Classroom Resources

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Thursday 08/31 Reading - Guidelines for Literacy Block

Purpose:  I can understand and follow our Guidelines for Literacy Block.

  • Guideline 1—You must always be reading a book or writing your thoughts about your reading. 
  • Guideline 2—You need to be working silently to enable you and your peers to do your best thinking.
  • Guideline 3—When conferring with the teacher, use a soft voice.
  • Guideline 4—Select books you think you’ll enjoy and abandon books that aren’t working for you after you’ve given them a good chance.
  • Guideline 5—Record the book information when you finish a book.
  • Guideline 6—Always do your best work.

Thursday 08/31 The Leader in Me - The Physical Environment

Purpose:  I can think about the design, layout, and organization of the classroom’s physical environment to inspire students and encourage learning.
  1. Whole Group: The Physical Environment
  2. Small Group: Inspirational Quotes
  3. Individual Practice: Redesign the Classroom

Thursday 08/31 Writing - Two True, One False

Purpose: I can use correct punctuation and capitalization to write about myself.
  1. Whole Group: "Two True, One False" Activity
  2. Independent Writing:
    • On the next blank page in your Writing Notebook, write three statements.
    • You must write TWO true statements and ONE false statement.
    • Use correct punctuation and capitalization in each sentence.
  3. Extension: Practice your punctuation skills:

Thursday 08/31 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Turn in any forms/paperwork to Mr. Erickson:
    • Chromebook Contract
    • Early Dismissal Form
    • Safety Patrol permission slip
  2. Check your band lesson time for today.
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Read and comprehend "Hide-and-Seek" at ReadWorksDigital.
  5. Free read or write silently.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wednesday 08/30 Literacy Block - Punctuation

Purpose: I can communicate information about myself through my writing.
  1. Finish nameless profile rough draft . Be sure to do your best writing using correct punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and complete sentences.
  2. Type your rough draft onto the Google Doc using your Chromebook.
  3. Proofread your nameless profile and fix mistakes as you read and reread.
  4. Search for images that represent you and the things you talked about in your profile.
  5. Practice your punctuation skills:
***We will be printing our Nameless profiles from 11:30 - 12:00***

Wednesday 08/30 The Leader in Me - The Emotional Environment

Purpose:  I prepare myself to develop as a leader by learning to recognize the social cues of others.
  1. Whole Group:  The Emotional Environment
  2. Small Group Practice: Emotional Guess-tures
    • happy
    • sad
    • angry
    • afraid
    • ashamed
    • etc.
  3. Individual Practice: Name That Feeling

Wednesday 08/30 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your HomeLink 1-2 for the Homework Checker
  2. Have your Library Check-Out materials ready
  3. Practice vocabulary at FreeRice (FOLLOW THE LINK)

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tuesday 08/29 Reading - Practice Connections

Purpose: I can identify connections I make while I read to help me become a better reader.
  1. Whole Group:  Reading is Thinking - Connections
  2. Independent Practice:  What connections do you make while you are reading?
    • Text t0 Self
    • Text to World
    • Text to Text
  3. Nameless Profile:
    • Type your rough draft onto the template using your Chromebook.
    • Proofread your nameless profile and fix mistakes as you read and reread.
    • Search for images that represent you and the things you talked about in your profile.
  4. Independent Reading

Tuesday 08/29 The Leader in Me - The Maturity Continuum

Purpose:  I prepare myself to develop as a leader by learning about the Maturity Continuum.
  1. Whole Group:  The Maturity Continuum
  2. Small Group: Dependency Independency, and Interdependency examples.
  3. Individual Practice: The Great Thaw of Frozen Freda
    • How did Freda grow and mature as a person?
    • How can you use what you learned in your own life?

Tuesday 08/29 Writing - The Frog Prince Continued

Purpose:  I can begin thinking about and writing retold fairy tales.
  1. Whole Group: "The Frog Prince Continued"
  2. Writers  should feel inspired to write freely and daily about things that interest you.
  3. Independent Writing Time:  Retelling Fairy Tales

Tuesday 08/29 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Turn in your "By the Numbers" Homework to the Small Group Table.
  2. Turn in any forms/paperwork to Mr. Erickson:
    • Chromebook Contract
    • Early Dismissal Form
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Read and comprehend "Freaky Frogs" at ReadWorksDigital.
  5. Free read or write silently.
***Fire Drill @ 8:15***

Monday, August 28, 2017

Monday 08/28 Reading - Reading is Thinking

Purpose: I can identify things that I think about while I read to help me become a better reader.
  1. Whole Group:  Reading is Thinking
  2. Independent Practice:  What do you think about while you are reading?
  3. Nameless Profile:
    • Type your rough draft onto the template using your Chromebook.
    • Proofread your nameless profile and fix mistakes as you read and reread.
    • Search for images that represent you and the things you talked about in your profile.
  4. Independent Reading

Monday 08/28 The Leader in Me - 7 Habits Overview

Purpose:  I can become a better leader by reviewing the 7 Habits.

