Classroom Resources

Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, November 30th

Writing - We continued publishing our drafts today, we will finish this on Monday.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 296 & 298; Book Journals; and Free Reading

Math - Home Link #3 and try playing a few games at Manga High using the log-in information you received today.

Science - Rocks & Minerals Chapter Test: NO HOMEWORK

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, November 29th

Writing - We began publishing our drafts today, we will continue this tomorrow.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 279 & 289; Book Journals; and Free Reading

Math - StudyLink 6.2

Science - Today we reviewed for our Rocks & Minerals Test by playing Jeopardy!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, November 28th

Writing - NO WRITING: Late-Start Schedule.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 286-187 & 288; Book Journals; and Free Reading

Math - Power Standard Home Link #2

Science - Today we investigated how fossils form in sedimentary rock by creating models with clay.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Math Differentiation Group

Tuesday, November 27th

Writing - Today we continued revising our personal narrative by identifying misspelled words and correcting run-on sentences.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 284-285 & 281; Book Journals; and Free Reading

Math - StudyLink 6.1

Science - Today continued reviewing for the chapter test that will be at the end of this week: Earth Science textbook pages 118-119.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 26th

Writing - Today we continued revising our personal narrative by conferring with our writing partners.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 278 & 280; and Free Reading

Math - Power Standard Home Link #1 Worksheet

Science - Today continued learning about the Cave of Crystals and began reviewing for the chapter test that will be at the end of this week.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday, November 20th

Writing - Today we continued revising our personal narrative by creating a "hook" to interest our readers at the beginning of the draft.

Reading - Book Journal Entry #5 DUE MONDAY; and Free Reading

Math - Unit 5 Assessment: NO HOMEWORK

Science - Today continued learning about classifying rocks as well as learning about the rock cycle: NO HOMEWORK.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, November 19th

Writing - Today we continued revising our personal narrative and identifying places we can add more details about how we felt, what we thought, how we changed, and what we learned.

Reading - Book Journal Entry #5 DUE MONDAY; and Free Reading

Math - StudyLink 5.12 and Math Journal pages 160 & 161

Science - Today we took time to finish our Reading Test: NO HOMEWORK.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday, November 16th

Writing - Today we began revising our personal narrative and identifying places we can add more sensory details.

Reading - Inquiry Research; Practice Companion pages 251 & 275-276; Book Journal; and Free Reading

Math - StudyLink 5.11 and Decimal Equivalents Table (FINISH ROWS 7 & 8)

Science - Today we learned about rocks in minerals and the properties of rocks: NO HOMEWORK.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday, November 15th

Writing - Today we reread the personal narratives we've written so far and chose one to begin publishing.

Reading - Inquiry Research; Practice Companion pages 258-259, 262, and 263; Book Journal; and Free Reading

Math - StudyLink 5.10 BOTH PAGES

Science - Today we learned about the properties of minerals (Luster, Crystal Shape, Hardness, Streak, Cleavage, and Color): NO HOMEWORK.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday, November 14th

Writing - NO WRITING: Late Start Schedule

Reading - Inquiry Research; Practice Companion pages 253 & 256-257; Book Journal; and Free Reading

Math - StudyLink Packet page 146

Science - Today we learned about the characteristics of minerals (Natural, Crystal Structure, Chemical Makeup, Solid, and Nonliving): NO HOMEWORK.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday, November 13th

Writing - We began working on a personal narrative about a time we were caring and compassionate, we will continue working on these over the next few days.

Reading - Inquiry Research; Practice Companion pages 250 & 252; Book Journal; and Free Reading

Math - Study Link 5.8

Science - Today we began identifying rocks and minerals, we will continue this investigation tomorrow: NO HOMEWORK.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, November 12th

Writing - Fall Conference Reflection

Reading - Inquiry Research; Practice Companion pages 247; Book Journal; and Free Reading

Math - Table of Decimal Equivalents for Fractions ROWS 3, 6, and 9

Social Studies - Early Exploration Unit Test: NO HOMEWORK

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday, November 9th

Writing - NO WRITING: We took time this morning to clean and organize for conferences.

Reading - Inquiry Research; Practice Companion pages 231 & 244; Book Journal; and Free Reading.

Math - Math Journal page 143 and StudyLink 5.6

Social Studies - STUDY: Early Exploration Unit Test on MONDAY.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, November 8th

Writing - NO WRITING: We took time this morning to prepare and organize our conference binders.

Reading - Inquiry Research; Practice Companion pages 231 & 244; Book Journal; and Free Reading.

Math - Math Journal page 140 and StudyLink 5.5

Social Studies - STUDY: Early Exploration Unit Test on MONDAY.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday, November 7th

Writing - NO WRITING: Late Start Schedule.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 238-239 & 243; Book Journal; and Free Reading.

Math - NO HOMEWORK: We will finish Lesson 5.5 tomorrow.

Social Studies - STUDY: Early Exploration Unit Test on Friday.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday, November 6th

Writing - We began working on a personal narrative about something we've learned from someone else, we will continue working on these over the next few days..

Reading - Practice Companion pages 236-237 & 233; Book Journal; and Free Reading.

Math - StudyLink 5.4

Social Studies - "Early Exploration Packet" page 38

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, November 5th

Writing - We began working on a personal narrative about things we collect or want to collect, we will continue working on these over the next few days..

Reading - Practice Companion pages 230 & 232; Book Journal; and Free Reading.

Math - StudyLink 5.3

Social Studies - Read textbook pages 100-105 then complete "Early Exploration Packet" page 36

Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday, November 2nd

Writing - We began working on a personal narrative about something we were taught how to do, we will continue working on these over the next few days..

Reading - Gather Inquiry Project research & materials; Practice Companion pages 198 & 199; Book Journal; and Free Reading.


Social Studies - NO HOMEWORK

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday, November 1st

Writing - NO WRITING:  We took some extra time this morning to work on practicing our division facts.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 205, 215, and 227-228; Book Journal; and Free Reading.

Math - NO HOMEWORK:  We continued practicing division in class.

Social Studies - NO HOMEWORK:  We'll continue learning about early explorers tomorrow.