Classroom Resources

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday 03/31 Small Group Reading Agenda

  1. Independently reread "John Hancock: First Signer"
  2. Answer the five questions with a partner: BE SURE TO HIGHLIGHT THE TEXT EVIDENCE USING THE COLOR SHOWN ON THE LEFT.
  3. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  4. Practice February's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Math Lesson 10.3: Algebraic Expressions

Create a definition of algebraic expressions in your words and post it at TodaysMeet.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday 03/30 Small Group Agenda

  1. Independently read "John Hancock: First Signer"
  2. With a partner, define the following words from "John Hancock" in the space on the right.  BE SURE THE DEFINITION MATCHES THE CONTEXT:
    • vehemently
    • revenue
    • resorted
    • impounded
    • commissioned
  3. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  4. Practice February's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday 03/27 Small Group Agenda

  1. Independently reread "Thomas Paine: Common Sense"
  2. Answer the five questions with a partner: BE SURE TO HIGHLIGHT THE TEXT EVIDENCE USING THE COLOR SHOWN ON THE LEFT.
  3. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  4. Practice February's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday 03/26 Small Group Agenda

  1. Independently reread "Thomas Paine: Common Sense"
  2. With a partner, define SIX (6) of the following words from "Thomas Paine" in the space on the right.  BE SURE THE DEFINITION MATCHES THE CONTEXT:
    • editorial
    • anonymously
    • advocate
    • pamphlet
    • compelled
    • clerk
    • scarce
    • paramount
    • pooled
  3. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  4. Practice February's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday 03/25 Small Group Agenda

  1. Independently reread "Abigail Adams: A Quiet Leader"
  2. Answer the five questions with a partner: BE SURE to highlight the text evidence using the color shown on the left.
  3. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes
  4. Read“The Declaration of Independence” TrueFlix ebook
  5. Practice February's N.T.F Words at Spelling City

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday 03/24 Small Group Reading Agenda

  1. Finish answering and annotating the Comprehension Questions for "Patrick Henry: Trumpet of the War"
  2. Question and Answer Activity
    • Create THREE high-quality questions that can be answered from "Patrick Henry"
    • Record on sticky notes.
    • Include both thick and thin questions.
    • Be ready to share and answer during your Small Group meeting.
  3. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  4. Practice February's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday 03/23 Small Group Agenda

  1. Independently reread "Patrick Henry: Trumpet of the War"
  2. With a partner, define the following words from "Patrick Henry" in the space on the right.  BE SURE THE DEFINITION MATCHES THE CONTEXT:
    • treason
    • dissent
    • outspoken
    • unfazed
    • captivated
    • instrumental
    • trumpet
  3. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  4. Practice February's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Math Lesson 9.9 Game

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday 03/12 Small Group Agenda

  1. Independently reread "Sam Adams: Patriarch of Liberty"
  2. Question and Answer Activity
    • Create THREE high-quality questions that can be answered from "Sam Adams"
    • Record on sticky notes.
    • Include both thick and thin questions.
    • Be ready to share and answer during your Small Group meeting.
  3. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  4. Practice February's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Thursday 03/12 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Complete your Math Warm-Up
  2. Free read quietly
  3. We will have Music from 8:05 - 8:45
  4. There is an assembly in the gym at 9:15

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Lesson 9.8 Math Message

Wednesday 03/11 Small Group Agenda

  1. Independently reread "Sam Adams: Patriarch of Liberty"
  2. Partner reread then shrink each paragraph into 10 words or less: NEATLY RECORD IN THE SPACE ON THE RIGHT.
  3. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  4. Practice February's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday 03/10 Small Group Agenda

  1. Independently reread "George Washington: The General"
  2. Work with a partner to finish answering the comprehension questions for "George Washington: The General"
  3. Question and Answer Activity
    • Create THREE questions that can be answered from "George Washington: The General"
    • Record on sticky notes.
    • Include both thick and thin questions.
    • Be ready to share and answer during Small Group with Mr. Erickson
  4. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  5. Practice February's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Base & Height Notes

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday 03/09 Small Group Agenda

  1. Independently reread "George Washington: The General"
  2. Work with a partner to complete the Point of View activity for "George Washington: The General"
  3. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  4. Practice February's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday 03/06 Small Group Agenda

  1. Independently read "George Washington: The General"
  2. Partner reread then paragraph shrink the passage: NEATLY RECORD IN THE SPACE ON THE RIGHT.
  3. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  4. Practice February's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mission US Directions

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Register” at the top right of the screen.
  3. Enter your Google Apps username and password
  4. Choose a reminder question and provide an answer.
  5. Enter Ankeny and Iowa
  6. Choose “Student”
  7. Enter “Teacher” for how you learned about Mission US.
  8. Click “Submit”
  9. Click “Play” near the top
  10. Choose “Mission 1: For Crown or Colony?