Classroom Resources

Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday 01/29 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. Matter Inquiry Research ProjectContinue your research, create your bibliography, then choose your format to share your learning:
  2. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  3. Sci-Fi/Fantasy Small Group Book
  4. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:
    • Read MORE Fiction/Non-Fiction
    • Practice Spelling/Vocabulary
    • Practice Fluency with a partner

Fiction Story Multimedia Project

I can use visual and multimedia elements to enhance the meaning, tone, and beauty of my fiction story.
  1. My story is finished and I have used the Proofreading Notes to edit and revise.
  2. My Multimedia Project Organizer is completed.
  3. I am Meeting or Exceeding for every standard on the Multimedia Project Rubric.
  4. I have uploaded my images and text onto a new Educreations lesson.
  5. I have the following tabs open and ready so I can record easily:
    • My fiction story
    • My Educreations lesson
    • My music
  6. I will be respectful of the people around me as they record their Multimedia Project.
  7. I linked my FINISHED Educreations project to the Classroom Community Document.

Friday 01/29 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Find your Non-Fiction Text Structure Packet in your Reading Folder:
    • Read the article "Polar bear predicament"
    • Watch Polar Bears & Global Warming.
    • Complete BOTH Written Comprehension Activities, be ready to share your work.
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Free read silently

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday 01/28 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. Matter Inquiry Research ProjectReview your questions to investigate and continue your research.
  2. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  3. Reading Response:  After reading today's Sci-Fi/Fantasy book assignment, FINISH your Literary Elements chart:
    • Focus on the Falling Action and Resolution
    • Be prepared to share this at our meeting tomorrow.
  4. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:
    • Read MORE Fiction/Non-Fiction
    • Practice Spelling/Vocabulary
    • Practice Fluency with a partner

Thursday 01/28 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Find your Non-Fiction Text Structure Packet in your Reading Folder:
    • Read the article "Laundry Around the World"
    • Complete BOTH Written Comprehension Activities, be ready to share your work.
    • Watch How Do You Wash Your Clothes in Space to extend your learning.
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Free read silently

***Dr. Dittmar will be in our classroom at 8:45 to do some Goal Setting for Iowa Asssessments.***

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday 01/27 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  2. Reading Response:  After reading today's Sci-Fi/Fantasy book assignment, add to your Literary Elements chart:
    • Focus on the Climax and Falling Action
    • Be ready to complete your chart after finishing the book tomorrow.
  3. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:
    • Read MORE Fiction/Non-Fiction
    • Practice Spelling/Vocabulary
    • Practice Fluency with a partner

Wednesday 01/27 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Complete the reading warm-up "Hold the Pizza" (page 166) in the green fiction texts packet.
  2. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  3. Practice your vocabulary skills at
  4. Free read silently
***There will be a Friendship Party Planning Meeting TODAY DURING LUNCH.***

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday 01/26 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. Matter Inquiry Research Project: Identify your questions to investigate and start your research.
  2. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  3. Reading Response:  After reading today's Sci-Fi/Fantasy book assignment, add to your Literary Elements chart:
    • Focus on the Climax and Falling Action
    • Be prepared to share this at our meeting tomorrow.
  4. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:
    • Read MORE Fiction/Non-Fiction
    • Practice Spelling/Vocabulary
    • Practice Fluency with a partner

Fiction Story Multimedia Project

I can use visual and multimedia elements to enhance the meaning, tone, and beauty of my fiction story.
  1. My story is finished and I have used the Proofreading Notes to edit and revise.
  2. My Multimedia Project Organizer is completed.
  3. I am Meeting or Exceeding for every standard on the Multimedia Project Rubric.
  4. I have uploaded my images and text onto a new Educreations lesson.
  5. I have the following tabs open and ready so I can record easily:
    • My fiction story
    • My Educreations lesson
    • My music
  6. I will be respectful of the people around me as they record their Multimedia Project.

Tuesday 01/26 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display Monday's Math homework (HomeLink 5.14) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "No Manners" (page 165) in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Free read silently

Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday 01/25 Literacy Block Agenda

  1. "Wildfires" Text Evidence Practice
  2. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  3. Reading Response:  After reading today's Sci-Fi/Fantasy book assignment, make a response:
    • Questions, thoughts, opinions, and/or connections
    • Be prepared to share this at our meeting tomorrow.
  4. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:
    • Read MORE Fiction/Non-Fiction
    • Practice Spelling/Vocabulary
    • Practice Fluency with a partner

Monday 01/25 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Check the Leadership Jobs to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Display Friday's Math homework (HomeLink 5.13) for the Homework Checker.
  3. Complete the reading warm-up "The Night Owl" (page 164) in the green fiction texts packet.
  4. Have your Writing materials ready.
  5. Free read silently

