Classroom Resources

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Thursday 03/03 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Have your Writing materials ready.
  2. Check your draft to make sure you have all the required elements of a persuasive essay.
  3. Link your persuasive essay to our Community Document (Be sure to link it as "View Only")
  4. Complete the reading warm-up "Room for Art" (page 84) in the yellow non-fiction texts packet.
  5. Free read or write silently
  6. A reminder from Dr. Dittmar about Safety Patrol:
    • During arrival/dismissal students must stay in the crosswalk and cross with the safety patrols.
    • At dismissal, the playground is off limits unless you are with an adult. Go straight home after school.
    • Be respectful to safety patrol members by following their directions.
    • Students that do not follow these expectations will be reported to your teacher or Dr. Dittmar

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