

Tuesday 12/06 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display HomeLink 4.2 for the Homework Checker
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Practice Grammar Skills at

Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday 12/05 Reading - Asking Questions

Purpose:  I can ask questions before, during, and after I read to better understand the text.
  1. Read Silently
  2. "Questioning" Response is due TOMORROW:
    • Before Reading
    • During Reading
    • After Reading
  3. Small Group Lesson: Questioning Practice with "Maple Sap Mystery"