Classroom Resources

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Revolutionary War Small Group Book Agenda

  1. Complete the day's reading assignment and your literature circle job(s) using the Calendar and Google Doc to guide you.
  2. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  3. Practice February's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.
  4. Check out our previous Animoto Book Trailers and complete the Animoto Book Trailer Recording Sheet.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Inquiry Research Day #1

  1. Before we begin working with our Inquiry Groups we are going to brainstorm topics that we are each interested in that are related to Forces of Nature.
  2. As a group, share your topics and then create THREE questions that could serve as the focus of your research.
  3. Search and explore all questions!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday 02/02 Whole Group Reading Activity

  1. Read Theme Reader pages 208 - 219 with your Inquiry Group.  While you are reading find text evidence that answers "How does climate change affect Earth?" AND "How does the changing Earth affect living things?"  Be sure that everyone is recording the text evidence you find.
  2. Read Informational Text Packet pages 44-45 then complete the "Dictionary" activity on page 46.
  3. Free read for ATLEAST 15 minutes.
  4. Practice February's N.T.F Words at Spelling City.