  1. Whole Group:  7 Habits Overview
  2. Small Group: "Sneak a Peek" Game
  3. Individual Practice: "Wooden" Video
    • Write three ways you saw the 7 Habits being used in the video.
    • How can you use what you learned in your own life?

Monday 08/28 Writing - The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs

Purpose:  I can begin thinking about and writing retold fairy tales.
  1. Whole Group: "The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs"
  2. Writers  should feel inspired to write freely and daily about things that interest you.
  3. Independent Writing Time:  Ideas for Retelling Fairy Tales

Monday 08/28 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Review your Leadership Job to see what you are responsible for this week.
  2. Turn in any forms/paperwork to Mr. Erickson:
    • Chromebook Contract
    • Early Dismissal Form
  3. Have your Writing materials ready.
  4. Join ReadWorks Digital:
  5. Read and comprehend "Boxcar Tommy and the Racer Gang" at ReadWorksDigital.
  6. Free read or write silently.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday 08/25 Reading - Dear Future Students

Purpose:  I can learn more about Mr. Erickson and his classroom by reading and responding to text.

  1. Read and understand "Dear Future Student" letters.
  2. Respond to the text using a 3-2-1 format:
    • Record THREE things you learned from reading the letters.
    • Record TWO things that you found interesting and that you'd like to learn more about.
    • Record ONE question you still have about the content.
  3. Be prepared to share & discuss your responses.
  4. Independent Reading time.

Friday 08/25 - Learning Style Inventory and On-the-Spot Partners

Purpose: I can learn about my learning style by truthfully answering questions about myself as a student.
  1. Minilesson:  Learning Style Inventory
  2. Independent Practice:  Record your learning style, and read about your results.
  3. Whole Group:  Determine On-the-Spot Partners
    • Partner #4 - Same Learning Style
    • Partner #5 - Different Learning Style
    • Partner #3 - Same Favorite Subject
    • Partner #6 - Different Favorite Subject
    • Partner #7 - Free Choice

Friday 08/25 Writing - Nameless Profile Activity

Purpose: I can communicate information about myself through my writing.
  1. Nameless Profile Example
  2. Create your outline, be sure to include as many details as you can without revealing yourself.
  3. Use your outline to create a written profile about yourself. Be sure to do your best writing using correct capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and complete sentences.
  4. Type your rough draft onto the template using your Chromebook.
  5. Proofread your nameless profile and fix mistakes as you read and reread.
  6. Search for images that represent you and the things you talked about in your profile.

Friday 08/25 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your SIGNED Chromebook Contract for the Homework Checker.
  2. Turn in any forms/paperwork to Mr. Erickson
  3. Practice solving Nameless Profiles:
    • Open in your browser
    • Enter the 6-digit game code 778638, and click "Proceed"
    • Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
    • You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!
***At 8:00 we will checkout our Chromebooks in the Media Center***

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thursday 08/24 Literacy Block - Nameless Profile Activity

Purpose: I can communicate information about myself through my writing.
  1. Nameless Profile Example
  2. Create your outline, be sure to include as many details as you can without revealing yourself.
  3. Use your outline to create a written profile about yourself. Be sure to do your best writing using correct capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and complete sentences.
  4. Type your rough draft onto the template using your Chromebook.
  5. Proofread your nameless profile and fix mistakes as you read and reread.
  6. Search for images that represent you and the things you talked about in your profile.
  7. Independent Reading @ 11:30

Thursday 08/24 - Chromebook Set-Up and Scavenger Hunt

  1. Chromebook Set-Up: 5P and 5E @ 8:20 in Media Center
    • Choose the network: Chromebook 
    • Enter the password: joinacsd 
    • Enter your email and password. 
  2. Independent Practice: Chromebook Scavenger Hunt
  3. Extension Tasks:
  4. Whole Group: 5E Student Contract for Chromebook Use

Thursday 08/24 Morning Warm-Up

  1. Display your Independent Reading book for the Homework Checker.
  2. Turn in any forms/paperwork to Mr. Erickson
  3. Create your Chromebook case nametag:
    • Fold the notecard in half (hamburger style)
    • Clearly and neatly write your first and last name
    • Include "5th Grade: Erickson"
    • Illustrate to personalize
  4. On a post-it note, start brainstorming our class expectations for Chromebooks.
***At 8:15 we will join Mr. Petersen's class in the Media Center to set-up our Chromebooks.***