Classroom Resources

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday, March 13th

Writing - Today we asked our classmates questions about their Non-Fiction topic, we will continue researching after break.

Reading - Free Reading (25 Minutes) and continue investigating plants for your inquiry project.

Math - HomeLink #36 (Prime & Composite Numbers)

Social Studies - We took the Lesson 10 Assessment today, students need to complete their definitions for Lessons 11 AND 12 Vocabulary.

Social Studies Assessment

Tensions Grow Between the Colonists and Great Britain

Writing Topics

Non-Fiction Topics and Related Questions

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday, March 11th

Writing - Today we explored more topics for our Non-Fiction writing.

Reading - Free Reading (25 Minutes) and continue investigating plants for your inquiry project.

Math - HomeLink #34 (Adding Mixed Fractions)

Social Studies - We finished learning about acts/laws that upset the colonists: NO Homework.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday, March 10th

Writing - Today we explored more nature topics for our Non-Fiction writing.

Reading - Read Chapters 1-2 of Selection #3 and make THREE connections to the text, Free Reading (25 Minutes), and continue investigating plants for your inquiry project.

Math - Area of Triangles and Volume of Prisms Worksheet: SHOW YOUR WORK!

Social Studies - We learned about acts/laws that upset the colonists, we will continue this tomorrow: NO Homework.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday, March 7th

Writing - Today we explored nature as a topic for our Non-Fiction writing.

Reading - Free Reading (25 Minutes) and begin investigating plants for your inquiry project.

Math - We began learning about volume today, we will continue this on Monday: NO HOMEWORK.

Social Studies - Explore the online Social Studies materials we have for use.

Volume and Capacity

Read SRB page 195 and then ask a question that can be answered from the text about Volume and Capacity.

Nature Topics

Nature Topics @ TodaysMeet

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday, March 6th

Writing - Today we explored "problems" as a topic for our Non-Fiction writing.

Reading - Aardvarks & Bullfrogs: Finish Selection #2 then answer three Week 2 Question in our Small Group Packet.  Salamanders: Finish Selection #2 and summarize the last three chapters. ALL Students: Free Reading (25 Minutes)

Math - Area of Triangles Worksheet (YOU MAY USE A CALCULATOR)

Social Studies - Finish Unit 10's Vocabulary Definitions

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday, March 5th

Writing - No Writing: Late Start Schedule

Reading - Finish Small Group Assignment (Selection #2) and Free Reading (25 Minutes)

Math - HomeLink #32 (Measuring)

Social Studies - We took time to finish sharing Inquiry Projects, the last of which lead perfectly into our next Social Studies chapter.  Please take some time tonight to check out the online resources we have for Social Studies: TCI (Social Studies) Online and Tutorials

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday, March 4th

Writing - We continued discussing non-fiction today and got a chance to read about topics we are interested in. 

Reading - Free Reading (25 Minutes)

Math - HomeLink #33 (Multiplying)

Science - Thanks to all the families that came to our Weather Project Science Fair today!  The presentations turned out great, I was very happy and proud of all the work and learning from my 5th graders.  If you have a chance tonight please talk to you children about what they thought about the science fair.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday, March 3rd

Writing - We practiced presenting our Weather Project to Ms. Ever's kindergartners during Writing this morning, we will continue our Non-Fiction Unit tomorrow.

Reading - Finish your Small Group Assignment and Free Reading (25 Minutes)

Math - HomeLink #31 (Equivalent Fractions, Decimals, and Percents)

Science - Homework: PRACTICE your Weather Project Presentation: Science Fair TOMORROW.

Area Discussion

Read SRB page 188, and then record TWO important facts about AREA at TodaysMeet.