Classroom Resources

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday 04/25 Morning Warm-Up PART 1

  1. Checkout our Leadership Roles to see what you are responsible for this week. 
  2. Display your HomeLink 7.13 for the Homework Checker. 
  3. Complete the reading warm-up "Anne Frank" (page 37) in the yellow non-fiction texts packet.
  4. Relay Event Sign-Up @ 8:00
    • When we enter the gym we will sit as a class on the floor and wait for instructions. 
    • Each student is to sign their own name, so you are aware of who you are running with. 
    • You can run with friends from any class. 
    • You may only be on one relay team. If a student cannot find a team and has the desire to run on a relay team and a team needs a third person you may be allowed to participate in two relays as last resort.

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