Classroom Resources

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday, October 30th

Writing - NO Writing: Late Start Schedule

Reading - Small Group Reading Assignment (Compare & Contrast), P.C. pages 194-195 & 196, and Free Reading

Math - Multiplication Worksheet (With Decimals)

Social Studies - Today we continued learning about explorers of the New World by completing a visual organizer.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday, October 29th

Writing - Today we continued exploring and writing personal narratives by reading another excerpt from Jerry Spinelli's Knots in My YoYo String.

Reading - Small Group Reading Assignment, P.C. pages 186, 188, 189, 192-193 and Free Reading

Math - StudyLink 5.2

Social Studies - Today we continued learning about explorers of the New World by completing a visual organizer.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday, October 28th

Writing - Today we continued exploring and writing personal narratives by reading another excerpt from Jerry Spinelli's Knots in My YoYo String.

Reading - Read Theme Reader pages 132-139 and Free Reading

Math - "Green" Problem Solving Packet pages 24-25

Social Studies - Today we continued learning about explorers of the New World by playing a game using the matrices we created on Friday.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday, October 15th

Writing - Today we continued publishing our drafts,  please finish typing these at home if possible.  We will share them on Thursday and Friday.

Reading - Inquiry Research and Free Reading

Math - HomeLink #16 (Multiplication)

Social Studies - Today we began "exploring" a sunken ship, finding objects & artifacts that were important to the explorers of the New World.  Students should finish defining the following words:  New World, explorer, astrolabe, cash crop, Age of Exploration, archaeologist, the Americas, and nation state.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday, October 11th

Writing - Today we began publishing our drafts, students are able to work on these at home through their school supplied Google Drive account; we will continue working on these over the next few days and will share them at the end of next week.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 146-147 & 151, Inquiry Research, and Free Reading

Math - "Green" Problem Solving Packet pages 22-23

Science - Today we completed the Physical Science Benchmark QuickWrites.  Students should finish their playground design showing examples of simple machines.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday, October 10th

Writing - Today we began publishing our drafts, students are able to work on these at home through their school supplied Google Drive account; we will continue working on these over the next few days and will share them at the end of next week.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 141, 144-145, & 150, Inquiry Research, and Free Reading

Math - Today we completed the Unit 3 Progress Assessment: No Homework.

Science - Today we completed the Simple Machines Chapter Test.  Students should finish their playground design showing examples of simple machines.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wednesday, October 9th

Writing - Late Start Schedule: No Writing.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 138 & 140, Inquiry Research, and Free Reading

Math - HomeLink #15 (Place Value)

Science - Students need to complete the Conclusion & Review found on textbook pages 160 & 161.  We also worked on the Simple Machines Study Guide: TEST TOMORROW.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tuesday, October 8th

Writing - Today we took a break from our draft to work on our Grammar Skills Packet.  Students should complete Past, Present, and Future Tense (Rule #7).

Reading - Practice Companion pages 106 & 107, Inquiry Research, and Free Reading

Math - HomeLink #14 (Place Value)

Science - We continued creating a playground design that incorporates examples of simply machines.  We also worked on the Simple Machines Study Guide: TEST ON THURSDAY.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday, October 7th

Writing - We continued the writing process conferring with our writing partners and discussing ways to improve the draft, we will begin publishing this week.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 113 & 123 and Free Reading

Math - HomeLink #13 (Multiplication)

Science - We continued creating a playground design that incorporates examples of simply machines; Simple Machines Test on Thursday.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday, October 4th

Writing - We continued the writing process conferring with our writing partners and discussing ways to improve the draft, we will editing & revising next week.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 120-121 & 122 and Free Reading

Math - Problem Solving Packet pages 20 & 21 and StudyLink 3.8

Science - Today we learned about simple machines as everyday tools.  We also discussed our next activity of creating a playground design that incorporates examples of simply machines, we will continue working on this next week.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thursday, October 3rd

Writing - We continued the writing process by adding descriptive details about sound, sight, smell, and taste to our draft, we will continue this tomorrow.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 115 & 118-119 and Free Reading

Math - HomeLink #12 (Place Value)

Science - Today we continued learning about simple machines: screw, wedge, wheel & axle, and pulley.  Students need to complete Physical Science Packet page 56 (Simple Machines 4.3).

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wednesday, October 2nd

Writing - Students should be working on finishing their first drafts of their story to continue publishing this week.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 112 & 114 and Free Reading

Math - HomeLink #11 (Prime & Composite)

Science - Today we began learning about simple machines: lever and inclined plane.  We will continue this lesson tomorrow: No Homework.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, October 1st

Writing - Today we learned about verbs: action, helping, and linking.  They should be working on finishing their first drafts of their story to continue publishing on Thursday.

Reading - Practice Companion pages 95 & 105 and Free Reading

Math - HomeLink #10 (Multiplication)

Science - Today we investigated the amount of force needed to move objects over different textures. Students need to complete Physical Science Packet pages 189-192 for homework.