Classroom Resources

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday 12/17 S.S. Agenda

  1. Continue learning about other colonies: read textbook pages 88 and 90 - 93 with Partner #2
  2. Complete the organizer on Interactive Student Notebook pages 40 - 41 as you read.
  3. Better organize your learning by completing the Comparing the Colonies Study Guide for Lesson 7
  4. Learn more about your colony at TrueFlix.
  5. Review the material by completing Lesson 7's Tutorial
  6. Free read or study/review independently.

Wednesday 12/17 Warm-Up

  1. Display Adding Mixed Fractions A-B
  2. Log your free reading books
  3. Go to
  4. Enter your log-in information at the top right.
  5. Take a few minutes to play the math games!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

12/15 Social Studies Agenda

  1. Complete Steps 1 - 7 for preparing your colonial billboard.
  3. Begin learning about other colonies: read textbook pages 87 - 93
  4. Review the material by completing Lesson 7's Tutorial
  5. Be ready to present by 2:00 TODAY

Division Review Day

  1. Complete Division Worksheet to Review
  2. Brainstorm things you would have to plan for with operating a movie theater.
  3. Work on Movie Marathon Packet interdependently, but you may ask an elbow partner for help.
  4. Check your answers after each page using a calculator: IF YOUR ANSWER DOES NOT AGREE FIX THE DIVISION, BUT DO NO JUST FILL IN THE CORRECT ANSWER!
  5. Practice math skills at EDM Online or Khan Academy.
  6. H.W.:  Mixed-Numbers Packet "A's"

Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday 12/15 Small Group Agenda

  1. Practice the Phrases and Story for Fluency Lesson #12.
  2. Practice December's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.
  3. Free read.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday 12/12 Small Group Agenda

  1. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  2. Reread the Story and complete the On Your Own activity for Fluency Lesson #11.
  3. Practice December's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Hour of Code

  1. Go to the link,
  2. Below the video on the left side of the screen is the link for the elementary courses.  Click on that and choose course 2.
  3. This is where you should start. You don’t need a log in or anything to start.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday 12/11 Small Group Agenda

  1. Check out these examples of Personification
  2. Complete the Personification Worksheet with Partner #6.
  3. Reread the Story and answer the Questions for Fluency Lesson #11.
  4. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  5. Practice December's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday 12/10 Small Group Agenda

  1. Check out these examples of Metaphors
  2. Complete the Metaphor Worksheet with Partner #2.
  3. Reread the Phrases and Story for Fluency Lesson #11.
  4. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  5. Practice December's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday 12/09 Small Group

  1. Complete the Simile Worksheet.
  2. Read the Phrases and Story for Fluency Lesson #11.
  3. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  4. Practice December's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

12/09 Math Message

Math Message: Skim and scan SRB pages 360 - 362.  Create ONE question that can be answered by using the information from those pages.  Record your question at TodaysMeet.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday 12/08 Small Group Agenda

  1. Read chapters 29 - END of your Small Group Book and work on your menu activities.
  2. Continue working on your Character Web.
  3. Practice the Phrases and Story for Fluency Lesson #11.
  4. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  5. Practice December's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Friday, December 5, 2014

  1. Read S.S. textbook pages 80 - 83.
  2. Complete Interactive Student Notebook page 37 by identifying Cause & Effect.
  3. Use Completed Study Guide as a resource to complete your own.
  4. Complete the Chapter 6 Tutorial.

Friday 12/05 Small Group Agenda

  1. Read chapters 27 - 28 of your Small Group Book and work on your menu activities.
  2. Continue working on your Character Web.
  3. Reread the Story and complete the On Your Own activity for Fluency Lesson #10.
  4. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  5. Practice December's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday 12/04 Small Group Agenda

  1. Read chapters 25 - 26 of your Small Group Book and work on your menu activities.
  2. Continue working on your Character Web.
  3. Reread the Story and answer the Questions for Fluency Lesson #10.
  4. Free read for atleast 15 minutes.
  5. Practice December's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday 12/02 Small Group Agenda

  1. Read chapters 23 - 24 of your Small Group Book and work on your menu activities.
  2. Practice the Phrases and reread the Story for Fluency Lesson #10.
  3. Free read for atleast 15 minutes.
  4. Practice December's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.

Tuesday 12/02 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Find TWO folders for yourself to use as your office.
  2. Make sure that you have a free reading book and lined work paper ready.
  3. Open your Chromebook then log out of your account.
  4. Click "Add User" on the bottom left of the screen
  5. Enter  the username:
  6. Enter the password: winterMAP
  7. It’ll bring you to the ‘join session’ page at this time where they sign in with the code given to you at the start of the assessment.
  8. You will just sign out of that account when done testing each day and then just sign in with the password again on the next days when we test. That account will be up on their screens next to their own account when they go to log in until they hit ‘remove user’ on that icon.
  9. Free read until we are ready to start the assessment.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday 12/01 Small Group Agenda

  1. Read chapters 21 - 22 of your Small Group Book and work on your menu activities.
  2. Practice the Phrases and the Story for Fluency Lesson #10.
  3. Free read for atleast 15 minutes.
  4. Practice November's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.