Classroom Resources

Thursday, May 21, 2015

05/21 Whole Group Reading (Science) Agenda

  1. Read Life Science textbook pages 188 - 191 with Partner #7.
  2. Answer the comprehension questions on packet pages 39 independently and then discuss your answers with your partner.
  3. Post your answer to this question on the chart:  "How do the skeletal and muscular systems work together?"  Be sure to put your name on the post-it note.
  4. Work on your Small Group Reading assignment for today.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Vertebrate Videos

Watch the video for each type of vertebrate and record the FIVE most important things you need to know about each group.  Be prepared to share with and teach your peers the characteristics you identified.
  1. Fish
  2. Amphibians
  3. Reptiles
  4. Birds
  5. Mammals

  1. Conclude your learning about classifying living things by completing textbook pages 40 - 41.
  2. Read textbook pages 42 - 51 and then write a summary about what you read.
  3. Choose of the vertebrate videos to watch.

Tuesday 05/19 Whole Group Reading (Science) Agenda

  1. Read Life Science textbook pages 28 - 37 with Partner #5.
  2. Complete the Classifying Vertebrates Graphic Organizer with your partner.
  3. Answer the comprehension questions on packet pages 36 and 37 independently and then discuss your answers with your partner.
  4. Work on your Small Group Reading assignment for today.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday 05/18 Whole Group Reading (Science) Agenda

  1. Read Life Science textbook pages 16 - 19 with Partner #6.
  2. Complete the Classifying Plants Graphic Organizer with your partner.
  3. Answer the comprehension questions on packet page 35 independently and then discuss your answers with your partner.
  4. Work on your Small Group Reading assignment for today.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday 05/15 Science Agenda

  1. Read Life Science textbook pages 10 - 15 with Partner #2.
  2. Complete the Kingdoms Graphic Organizer with your partner.
  3. Answer the comprehension questions on packet page 34 independently and then discuss your answers with your partner.
  4. Work on your Small Group Reading assignment for today.

5th Grade End-of-Year Ceremony Activities

  1. Complete your slideshow and turn-in on Google Classroom.
  2. Brainstorm ideas for each line of your BioPoem.
  3. Complete your BioPoem and turn-in on Google Classroom.
  4. Complete Math Review Packet pages 78 - 79 (Add and Subtract Fractions)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday 05/13 Schedule

 9:55 - 11:15 Math
            10:40 Band Students Eat Lunch
11:15 - 12:10 Small Group Reading
12:10 - 12:55 Lunch and Recess
 1:00 - 2:00 Government Projects
 2:00 - 2:45 Science

Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday 05/11 Science Agenda

  1. Complete your Ch. 14 - 15 S.S. Assessment
  2. Take a Life Science textbook from the cabinet.
  3. Complete the vocabulary chart for Classifying Living Organisms using textbook pages 8 - 9.
  4. Free read quietly.

Math Lesson 12.6

Thursday, May 7, 2015