Classroom Resources

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday 06/07 Morning Warm-Up and Schedule

  1. Last call for Chromebook chargers and books.
  2. Get in the Game: READ! 

  8:00 -  8:15 "Top Ten Things I Learned in 5th Grade" Activity
  8:15  -  8:30 
"One Word" Activity
  8:30 -  8:45 Dance Practice
  8:45 -  9:00  Sign Yearbooks
  9:00 -  9:15 "Dear Future Students" Activity
  9:30 - 10:30 5th Grade End-of-Year Ceremony

Monday, June 6, 2016

06/06 Schedule

  8:00 -  8:45 5th Grade End-of-Year Ceremony Projects
  8:45 -  9:05 Dance Practice
  9:05 -  9:50 Specials: Guidance & Keyboarding
  9:50 - 10:25 Desk and Classroom Clean-Up
10:25 - 10:40 Recess

10:40 - 11:40 Desk and Classroom Clean-Up
11:40 - 12:00 Life Science
12:05 - 12:55 Lunch and Recess
12:55 -   2:20 Math Games
  2:20 -   2:50 Read Aloud

Monday 06/06 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Chromebook, Charger, and Case for the Homework Checker.
  2. Practice vocabulary skills at
  3. Free read or write silently
Important Dates this Week:
                 5th Grade Ceremony @ 9:30

Friday, June 3, 2016

06/03 Schedule

  8:00 -  8:45 Expository Non-Fiction Author's Chair
  8:45 -  9:05 Dance Practice
  9:05 -  9:50 Specials: Art
  9:50 - 10:35 5th Grade End-of-Year Ceremony Projects
10:35 - 11:00 Book Club Meeting
11:00 - 12:00 Human Growth and Development
12:05 - 12:25 Lunch
12:25 -   2:30 Field Day
  2:30 -   2:50 Life Science

Friday 06/03 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution Response for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "The Sea Anenome" (page 24) in the yellow non-fiction texts packet.
  3. Free read or write silently
Important Dates this Week:
TODAY – Leave ALL Chromebook Supplies at School
                 Field Day @ 12:25

Thursday, June 2, 2016

06/02 Science Activity and Literacy Block Agenda

Purpose: I can compare systems of the human body with those of other vertebrates.
  1. Complete Life Science Packet pages 21 - 22.
  2. Read "Comparing Organ Systems" on textbook pages 206 - 209.
  3. Comparing Organ Systems Document
  4. Complete Life Science Packet page 43.
  5. Extension:  Read more about the system of the human body.
  6. Free choice read for at least 30 minutes
  7. NEW Reading Response Assignment:  I can identify the elements of plot within my story to deepen my understanding of what I read.
  8. Small Group Meeting: Elements of Plot Practice
  9. View Room 23's (Miller) Systems of the Human Body Presentations at 11:25 in the Library: BRING A WRITING UTENSIL.

06/02 Writing Activity

5th Grade End-of-Year Ceremony Activities

  1. BioPoem
  2. Selfie & Memory Slide
    • Template
    • Only you may be in your “selfie” and you must smile so it is easy for the audience to tell who you are.
    • Do not change the font type, size, or color; we want the audience to easily read each name and memory.
    • Change the background color/design so it is personalized for you!
    • Submit at GoogleClassroom
  3. Self-Portrait
    • Use the provided white construction paper.
    • Draw your self-portrait from the shoulders up.
    • Be as neat and colorful as your abilities allow.
    • Fill all white space with a background design.

Thursday 06/02 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Complete the reading warm-up "Harvest Mice" (page 23) in the yellow non-fiction texts packet.
  2. Free read or write silently
Important Dates this Week:
TODAY – Safety Patrol Picnic at Frog Park
June 3 – Leave ALL Chromebook Supplies at School

                 Field Day

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

06/01 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. Free choice read for at least 30 minutes
  2. NEW Reading Response Assignment:  I can identify the elements of plot within my story to deepen my understanding of what I read.
  3. Small Group Meeting: Elements of Plot Practice
  4. Expository Non-Fiction Project (SOUTH LAB @ 11:30)

06/01 Science Activity

Purpose: I can explain how the nervous system works with other body systems.
  1. Read "The Nervous System" on textbook pages 202 - 205.
  2. Complete Life Science Packet page 42.
  3. Read "Making Sense of Senses" on textbook pages 210 - 213.
  4. Compare and contrast human senses with those of other vertebrates
  5. Extension:  Read more about the Nervous System

Wednesday 06/01 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Digestive & Excretory Questions (Page 41) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  3. Complete the reading warm-up "The Crab Spider" (page 22) in the yellow non-fiction texts packet.
  4. Practice your spelling skills at SpellingCity
  5. Free read silently
Important Dates this Week:
TODAY – Beach Party Luncheon 
                  Human Growth and Development Lesson
June 2 – Safety Patrol Picnic at Frog Park 
June 3 – Field Day