Friday, January 22, 2016

Literacy Block Agenda 01/22

  1. Chemical Change Main Idea Organizer:  Bring to small group meeting
  2. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  3. Reading Response:  After reading today's Sci-Fi/Fantasy book assignment, predict the climax of the plot using this sentence frame:
    • I predict the climax will be...  because...
    • Be prepared to share this at our meeting on Monday.
  4. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:
    • Read MORE Fiction/Non-Fiction
    • Practice Spelling/Vocabulary
    • Practice Fluency with a partner

Friday 01/22 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display Thursday's Reading homework (Character Ranking) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "Bleached" (page 163) in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Free read silently

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Comma Usage Practice

I can use commas correctly:
In a series, after an introduction,
to separate yes and no, to set off a tag question, and to address a person.

Thursday 01/21 Warm-Up

  1. Display Wednesday's Math homework (HomeLink 5.12) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "SHHH!" (page 162) in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Free read silently

Literacy Block Agenda 01/20

  1. Add these words onto your Matter Vocabulary document:
    • Physical Change
    • Evaporation
    • Condensation
    • Chemical Change
  2. Physical Change Main Idea Organizer:  Bring to small group meeting
  3. Free choice read for at least 20 minutes
  4. Reading Response:  After reading today's Sci-Fi/Fantasy book assignment, complete this sentence frame in your reading notebook:
    • The main idea is...     because...
    • Be prepared to share this at our meeting tomorrow.
  5. Complete activities that help YOU become a better reader:
    • Read MORE Fiction/Non-Fiction
    • Practice Spelling/Vocabulary
    • Practice Fluency with a partner

Wednesday 01/20 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display Tuesday's Math homework (HomeLink 5.11) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete this survey about being a mentor
  3. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  4. Practice your vocabulary skills at
  5. Free read silently

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Literary Elements

Matter: Wrap-Up and Review

Multimedia Project: Educreations

Tuesday 01/19 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Check the Leadership Jobs to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Display Friday's Math homework (HomeLink 5.10) for the Homework Checker.
  3. Complete the reading warm-up "I Wish Syndrome" (page 161) in the green fiction texts packet.
  4. Have your Writing materials ready.
  5. Free read silently

Friday, January 15, 2016

"Become an Expert" Text Evidence

Multimedia Project Organizer

Friday 01/15 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display Thursday's Math homework (HomeLink 5.9) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "Computer Language" (page 160) in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Have your writing materials ready.
  4. Free read silently

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thursday 01/14 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display Wednesday's Math homework (HomeLink 5.7) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "Kitchen Patrol" (page 159) in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Have your writing materials ready.
  4. Free read silently

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday 01/13 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display Tuesday's Reading homework (Small Group Book Main Idea) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "Just Her Way" (page 158) in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  4. Practice your vocabulary skills at
  5. Free read silently

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Atoms & Elements Main Ideas and Supporting Details

Tuesday 01/12 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display Monday's Math homework (HomeLink 5.5) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "Messy Room" (page 157) in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Have your writing materials ready.
  4. Free read silently

Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday 01/11 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Check the Leadership Jobs to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "Double Trouble" (page 155) in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Free read silently

Friday, January 8, 2016

Literary Elements

Friday 01/08 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display Thursday's Math homework (HomeLink 5.3) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "Ready, Set, Float" (page 154) in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Have your writing materials ready.
  4. Free read silently

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Thursday 01/07 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display Wednesday's Math homework (HomeLink 5.2) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "Alien Invasion" (page 153) in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Have your writing materials ready.
  4. Free read silently

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Inferred Meaning of Words

Wednesday 01/06 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display Tuesday's Reading homework (Sci-Fi/Fantasy Compare/Contrast Document) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Complete the reading warm-up "The Wand" (page 152) in the green fiction texts packet.
  3. Record your reading in your Free Reading Log.
  4. Practice your vocabulary skills at
  5. Free read silently

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Sci-Fi/Fantasy Genre: Compare & Contrast

Tuesday 01/05 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display Monday's Math homework (HomeLink 5.1) for the Homework Checker.
  2. Have your Writing materials ready.
  3. Reread through your Fiction drafts in order to select one to revise and publish, try to choose a piece that you can imagine making changes to and we will enjoy reading.
  4. Free read silently

Monday, January 4, 2016

Judge a Book By Its Cover Activity

Physical Science - Describing Matter: Properties of Matter Notes

Monday 01/04 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Check the Leadership Jobs to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Return your Social Studies textbook to the bookcase and retrieve your Leadership Binder.
  3. Update and/or change your personal goals for Winter.
  4. Have your Writing materials ready.
  5. Free read silently