Classroom Resources

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday, February 25th

Writing - We started our new Non-Fiction unit today by seeing a question-and-answer example text and by listing some topics we wonder about.

Reading - Today we continued sharing our Unit 5 Inquiry Presentations, hopefully we can finish sharing them tomorrow.  Homework:  Free Reading (25 Minutes)

Math - HomeLink #25 (Multiplication)

Science - Homework: FINISH your Weather Project investigations: Parent Presentations on Tuesday, March 4th.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 21st

Writing - Today we took some time to finish reading "Watsons"

Reading - Today we watched the "Watsons" Video and completed some comprehension activities.  Homework:  Free Reading (25 Minutes) and FINISH the letter to Christopher Paul Curtis.

Math - We finished our progress assessment for Unit 8 (Fractions): NO HOMEWORK

Science - Homework: Continue your Weather Project investigations: Parent Presentations on Tuesday, March 4th.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, February 19th

Writing - No Writing: Late Start Schedule.

Reading - We made connection to our theme vocabulary by using Padlet.  Homework:  Free Reading (25 Minutes).

Math - We practicing dividing fractions today.  Homework: HomeLink #30 (Simplifying) and StudyLink 8.12

Science - We continued our weather investigations today, some groups got a chance to meet with a weather expert about water, ice & snow, weather effects on animals, natural disasters, and flooding.

Unit 5 Theme Vocabulary

Unit 5 Theme Vocabulary Padlet

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, February 7th

Writing - Today we finished publishing our fiction drafts, we will begin sharing them next week.

Reading - We worked on summarizing today by identifying the characters, setting, plot, and describing words for our whole group selection, Brothers, and our small group selections.  Homework:  Free Reading (25 Minutes).

Math - We continued practicing multiplying fractions today.  Homework: Multiplying Fractions Worksheet--BE SURE TO SIMPLIFY!

Science - We took a break from investigating and transferred our weather web into an electronic version using our Chromebooks.  We will continue learning about our weather topics next week.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday, February 6th

Writing - Today we continued publishing our fiction drafts using our new Chromebooks, most students will finish by tomorrow so we will begin sharing them next week.

Reading - Homework:  Free Reading (25 Minutes).

Math - We completed "fraction of" problems and practiced multiplying fractions today.  Homework: Problem Solving Packet pg. 10

Science - We continued investigating our topic, we will continue this through the week.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday, February 5th

Writing - Late Start Schedule: No Writing.

Reading - We began our next Inquiry Project by investigating events that have shaped America, such as the gold rush, immigration, the civil rights movement, and others.  We will continue working on this over the next few weeks. Homework:  Free Reading (25 Minutes).

Math - Today we learned how to use a calculator to help us add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers.  Homework: HomeLink #24

Science - Today we discussed ways to represent our learning for the Weather Project then we continued investigating our topic, we will continue this through the week.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, February 4th

Writing - Today we had to take time to set up our Chromebooks before we could use them today, but we did try to squeeze in a little time for publishing our fiction stories.

Reading - Homework:  Finish your Small Group Reading assignment and Free Reading (25 Minutes).

Math - Today we practiced ordering & comparing fractions and learned how to play a math game that we will use in our lesson tomorrow:  NO HOMEWORK.

Science - Today we continued investigating our weather project topic, we will continue this through the week.