Classroom Resources

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday, February 26th

Reading I and II - Independent Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due NEXT Friday***
6E & 6T Science - Bridge Study Guide
Social Studies - Olympic Ski Jumping Worksheet (SALMON, MOOSE, and ELK ) and Ski Jumping Math (POLAR BEAR)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday, February 25th

Reading I and II - Inquiry Process (SP page 10) and Ind. Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - Bridge Study Guide
Social Studies - Olympic Ski Jumping Worksheet (SALMON, MOOSE, and ELK ) and Ski Jumping Math (POLAR BEAR)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday, February 24th

Reading I and II - SP pages 63-64, Vocab. Challenge, and Ind. Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - Famous Bridge Drawing LINK FOUND HERE
Social Studies - Olympic Ski Jumping Worksheet (SALMON and MOOSE) and Ski Jumping Math (ELK and POLAR BEAR

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday, February 23rd

Reading I and II - SP pages 59-60 & 61-62 and Independent Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - FINISH Bridges Lab LINK FOUND HERE
Social Studies - Olympic Ski Jumping Worksheet (SALMON and MOOSE) and Ski Jumping Math (ELK and POLAR BEAR)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday, February 22nd

Reading I and II - Independent Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - Finish "Bridges" Video Worksheet
Social Studies - Olympic Ski Jumping Worksheet (SALMON) and Ski Jumping Math (MOOSE, ELK, and POLAR BEAR)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday, February 19th

Reading I and II - Independent Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - None
Social Studies - Olympic Ski Jumping Worksheet (SALMON) and Ski Jumping Math (MOOSE, ELK, and POLAR BEAR)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday, February 18th

Reading I and II - Inquiry Process and Independent Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - "Ketchup" Day
Social Studies - Ski Jumping Math (SALMON, MOOSE, ELK, and POLAR BEAR)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday, February 17th

Reading I and II - Vocabulary Challenge and Independent Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - "Ketchup" Day
Social Studies - Ski Jumping Math (SALMON, MOOSE, and ELK) and Ski Jumping Worksheet (POLAR BEAR)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday, February 16th

Reading I and II - SP pages 47-48 & 49-50 and Independent Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - Bridge Type Identification
Social Studies - Ski Jumping Math (SALMON, MOOSE, and ELK) and Ski Jumping Worksheet (POLAR BEAR)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday, February 15th

Reading I and II - Independent Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - "Push + Pull = Bridge" Cloze Activity
Social Studies - Ski Jumping Math (SALMON & MOOSE) and Ski Jumping Worksheet (ELK & POLAR BEAR)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Friday, February 12th

Reading I and II - Independent Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - Notecard Beam Bridge Questions (DUE MONDAY)
Social Studies - Ski Jumping Math (SALMON & MOOSE) and Ski Jumping Worksheet (ELK & POLAR BEAR)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday, February 11th

Reading I and II - SP pgs. 37-38, Vocabulary Challenge, and Inquiry Process
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - Notecard Beam Bridge Questions
Social Studies - Ski Jumping Math (SALMON & MOOSE) and Ski Jumping Worksheet (ELK & POLAR BEAR)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday, February 10th

Reading I and II - SP pgs. 33-34, 35-36, Meet Author/Illustrator, and Independent Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - NONE
Social Studies - Ski Jumping Math (SALMON) and Ski Jumping Worksheet (MOOSE, ELK, and POLAR BEAR GROUPS)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Independent Reading Book Packet

Book Packet

Independent Reading

Reminder: From now on any Independent Reading book needs to be within a student's Lexile range. I am doing this to help students find reading books that are at an appropriate level for them. Every book from the Middle-School Library has a Lexile numbered assigned to it. But, if a student reads a book that does not have a number for it please use the link below to help determine if it is in their range or not. Please check with me if you are unsure whether a book is acceptable or not. Thanks!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday, February 8th

Reading I and II - Find an Independent Reading Book in Lexile Range
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - Art Nouveau Architecture Worksheet
Social Studies - Ski Jumping Worksheet (SALMON, MOOSE, ELK, and POLAR BEAR GROUPS)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday, February 5th

Reading I and II - Ancestry Questions and Independent Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - Gothic Architecture Worksheet and/or LE #7 Recording Sheet
Social Studies - Ski Jumping Worksheet (SALMON, MOOSE, ELK, and POLAR BEAR GROUPS)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday, February 4th

Reading I and II - Inquiry Process (SP pg. 9) and Independent Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - Gothic Architecture Worksheet and/or LE #7 Recording Sheet
Social Studies - Ski Jumping Worksheet (SALMON, MOOSE, and ELK GROUPS)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday, February 3rd

Reading I and II - Vocab. Practice Wksht, Comprehension Skills Wksht, and Independent Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - Roman Architecture Worksheet
Social Studies - Ski Jumping Worksheet (SALMON & MOOSE GROUPS)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday, February 2nd

Reading I and II - SP pg. 21-22 and Independent Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - Greek and Byzantine Architecture Worksheets
Social Studies - Ski Jumping Worksheet (SALMON & MOOSE GROUPS)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday, February 1st

Reading I and II - SP pg. 19-20 and Independent Reading
***Unit 4 Independent Reading is Due Friday, March 5th***
6E & 6T Science - LE #7 Worksheet
Social Studies - Ski Jumping Worksheet (SALMON GROUP)